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This. All this. But important to note that the true TB frag us a much much shorter have life so requires much more frequent injections vs full frag that can be 2-3 times a week

I think it's the opposite. Frag 17 - 23 frag has the long half life.

You are correct. Frag 17-23 has the long half life and dose 2-3 times a week.

When researching all 3 TB variants, I was taking notes on physical paper. Next to TB500 Frag (17-23), I wrote "more stable."

No idea the source of that information but it could mean longer half-life.
This is probably the closest you're gonna get (ref).
This study(pdf attached). States that TB-500 (Frag 17-23) was tested for only 2hrs instead of the full 24hrs due it's to high degradation rate. I am pretty sure the broscience is wrong. I am just trying to trace it back to its source.

"Therefore the incubation time in all experimental series was 24 h,with the exception of TB-500, for which 2 h incubation time was chosen due to high degradation rate."


  • j.jprot.2016.08.016.pdf
    1,008.5 KB · Views: 3
This study(pdf attached). States that TB-500 (Frag 17-23) was tested for only 2hrs instead of the full 24hrs due it's to high degradation rate. I am pretty sure the broscience is wrong. I am just trying to trace it back to its source.

"Therefore the incubation time in all experimental series was 24 h,with the exception of TB-500, for which 2 h incubation time was chosen due to high degradation rate."
I don't think the quote you're citing shows the half-life in the body. It's just talking about degradation for these specific tests they were doing. They're extracting certain cells/fluids/enzymes and then experimenting with tb500 with those extractions. I swear I have seen good information on the half-life of each in the past but I'm failing to find it again.

I need to be better about saving research and information when I find it so I can pull it up later.
Personally, whether I am using frag or full chain, I use it daily. I mix all my peptides together and if I'm using TB then I am using GH at the same time so it ends up being daily.

Another thought is if the half-life of either of these is very short, I wonder how much it matters. If you inject the peptide and it has the desired signaling in your body is one strong signal per day or enough or do we need consistent signaling over longer periods of time? I'm thinking about GH and how one bolus per day gives potent signaling in the body for tissue repair and nitrogen retention etc. Some effects of GH are enhanced by multiple smaller boluses like it's lipolytic actions. I wonder if TB is like this where some actions are fully. Signaled with less frequent administration, but others would benefit for more frequent signaling.
Another thought is if the half-life of either of these is very short, I wonder how much it matters. If you inject the peptide and it has the desired signaling in your body is one strong signal per day or enough or do we need consistent signaling over longer periods of time? I'm thinking about GH and how one bolus per day gives potent signaling in the body for tissue repair and nitrogen retention etc. Some effects of GH are enhanced by multiple smaller boluses like it's lipolytic actions. I wonder if TB is like this where some actions are fully. Signaled with less frequent administration, but others would benefit for more frequent signaling.

I think about this a lot for newer peptides. One large bolus per day to reach a certain threshold that kicks off some signaling cascades. Might not reach that level with multiple lower doses.

I don't think we'll know any time soon, but I'm sure all the youtubers who farm MESO for content will be posting theories in the coming weeks.