MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

dirt come on mate, you can’t expect me to give store credit for blind testing the same product 5 times from same batch, that is not how it works. I think rest will agree.
there are multiple sources on here who offer credit for testing the same product from the same batch. you can argue that they can afford to do so because they have a higher profit margin but the fact is that youre not going to be handing out store credit left and right.

how many people on here have posted blind tests for your products? of those tests how many have been for the same product? even when you look at blind tests for other sources, prior to all the glp stuff the top tested products are:
1. test, which is cheap enough to offer store credit for
2. primo which you dont offer
3. hgh which is sold by many other sources on here with a proven track record.
dirt come on mate, you can’t expect me to give store credit for blind testing the same product 5 times from same batch, that is not how it works. I think rest will agree.
I never once said that. I said that i didnt realize that each batch could be blind tested.. How are we supposed to differentiate what product is from what batch? None of your products that i have recieved have a batch number..So you are on the same batch of tb500 from when you started??? Same bat h of bpc157? I recall a couole of months ago you stating that you were going to have to make a new batch. Are you going to announce when new batches of everything is being made.. And we just trust you to do this?? Listen Marcus I am surely not trying to be unreasonable or on your case.. I am simply a customer of yours trying to do my part in helping the community of meso members ensure that you are held to a standard.. yes you test concentration of your product which is the very basic thing that anyone can get right in the production if AAS. I did mention that there are other test that can be performed for the safety of the community.. Do you mind sharing with the community just how many blind test have been submitted that you have had to credit?? I can tell you from where I'm looking not very many. Just curious if you will share what products are eligible for blind testing credit and what kind of stock you have left for thise eligible products.. whi h products are not eligible for blind testing credit and the stock remaining on those. You talk of great customer service. . Let's see some service besides "I'll take your money and send you products" This is not me being rude in any way and certainly not my intention if you feel that I am. You did lower your prices here a while back. You are at a pricepoint that is I'm sure keeping you selling your products as fast as you can make them.. I am impressed. I want to stay impressed..
Peace Dawg!!
I never once said that. I said that i didnt realize that each batch could be blind tested.. How are we supposed to differentiate what product is from what batch? None of your products that i have recieved have a batch number..So you are on the same batch of tb500 from when you started??? Same bat h of bpc157? I recall a couole of months ago you stating that you were going to have to make a new batch. Are you going to announce when new batches of everything is being made.. And we just trust you to do this?? Listen Marcus I am surely not trying to be unreasonable or on your case.. I am simply a customer of yours trying to do my part in helping the community of meso members ensure that you are held to a standard.. yes you test concentration of your product which is the very basic thing that anyone can get right in the production if AAS. I did mention that there are other test that can be performed for the safety of the community.. Do you mind sharing with the community just how many blind test have been submitted that you have had to credit?? I can tell you from where I'm looking not very many. Just curious if you will share what products are eligible for blind testing credit and what kind of stock you have left for thise eligible products.. whi h products are not eligible for blind testing credit and the stock remaining on those. You talk of great customer service. . Let's see some service besides "I'll take your money and send you products" This is not me being rude in any way and certainly not my intention if you feel that I am. You did lower your prices here a while back. You are at a pricepoint that is I'm sure keeping you selling your products as fast as you can make them.. I am impressed. I want to stay impressed..
Peace Dawg!!
Batch # on labels is a good idea
well so far we only had positive feedbacks on our peptides especially tb500 frag, people loves it.. gonna produce some more soon though
@GenericAsia this is a post from you back in the first part of the month of June so 3 months ago where you said you were going to produce some more tb500 "soon" so did you ever produce that new batch? If so the new blind test should be credited for the new batch right??
@GenericAsia this is a post from you back in the first part of the month of June so 3 months ago where you said you were going to produce some more tb500 "soon" so did you ever produce that new batch? If so the new blind test should be credited for the new batch right??
I guess he is commenting here and there about new batches but we have no way to know when a new batch is being sold.

@GenericAsia on your price list, can you start putting what batch is being sold at that time? Can you code the batches somehow and also label the vials with the batch number?
The labels are a good idea, but really mean nothing.

They could just put "batch 1" and leave it there for months, even if new batches were already produced

The best way to ensure quality is more HPLC testing
The labels are a good idea, but really mean nothing.

They could just put "batch 1" and leave it there for months, even if new batches were already produced

The best way to ensure quality is more HPLC testing
Well, that would come down too if you trust this source at all. If you think they would do that with batch numbers then why would you trust them not to just send you random product labeled as whatever they want? I think you're splitting hairs because there has to be some level of trust in a source that you are willing to purchase from. I think batches and batch numbers on vials is a good idea. If a source were to start messing with batches and batch numbers like you say, they will get caught up in that or some other thing and we'll see their true colors. At this point I don't see any reason to think GA would monkey with batch numbers.
Why buy from GENERIC ASIA?

  • No hidden fees
  • No insurances fee for reship orders
  • Best Customer service it’s a big priority
  • Best Communication with customers
  • High quality products, cheap prices
  • Lab results available for all our product
  • You pay for the products price and no other hidden fees
  • shipping cost 35$ up to 2kg - can’t get cheaper
  • All emails replied within 3-5 hours, payment collection within the day,
  • Your one stop shop to go.
  • Fast delivery and guaranteed delivery.
Lab results for all products except Drol?! Am I missing the lab test for Drol or is there just not one?? I know numerous people asked for it to be tested with the last batch of products you sent in, but you keep ignoring the request for it to be tested.