Future Project: Brewing Injectable Oxandrolone -Seeking Community Input-

what about the half life or clearance similar to injectable winstrol?
you'd like to minimize half life? Rapid clearance?

gonna be hard to best this....

No nasty solvents needed.
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I do sincerely appreciate OP’s thinking and goals with the injectable anavar and as a huge fan of anavar, I am sympathetic to the idea of an Anavar+. As a few people have called out though, Anavar is extraordinarily bioavailable to the point of rounding error differences, and its effect on the liver/lipids will likely be little adjusted.

I think there’s been a lot of promotion of the idea that injection is always better when oftentimes it just doesn’t matter frankly.
you'd like to minimize half life? Rapid clearance?
or the opposite or however injectable winstrol works. i have read that injectable starts showing results by the time you are ready for third injection compared to oral winstrol which takes 2 weeks.
or the opposite or however injectable winstrol works. i have read that injectable starts showing results by the time you are ready for third injection compared to oral winstrol which takes 2 weeks.
Which? The old suspension or the newer UG stanozolol solution equivalent to what's termed by many as TNE?

They will have different PK profiles.

The oxandrolone and stanozolol troches I've used kick in rapidly; you are transferring the active drug I to the in the bloodstream via the buccal mucosa.
that i do not know, sorry. just read it elsewhere and was curious about it.
The solution sometimes found on the UG was never available as a pharma product. The only pharma products IIRC were oral tabs and the Winstrol-V aqueous suspension.

I'm not a fan of the solvents often used to make 17-aa AAS soluble in an oil based formulation.
The only pharma products IIRC were oral tabs
i know it was prescribed for angioedema in humans

the Winstrol-V aqueous suspension.
but what was it prescribed for in animals? i see mixed answers. some say for chronic kidney failure and some say for amenia.

I'm not a fan of the solvents often used to make 17-aa AAS soluble in an oil based formulation.
you mean solvents like eo?
i know it was prescribed for angioedema in humans

but what was it prescribed for in animals? i see mixed answers. some say for chronic kidney failure and some say for amenia.

you mean solvents like eo?
EO, guiacol, whatever other crap UGLs throw in to get the 17-AA AAS into solution.

Oxandrolone and stanozolol were never formulated by Pharma to be an oil based injectable solution.
I read your comment and no reason to use injectable "var". Retarded. Injectable var, not you.

Recipe? Solvents?
Idk because I never ordered it. I think it’s dosed at 50mg per ml. But not sure on the solvents.

I’ve found that all oral steroids cause heartburn and more importantly they turn the oil glands in my face on full blast. Like oily like a teenager!

However, if I use the injectable version I don’t get the increase in oil production. So I rarely use orals.

Proviron is the worst at cranking up oil production. It’s horrible. But all others do it too. Just slightly less oil production.

I do like orals turned in to injectable oil or water based for preworkout use. I get significant results from them. I wish I could use orals more. Especially Proviron because it makes me feel great minus the shiny, oily face.
The issue with injectable orals lies in the fact that a significant number of metabolites, which would normally be produced through hepatic processing, are bypassed. Essentially, compounds like Anadrol or Superdrol etc etc undergo a fundamentally different pharmacokinetic profile when administered via injection.

For instance, take Anadrol—it undergoes conversion into a highly potent DHT derivative. However, when administered via injection, it remains uncertain whether this metabolic transformation will still occur in the same manner.

What I have observed, however, is that when taking oral steroids alongside oral BPC-157, I experience absolutely no gastrointestinal discomfort.
The issue with injectable orals lies in the fact that a significant number of metabolites, which would normally be produced through hepatic processing, are bypassed. Essentially, compounds like Anadrol or Superdrol etc etc undergo a fundamentally different pharmacokinetic profile when administered via injection.

For instance, take Anadrol—it undergoes conversion into a highly potent DHT derivative. However, when administered via injection, it remains uncertain whether this metabolic transformation will still occur in the same manner.

What I have observed, however, is that when taking oral steroids alongside oral BPC-157, I experience absolutely no gastrointestinal discomfort.
I'm really curious about the differences here between oral and injectable anadrol. @Type-IIx do you have any insight into this? I'm sure injectable anadrol hasn't really been used enough to have much info on but if you know anything maybe you could include it in your upcoming article