General pct question


Tanked my e2 prior to pct on accident. Started pct with a tt of 200 and e2 of <5. Pct is as follow.
Clomid 100 50 50 25
Torem 60 60 60 60 40 20
Here's where my ? Comes in. First 2 weeks of pct balls return and morning wood returns but only 90% erections but overall all is good. Week 3 no morning wood and 25% erections with very limited sensitivity down there. Here is where I'm confused. Is the sudden increase in lh, fsh, and tt also lead to an increased e2? This would only make sense that your would start aromatizing as soon as your T production restarts. So basically is my problem e2 or just the fact the clomid Clomid and torem are killing my libido? I don't want to take ai and risk tanking e2 again if its not in fact an e2 problem.