
OK- I have gotten to know Gearline pretty well over the last 5 weeks , and not necessarily because he gave me free amps to test . We have PM"d back & forth ,I think he's the real deal , a guy who not only bodybuilds but saw a market in getting true pharma gear . He does not sell homebrew , hes not a brewer . He resells pharma gear from Europe , and takes pride in getting the best there is . His gear also passed all 3 of my Labmaxes , with strong colors .

Where he comes from giving out free samples is the normal , and a sign of generosity and honesty. He's Euro so he says things differently , but I trust him and am going to use him for myself . Ive had it with the lame UGL homebrewers , got burnt twice , actually 3 times and 2 infections . From now on If it dont come from a recognized pharmacy , either USA or Europe I dont want it .

Theres alot of sources/labs on Meso here that I think that need to be run off , I dont see Gearline as one of them least not yet.
Can't blame you for rejecting ugls. Just concerning for gl to be making mistakes so early in the game.
Gearline noted in the beginning that some of the early deca"s were expired and that others would be in 2015 . It was the buyers choice not to buy them . Those batches have been replaced by newer batch dates . All the decas Ive pinned/Labmaxed were the 2014 batch dates . I got zero swelling from all his gear . I also started having nightsweats 3 weeks after starting , I never knew deca to hit that early . Im impressed with the gear ....
Anything associated with Dylan Gemelli is going to be censored. Evo and EF are prime examples.
I did notice they push all the sarms and weird like prohormones. That being said I honestly never noticed if they remove stuff. Most of the members have been very cordial to me. Some guys are helpful and a lot of newbies but overall compared to other boards like elite fitness and Anabolex I think evo is up there as a decent board just my opinion. I personally think for training there is no better than iron den. I think people need to look at me and realize that I'm I the sport and enjoy it.
There's no doubt that there are some knowledge people on Evo. But it is heavily moderated. Anything negative you say about Sarms, especially Sarms1, or about the human vag, Dylan Gemelli, will be removed and you're likely to get bitched out by the human vag himself via PM.
I did notice they push all the sarms and weird like prohormones. That being said I honestly never noticed if they remove stuff. Most of the members have been very cordial to me. Some guys are helpful and a lot of newbies but overall compared to other boards like elite fitness and Anabolex I think evo is up there as a decent board just my opinion. I personally think for training there is no better than iron den. I think people need to look at me and realize that I'm I the sport and enjoy it.
Can you give me a little info on the human science line, never heard of them, tried googling but didnt find anything
Yeah well Im new to meso and have been given little respect brother but I will be getting some products soon just to contribute I'll write post mid cycle .
You get what you give and so far you've been a pain in everyone's ass. You don't selectively post or contribute anything meaningful. You literally just post for the sake of posting. You are like that youngest brother in a family with four kids yearning to be noticed. "Me, me, look at me. I want to be the center of attention and loved!"
Hey Gearline, where are you in the process of acquiring prop? Thought you said something about getting some the first of the year.
So explain to me about your purpose of this post . If your not gonna order move along slurp slurp your needed in Astros thread
so you cock suckers can chime in on my post just to talk shit bit get mad when in ask another member question so how about yall mind your own fuckkng business damn get my off dick moose knuckle
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Hey Gearline, there is a few changes happening. This is not a source board and millard has helpus see this. You are more than welcome ti leave an email and join in convos but NO MORE PICS AND PRICELISTS. Please stick around and join in the discussions. Im sure that you'll do just fine with the new changes. Have a good day