GH benefits over 60 yrs old

You are not considering your age. That reference range contains 18 year olds.

At your age the range is 75-212, and the median (person in the middle) is 118.

You, sir, are an outlier.

A 15 year old male is 237 to 996 with a median of 371.

I understand, I was going by the ref. range on the quest lab report from my bloodwork. It seems like there are a lot of variances of ref. ranges per age depending on where you look. Is it always a given that supplementing will lower IGF when its naturally good unless using higher doses or can lower doses sometimes just raise it a little?
I understand, I was going by the ref. range on the quest lab report from my bloodwork. It seems like there are a lot of variances of ref. ranges per age depending on where you look. Is it always a given that supplementing will lower IGF when its naturally good unless using higher doses or can lower doses sometimes just raise it a little?

There is a biofeedback loop, like with any other hormone. So it will raise it a little initially, and, when your body senses the higher level, your natural output will drop to compensate.

This is why I would not touch it, unless you think there is some benefit in trying to push it up to 350 or so, in which case you will need to take quite a bit and continue for a long period of time to make it worth it. Otherwise, you are just monkeying around with your natural production, which I would not want to do if I were in your shoes.

My shoes are an IGF-1 of 83, so you and I are definitely standing in different shoes.
There is a biofeedback loop, like with any other hormone. So it will raise it a little initially, and, when your body senses the higher level, your natural output will drop to compensate.

This is why I would not touch it, unless you think there is some benefit in trying to push it up to 350 or so, in which case you will need to take quite a bit and continue for a long period of time to make it worth it. Otherwise, you are just monkeying around with your natural production, which I would not want to do if I were in your shoes.

My shoes are an IGF-1 of 83, so you and I are definitely standing in different shoes.
Makes sense, I'm so unfamiliar with the workings of this stuff, lot of questions that are hard to get a definitive answer to. I think for now I will hold off with GH and raise test a little, monitor bloods and go from there. I was really hoping to get some sleep, strength and well being benefits from it, but raising the test a little will help with that also. I did order the Bolus book last week so I'll dig into that some when it arrives.
There is a biofeedback loop, like with any other hormone. So it will raise it a little initially, and, when your body senses the higher level, your natural output will drop to compensate.

This is why I would not touch it, unless you think there is some benefit in trying to push it up to 350 or so, in which case you will need to take quite a bit and continue for a long period of time to make it worth it. Otherwise, you are just monkeying around with your natural production, which I would not want to do if I were in your shoes.

My shoes are an IGF-1 of 83, so you and I are definitely standing in different shoes.
Dang man. What do you attribute your low IGF count to? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that low before on a semi young, healthy male. Granted I haven’t seen a ton of them though.
Dang man. What do you attribute your low IGF count to? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that low before on a semi young, healthy male. Granted I haven’t seen a ton of them though.
I am late 50s, so not really semi-young anymore. Not too far away from mammajama's age.

I am at the lower end but within range for my age on that chart I posted. Z score is -1.0

Just like testosterone.

I supplement testosterone and growth hormone so that my numbers do not look like that today as I am typing. I took a very long break from growth hormone, though, and, since I needed a blood test anyway, I tested IGF-1, too.

I was running 75 mg of testosterone a week and nothing else. I had been doing that for, oh, I don't know, approximately 2 years?

Every marker was in range except hematocrit and hemoglobin, and those were barely out of range - 51.4% and 17.2. A visit to the Red Cross probably would have had those in range.

Cholesterol, everything, thyroid, all in range.
That was a concern about lowering baseline IGF and recovery, I definitely want to keep the doses low as possible but enough to still benefit. Fat loss, better sleep, and generally feeling better are what I'm looking for. Are there any side effects for you at 3-4iu?
The only side effects I have noticed is when I went from 2.4iu to 3.6 my hands swell up. Nothing to drastic, but noticeable, especially in cold weather. It might be the GH I am using. I have not tried any other GH so I can not state that as a fact. I started GH 01 November, 2024.
damn thats a very good igf1 for your age group, " are you in a calorie surplus" when taking these igf1 tests? It seems that that makes a difference in numbers being higher , for example ive been in a defecit for 2 years and my igf1 was 216 @3-4 ius , then after 1 year it dropped to 194 igf1 i have since upped to 5 ius, but havent pulled a recent igf1 test (coming in next 2 weeks) ,,
I am only in about a 200 calorie deficit. Sunday I'm bumping that up to about 700 calories so I will let you know what the change is on my next labs at the end of the month.
I am late 50s, so not really semi-young anymore. Not too far away from mammajama's age.

I am at the lower end but within range for my age on that chart I posted. Z score is -1.0

Just like testosterone.

I supplement testosterone and growth hormone so that my numbers do not look like that today as I am typing. I took a very long break from growth hormone, though, and, since I needed a blood test anyway, I tested IGF-1, too.

I was running 75 mg of testosterone a week and nothing else. I had been doing that for, oh, I don't know, approximately 2 years?

Every marker was in range except hematocrit and hemoglobin, and those were barely out of range - 51.4% and 17.2. A visit to the Red Cross probably would have had those in range.

Cholesterol, everything, thyroid, all in range.
I see. Not terrible considering all that.
Would there be any benefit to use HGH with a natty IGF-1 of 228 at 63 yrs old male and natty test of 457. Have never used GH and have not used any AAS or TRT in over 5 yrs. and if there are benefits, what would the dosing look like? Need to lose some fat and just generally feel better and stronger.
Those are great natty IGF 1 numbers, given your age and the risk factors of it was me I'd be happy with a good thing and not bother supplementing GH. Test maybe...
I am late 50s, so not really semi-young anymore. Not too far away from mammajama's age.

I am at the lower end but within range for my age on that chart I posted. Z score is -1.0

Just like testosterone.

I supplement testosterone and growth hormone so that my numbers do not look like that today as I am typing. I took a very long break from growth hormone, though, and, since I needed a blood test anyway, I tested IGF-1, too.

I was running 75 mg of testosterone a week and nothing else. I had been doing that for, oh, I don't know, approximately 2 years?

Every marker was in range except hematocrit and hemoglobin, and those were barely out of range - 51.4% and 17.2. A visit to the Red Cross probably would have had those in range.

Cholesterol, everything, thyroid, all in range.
What was your Total and free testosterone on 75mg? And were you daily microdosing or how were you administering that 75mg?
How freakish is it, like medical problem freakish?
No, there is absolutely no halt risk whatsoever from that number. In fact you are probably healthier. I generally don't like MK-677 but that secretagogue would boost you even higher.

AS mentioned I would just supplement some test and maybe a little deca or primo.
No, there is absolutely no halt risk whatsoever from that number. In fact you are probably healthier. I generally don't like MK-677 but that secretagogue would boost you even higher.

AS mentioned I would just supplement some test and maybe a little deca or primo.
That's exactly what I started last week, 125mg/wk test, 100mg/wk mast. I've done this before with primo instead of mast with good results, no e2 issues but figured I'd give the mast a try, never ran it before. I had hoped GH had benefits would outweigh the higher IGF risk for visceral fat loss but will hold off for now. Will do labs again in 6-8 wks. Last labs did not test free T. I do have deca on hand but there's a lot of water retention + my hematocrit likes to rise when stacking too much.
That's exactly what I started last week, 125mg/wk test, 100mg/wk mast. I've done this before with primo instead of mast with good results, no e2 issues but figured I'd give the mast a try, never ran it before. I had hoped GH had benefits would outweigh the higher IGF risk for visceral fat loss but will hold off for now. Will do labs again in 6-8 wks. Last labs did not test free T. I do have deca on hand but there's a lot of water retention + my hematocrit likes to rise when stacking too much.
I stay at about 180 mgs of test/week and I am old as dirt. My cardiologist thinks that amount is safe.

I also run about 180 mgs of primo. Get great results from that.