GH, bpc, tb


New Member
So I am having surgery on my shoulder in a few days on my rotator cuff, labrum, torn bicep and scar tissue removal. Went to a wellness clinic that prescribed me a few things. Was prescribed GH, bpc and I have tb. The Dr recommended 500mcg bpc ed and 2 IU GH. My 2 questions are can I run bpc, tb, and GH in the same insulin needle? Was thinking about just running 500mcg tb a day instead of 2.5mg twice a week. Is there any benefit of running tb ed or does it not matter and twice a week would be sufficient?
I do tb (2.5 mg), bpc (500mcg), and gh (4iu), every 3 days together in same shot. No clouding or anything. The rest of the time I do bpc and gh in same shot daily. I'm not a doctor, can't tell you if it's right or wrong, would be a lot of shots if individually dosed....
I do tb (2.5 mg), bpc (500mcg), and gh (4iu), every 3 days together in same shot. No clouding or anything. The rest of the time I do bpc and gh in same shot daily. I'm not a doctor, can't tell you if it's right or wrong, would be a lot of shots if individually dosed....
Thank you for your input.
I found and used a few different bpc and tb protocols over the last couple years, the one I found most effective was 1mg of each a day. I put them all in the same syringe. As for Gh, the more the better
I have done bpc and gh in the same shot for extended periods. I had no issues with it.

Oddly enough I had issues mixing tirzepatide and hcg (pip). Separated them, and all was well.