GH and Women

Just follow some simple guidelines and GH can be a really nice addition to a lipolysis-based protocol.

And, I have not come across anything to suggest the lipolytic properties of GH differ between men and women.

Ensure she is completely fasted upon administration and inject subcutaneously within the abdominal fat tissue. Avoid negative regulators which include, but are not limited to, insulin, glucose, and nonesterified fatty acids.

Performing aerobic activity during this fasting window can have an additive effect. Remain free of negative regulators for as long as possible as lipolytic processes will be elevated for 6-8 hours post-injection.

Maximum lipolytic stimulation occurs with as little as 3mcgs/kg of GH administration which also correlates closely with the upper limit of naturally occurring secretory bursts.
Thank you for giving us your wife's dose. My wife is now begging to get on GH, I wrote a long story about it the GODT thread but there is no stopping her now, I don't want to go in blindly but it seems like female dose recommendations are 1.5 units ED and no more however in this thread it seems like I could bump that up to 2 units without hesitation?

Its good to hear from someone else who is pinning their wife and seeing results. So that I am hearing you correctly, she is pining 2iu EOD?
I saw more effects for her at 1.5 to 2 iu. She scales back some times when it seems to get to much as far as tingles back to 1.5 to 1. She feels that 1.5 is her sweet spot. And that's what she say she say she fills her best. It's been some what a experiment.
What are your wife's goals for GH (e.g. hypertrophy, lipolysis, etc)?

She wants the fat loss effects (lipolysis.. which is insane because she already looks great and diet in check, way better than mine but its her body her decision.. lol), along with the hair, skin, and nails. She's been running MK677 and loved how strong it has made her nails after just a few months of usage...

Anyways, I think I'm going to start her off at 1iu initially to see how she does, and boost it up to maybe 1.5 or 2 from there. I get sides from MK677 at same dose as her but she doesn't get any so I'm curious how GH will be different for her.
Just follow some simple guidelines and GH can be a really nice addition to a lipolysis-based protocol.

And, I have not come across anything to suggest the lipolytic properties of GH differ between men and women.

Ensure she is completely fasted upon administration and inject subcutaneously within the abdominal fat tissue. Avoid negative regulators which include, but are not limited to, insulin, glucose, and nonesterified fatty acids.

Performing aerobic activity during this fasting window can have an additive effect. Remain free of negative regulators for as long as possible as lipolytic processes will be elevated for 6-8 hours post-injection.

Maximum lipolytic stimulation occurs with as little as 3mcgs/kg of GH administration which also correlates closely with the upper limit of naturally occurring secretory bursts.
I love this! Thank you for this well summarized post.

I have done this for years and it works well for me. I've also never done more than 2iu per day. (But I'm also a petite lean build) Women also need to keep in mind their age, current stats such as weight and medical condition and goals. And yes, it's a total new ball game if you're dealing with women on especially estrogen based contraceptive. Many new obstacles come into play there. Finally, knowing their bloodwork and where they are gives a good idea of what to do. Timing is everything.
And yes, it's a total new ball game if you're dealing with women on especially estrogen based contraceptive. Many new obstacles come into play there.

You are very much correct, particularly oral contraceptives that have a first-pass effect. These women require a significantly higher amount of GH than those who are not.

Among other things, oral estrogen therapy has been shown to reduce whole body fat oxidation and protein anabolism rates as compared to those not on the yuck.
So 2 IU good for a woman around 130lbs at 5'6" for fat loss, or am I starting her too high or too low? She's nearing 40 and takes oral contraceptives
So 2 IU good for a woman around 130lbs at 5'6" for fat loss, or am I starting her too high or too low? She's nearing 40 and takes oral contraceptives

Yes, 1-2IUs is all that is required to maximize the lipolytic potential of GH for someone of her size. Using more will not produce increased rates of lipolysis.

Because we are talking fat loss, estrogen related negative regulation does not come into play since that is acting on the hepatic level and related to the ability of GH to stimulate IGF-1 production in the liver.
Old post but very useful info... 1-2 IUs seems to be the standard for lipolysis for women. What if a woman's goal was hypertrophy though? How would that change the approach?

Also the estrogen based contraceptive brought up by gear Goddess is interesting, my wife just moved to a copper IUD to get off the pills... Would this possibly effect how she would dose HGH or even steroids and to what effect?