My first cycle was the basic bitch cycle 2 years ago (clen/var). Dropped the clen pretty quickly because drinking espresso shots was more enjoyable. The var I’m pretty sure was bunk because it didn’t do anything, so I got some from another source for a second cycle a few months later. I started at 5mg/day, then moved up to 10mg a day for weeks 4-6. It was ok. No major sides, but also not much in terms of gains. My bench press went up by maybe 30lbs? I made the mistake of running bloodwork at the VA a week after my cycle and my doctor thought I was going into liver failure, lol. She wanted me to come back immediately, but I made excuses for a month, by which point the bloods came back clean.
Primo, on the other hand, is amazing. I run it pretty low at about 30mg/wk and I can run it for over three months. I have a service related injury in both my wrists so I could never get above 15lb db bicep curls and on week three of primo, that was up to 25lbs. I’m up to about 90lbs for bench press but could easily go higher if wrists weren’t an issue. Oh, and since stopping my first cycle three months ago, I haven’t lost any strength. I also took 2.5mg Tirz concurrently to keep my cholesterol in check and avoid the cardiovascular issues that steroids cause. Bloodwork after my cycle showed that my LDL dropped from 93mg/dL to 64mg/dL, so that was a win. Go tirz. No virilisation, but I did have some hair thinning and insomnia. Both resolved post cycle. I had throat pain initially, which freaked me out, but it would decrease as the week went on, so I just split my dose to two times a week and the throat pain went away. I think it was just too concentrated. I have a voice app to monitor any changes, and so far so good. All in all, the bad sides were so minor that I didn’t really need to stop after 3 months.
TLDR anavar meh, primo ftw.