MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

Why buy from GENERIC ASIA?

- No hidden fees
  • No insurances fee for reship orders
  • Best Customer service it’s a big priority
  • Best Communication with customers
  • High quality products, cheap prices
  • Lab results available for all our product
  • You pay for the products price and no other hidden fees
  • shipping cost 35$ up to 2kg - can’t get cheaper
  • All emails replied within 3-5 hours, payment collection within the day,
  • Your one stop shop to go.
  • Fast delivery and guaranteed delivery.
Why buy from GENERIC ASIA?

- No hidden fees
  • No insurances fee for reship orders
  • Best Customer service it’s a big priority
  • Best Communication with customers
  • High quality products, cheap prices
  • Lab results available for all our product
  • You pay for the products price and no other hidden fees
  • shipping cost 35$ up to 2kg - can’t get cheaper
  • All emails replied within 3-5 hours, payment collection within the day,
  • Your one stop shop to go.
  • Fast delivery and guaranteed delivery.
The order of my Gym Bro reached his city today and tomorrow will be delivered, for a shipping to eu is crazy fast!
trestolone and hgh is waiting for lab results as well! should be ready soon. in mean time get the international prices


Kit prices

Trestolone 100mg/ml - 310$
Cagrilitilinde 10mg - 350$
Survodutide 10mg - 400$
Mazdutide 10mg - 280$
HCG 5000iu - 110$

Single prices

Trestolone 100mg/ml - 40$
Cagrilitilinde 10mg - 45$
Survodutide 10mg - 48$
Mazdutide 10mg - 35$
HCG 5000iu - 20$
trestolone and hgh is waiting for lab results as well! should be ready soon. in mean time get the international prices


Kit prices

Trestolone 100mg/ml - 310$
Cagrilitilinde 10mg - 350$
Survodutide 10mg - 400$
Mazdutide 10mg - 280$
HCG 5000iu - 110$

Single prices

Trestolone 100mg/ml - 40$
Cagrilitilinde 10mg - 45$
Survodutide 10mg - 48$
Mazdutide 10mg - 35$
HCG 5000iu - 20$
Trestolone is acetate or enanthate?
You should share you dosing protocol. Some people might be criminally underdosing these peptides for healing or injury recovery.

2-3 mg/d. Big difference from previously recommended doses (250 ug twice daily for BPC & 2.5 mg MWF for TB).
Curious if you can point me towards more reading on this one, or share more insight. This is a BIG difference for sure! I’ve been eyeballing those BPC kits for a few days now…pretty well stocked up on TB. ‘Criminally underdosing’ caught my eye :P
first of all thank you for sharing the results of your blind test, as always we do appreciate it from customers when they’re sending the tests in and sharing it with us.

we’re happy to give you the store credit as we promised to all blind tests, as TB500 have been blind tested multiple time now it’s not valid for the store credit but only the BPC.
Horrible policy. That man spend over 400$ to validate YOUR product.
Do you still do reimbursements for blind testing? And if so how much store credit do we get? Thanks!!
Only products that haven't been previously blind tested... weird policy if you ask me.. if there is no incentive for someone to continue to blind test tour product it five the source freedom to start not caring about the future quality as much.. Not saying GA this source would do that buy this is the only way we have here ar meso to keep sources accountable.. when there's no incentive less people will join in in holding sources to account.