My natty IGF-1 came back at 181 at 43 years old. Is this high enough that I wouldn't necessarily benefit from 2 units of GH daily?

You'd probably see some benefit to 2iu, but it wouldn't be game changing because like others said it's really just a replacement dose

I think 4iu/day would do you well honestly

You can get a kit of 400iu gh for $135, or $0.3375/iu, so 4iu/day cost $1.35 a day, or about $40/month.

Should be able to run 4iu without breaking the bank. It's less than a cup of coffee per day, price wise

I've never seen GH that cheap?
My IGF-q is 260 on TRT only, age 55 (same Test dose of 140 mg per week but pinned every 3rd day). Average 450 on 2.4iu GH so yes, I think you will definitely benefit from 2 iu per day, even 5/2. But you would have to try it and the test to be sure as everyone is different.

What do you notice w/IGF being 450 vs 260? Is it as big a change as going from low T to TRT?