Gear and competing


New Member
I’m new to powerlifting, competing, and gear. But I am trying to build further in this community, so respond or ignore. This has probably been asked before.

I’m currently looking to get a trainer or coach to help me compete in my first competition. Should I tell him I use PEDs?
How do i know which competitions are untested? I have no interest in being called cheater.
I currently run 100mg test e every 3 days I decided to cruise. I’m 33. What is a realistic “beginner” cycle to go on for strength. I’d still like to look pretty lean so a good diet will fall into play.

Anyway. Feel free to leave some advice to new person to this. Also help me not do any dumb shit while doin this. I can learn from you guys
There are tons of different PL federations and a lot of them do tested and non-tested events. Most of them explicitly state that they are drug tested.

As for a coach, yes you should tell them you aren't natural so that they can take that into consideration when doing your plan.
You need to peak for a PL meet, similar to a BB comp
As a powerlifter coach I suggest tell you coach always(!!) you're using PEDs. Although you are only using close to trt, this is information that your trainer should know.
I can't speak on the American federations, only the European ones, but the ones that are nationally approved are 99% sure to have doping tests.
The IPF is definitely a doping-tested federation. Any other version of the IPF implemented by any other national federation is also doping-tested.

Your cycle is good for a starting point. If you want to increase it, I would first maximise testosterone until you have no side effects. Then I would look for a secondary compound. It largely depends on your goals. If you want to increase the androgenic side in general, then masteron. If you don't have a problem with increased water retention and your joints could use a little extra support, then NPP.
Among other drugs, I would use Oxandrolone or Anadrol at most. Other than those, I would focus 100% on improving my overall health. Better sleep, better insulin sensitivity, better cardio, better blood pressure etc etc...
Gh, metformin, telmisartan, daily cardio...