GE-TM Labs domestic shipping

Test p e and c are good d bol was good to early to tell on the the tren a and winny but im up 12lbs and lost body fat also :-)
A re-mailer ...

So, how are the products?

I only used Testomix.. Well, using it now..
Tren was good.. Mast P was good in past,
but I see Mast E, on there now

Using the var now (60mg/ed). Don't have any evidence or stats to back up the products efficacy. I've never used var before but there is def something in there besides filler. Similar sides to when ive used winny in the past. Pumps in forearms are pretty rough, none in the back like some have said. did a quick couple miles on the bike and it felt like my thighs and calves were going to explode. Sorry couldn't give you something more concrete.
Yah I did I was taking 50mg ed I have terrible heart burn and it waskilling me with the dbol crazy pumps though I have plenty left thinking of taking 20mgs a hour before work out even though im taking 50mg of winny
My lower back always feels tight, just from walking...On var that is...
how come the prices for the uk are more than on the website and twice that of the US price list ?
I never even knew about a website until few months ago..
I always went by email lists..

I am guessing the volume went up, that's why Domestic is cheaper now..
I guess I am not sure, but I did see Domestic cheaper than International
Anyone heard from Dave? I place a order for a couple hundred bucks a few days ago. Replied with the shipping info through e mail and PMed him on here. Havent heard anything back from him in days.
Just an FYI .....I have been following this thread from the get go and he seems to be a little slow in responding but from what I have seen you shouldn't become overly concerned. Be patient.

After lots of reading and lurking I finally felt most comfortable ordering with you guys looking forward to having as good an experience as everyone else!!

After lots of reading and lurking I finally felt most comfortable ordering with you guys looking forward to having as good an experience as everyone else!!

I haven't really heard of anyone having any issue with GETM products. I believe they are a small operation, so response time can be lacking at some points.

My next run will be with their products, and I plan keeping a log of my results.
I've had their sust in the past and was pleased.
I was very happy with their Shop Vac and other Handyman items..

I can't wait until their Bathroom line comes out.
I been really wanting that new Purple Daisy
Shower Curtain, for my relaxing bubble baths 8->
You didn't violate that shop vac did you ?
Return policy clearly states vacum must be returned undefialed.

After lots of reading and lurking I finally felt most comfortable ordering with you guys looking forward to having as good an experience as everyone else!!

Wow, now when you say "lots of reading and lurking", you really mean it! You've been a member since 2011, been reading and lurking since then, as this is your first post?! Damn bro, color me impressed - so much so that I just used the expression "color me impressed" (as I shake my head at myself).