
Also pmd that wuss odie told him where to find me and he said he won't tell me who he is goes for the rest of the gay rods Brutus, cbs, ballz pm me feel free fags all talk hiding behind keyboards and fag boy ballz I think I know where you are down FL .. i don't want to waste my energy on you fucken retards.. now fuck off...
also glad this guy is getting under the gatroy avengers skin pussies ... what a joke this board is becoming ..

Shut the fuck up you unemployed loser.. Your broke ass couldn't even afford a plane ticket down here.. This guy was posting a few months ago he can't afford to buy gear which is why he took a stab at sourcing..

Where the fuck are your pics by the way big mouth? I've got dozens up all over the place, go find em..

Odie, this loser piece of shit isn't worth anything.. I hope you weren't serious about "meeting up" with him..
It doesn't even matter at this point, he sent out counterfeits and has proven to be a liar multiple times over. This isn't the type of source anyone should ever want to deal with.

Counterfeits makes him a FUCKING SCAM COCKSUCKER!!!!!!! OGH, fuck the testing bro, Gearline is done here. Enjoy the good shit you got and fuck the bullshit.
Thanks RockStar - and I want to thank everyone thats PM"d me and that back me , its alot more than I thought. I never wanted to get this ugly but my dad taught me not to be taunted and dont ever back down. They've picked the wrong person to intimidate.

I promised to test Gearline gear and thats what Im going to do , fulfill my mission . Several others (that have paid ) are also going to be doing bloodwork too so we can get a overall idea of different amps . Some might be good and some might be fakes but we wont know unless we test them .....
I think the difference is in how tests are done. No one should take free gear and think their feedback will be received well.

How ever we decide to go forward, we all need to know. I don't.
@brutus79 . I must have missed something. Why is it we have two respected members at each others throats? Is there factual evidence showing one of them is being deceptive to the community? If this is nothing more than you have decided you don't like each other than I suggest making your own thread where you can take shots at each other till your fingers bleed. The underground has become "Days Of Our Lives" and we have members turning against each other for different views on how it should be "run". Well I am about ready to abandon this sub forum as it seems to be falling apart. The underground was the reason I came to meso in the first place and may be the reason I leave.
Look at the post right below yours... he is still trying to help a guy who has sent counterfeits. It infuriates me.
A photo with a crying girl baby with no shirt bothers me- I have a fucking daughter. Google "adults crying" next time and spare everyone that shit. Bad enough we have to listen to your mouth.

Get used to em , got plenty more for you crybabies(and they are all from the shoulders up) and legal...
Thanks RockStar - and I want to thank everyone thats PM"d me and that back me , its alot more than I thought. I never wanted to get this ugly but my dad taught me not to be taunted and dont ever back down. They've picked the wrong person to intimidate.

I promised to test Gearline gear and thats what Im going to do , fulfill my mission . Several others (that have paid ) are also going to be doing bloodwork too so we can get a overall idea of different amps . Some might be good and some might be fakes but we wont know unless we test them .....
I'm not trying to intimidate you ogh... I don't give a fuck about you. I am just trying to make it very, very clear that you are acting in a very pro source fashion that has brought down many a member in my short time here. You really think the source needs help? Smh. Feed a homeless person.
Shut the fuck up you unemployed loser.. Your broke ass couldn't even afford a plane ticket down here.. This guy was posting a few months ago he can't afford to buy gear which is why he took a stab at sourcing..

Where the fuck are your pics by the way big mouth? I've got dozens up all over the place, go find em..

Odie, this loser piece of shit isn't worth anything.. I hope you weren't serious about "meeting up" with him..

Haha. He said that he trains with the 11th ranked UFC fighter. He is a kid for sure. I feel like posting our conversation. But, I wont. Even though I don't respect him. He did tell me where he lives and I wouldn't post that info even on an enemy.

It was entertaining though. I needed that after getting scammed this past week.
if the galenikas were bunk I was unaware honestly because no one said anything I can't research every single thing I do my best to provide good stuff.
Uhm..WHAT? I posted concerns about the known bad batch number way back in this thread, and you specifically posted a "labmax" (without B vial) on that exact batch! It's all here in the thread.. This was more than a month ago, you had plenty of time to test it properly and provide replacements but you didn't care.
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Thanks for the clarification. That clears much of it up for me. To be honest man... Almost none of what you just wrote to me came through clearly in the last 10 pages of back and forth with OGH/Source. I think a lot of people probably just read through and like me discount much of what you say because it comes off as completely unjustified attacks, which was kinda my point. When something seems unjustified, you wonder what the real motivation is. What you just wrote to me actually makes a lot of sense.

"In your one month here may may have missed some of the finer points."

"Why do I care so much? Because I was fucked by a few sources here BAD. Negative feedback was always squashed by the source and there were always vets backing the source- I wosh it had been this way instead of spending all my christmas present money on a pep bogo I just couldn't pass up."
Good reason

"Members being transparent? Huh- you must bond quickly... I have been here a year and really don't trust anyone. That attitude is going to cost you money."
Yes, I feel OGH has been transparent. He is getting ripped apart now for something everyone was praising him for doing in the beginning. We can differ in opinion on this one. To be honest, Few hundred bucks isnt a huge deal to me. Why I gave these guys a shot when they first came around. Have also spent a bunch on labmaxes to post for other members to make there own decision. Have been a long time reader here and want to contribute when I can.

"Clearly you don't know the whole story hear. Shamrock was chased out of here, he posted a list on evo and THE SAME DAY posted here as gearline with the exact same products and prices... the fact he poses as someone else when handwriting and writing style prove to me he is one and the same. This alone would be enough but he has known counterfeits on hand- scum, scum, scum."
This is good info to know and your concern seems much more valid now. I am sure many others dont know this backstory.

You first speak about how attacks and personal conversations "don't help you much" and a few sentences later you don't want help... you are worse than a woman. Make your fucking mind up.
Not sure what this means, but will say this post was much more helpful than any of your previous in this thread.

No hard feelings man. I am a reasonably intelligent guy, & just saying I got none of what you just wrote to me out of anything else you posted in this thread.
Haha. He said that he trains with the 11th ranked UFC fighter. He is a kid for sure. I feel like posting our conversation. But, I wont. Even though I don't respect him. He did tell me where he lives and I wouldn't post that info even on an enemy.

It was entertaining though. I needed that after getting scammed this past week.

I'm sure he did give you his real location, he's a desperate punk with nothing to lose..

I learned a long time ago to stay far far away from such people so I don't get roped up into that kind of pathetic existence.. All guys like him want is to pull you and everyone else down..

Check him out on TID, EVO, and his posts here.. He's a sleazy dumb fuck that nobody takes seriously anywhere.. He still thinks he can save his gearline handle and knows if he admits they're one in the same he'll be 10 feet below where he is already. He knows he has a garbage reputation everywhere as "shamrockbear".. Another problem is he's not very bright, he doesn't realize this is already over.. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread went on for another whole week before it's sinks into his thick head.
i can't believe this guy is still around, that really takes some nerve...
it's been almost a year since i last saw his handle, then poof reappearance... didn't he fuck up enough the first time around? damn, pathetic

trying to take advantage of our guys is a no no
also it really ticks me off to see two members i look to for advice and confide in for honest feed back to be going head to head. Dosen't make us look too good, there are some valid points made...but this needs to fizzle out
Why dont YOU take the "leap of faith" and send a trusted vet a 12-week cycle for FREE and let him decide if its legit or not . Theres alot of fake Hella's and Organons out there .......~Ogh
For those detracting from my performance in this thread this is ogh's first post... and my second. I tend to get more snippy when things drag out. I can't fucking believe gearline is still here, and whether ogh did it on purpose or not (and I don't think he did) the Only Reason the guy is still here is waiting on vet bloodtests so he can somehow lend credence to his presence here. Accepting free samples Is like taking a rent payment... it makes them feel they belong here.

I am done in this thread for now... but when I smell singed flesh and hair from people getting burned I will be back like a wild dog with "I told you so" tattooed on my eyeballs.
I'm gonma go out on a limb here- this is bunk shit. Greek deca was pulled from granabolic because it was bunk, norma amps are primarily bunk and often counterfeit, this guys stash is smaller than mine, he has the english la guage skills of shamrockbear and even if that fucking faggot shows up I don't give a fuck what he says.


this is seriously insulting.
my PM box is stuffed full of anti-CBS and Brutus opponents . Most of them are sick of watching their attacks of guys that differ with their view .

Sure it is. I don't know why people even use that tired line. No one believes it and you can't prove it, so what's the point? It just makes you look desperate.

They are hypocrites , both of em , go back a year in Meso here and you will see they were both big source supporters , and they got burnt repeatedly .

Consider this an official challenge: Show me ONE post where I've SUPPORTED a source. Just one post and I'll leave Meso forever.

You've been called out, OGH. Lets see if you're man enough to back up your bullshitt or apologize.

Now they got new sources , but they wont share and they want you to go elsewhere to source , not in their neighborhood. Hypocrites.

Once again, OGH shows he got he shitty end of the stick when they were handing out brains.

And while we are at it , whats with these avatars ? Keith Richards ? The Joker ? Are you two serious , thats the best you can do to impress us ? I guess when you cant throw up a muscle shot of your own you turn to celebrities , a burnt out rockstar and a dead actor imitating a psychopath . Losers....

I guess if I wanted to look like a wannabe thug, I could put up a picture wearing some stupid looking stocking hat. Or are you trying to hide a chrome dome? LMFAO
Thanks RockStar - and I want to thank everyone thats PM"d me and that back me , its alot more than I thought. I never wanted to get this ugly but my dad taught me not to be taunted and dont ever back down. They've picked the wrong person to intimidate.

I promised to test Gearline gear and thats what Im going to do , fulfill my mission . Several others (that have paid ) are also going to be doing bloodwork too so we can get a overall idea of different amps . Some might be good and some might be fakes but we wont know unless we test them .....
I'm not entirely sure why anyone feels they need to PM OGH with their support instead of just writing it on the board, I sincerely hope it's not because they have some sort of fear of backlash from Brutus or CBS or someone else... I can assure they would much rather speak your mind than hold back, just as they do in the open.

OGH, while I STRONGLY disagree with you (or anyone) taking free gear for testing, this could've ended or been diminished long ago with a different kind of discussion. I know Brutus is in part to blame, as he gets heated, especially when you egg him on and you enjoy doing that. But I have looked up to you in the few months I've been here and every time someone brings up a point about this, you turn it in to a joke. Maybe people would have an easier time accepting your difference of opinion if you would allow some validity to theirs


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