I was just watching vid on YT about a german bodybuilder (Max) who said he did MK 677 along with just slin (long acting) and got is IGF over 700 for a few weeks.
It made me think, since I've used MK before and had good experience (boosted GH from baseline around 200 to an average of around 300, I did several bloods). Right now, I'm doing Geno GH 3 x per week 6.2iu split pre and post workout. IGF last week was 387 on this protocol.
So I was thinking, what if I use MK at around 25mg on the off days?
MK is just so dramatically cheaper than GH. So what if, since MK causes Ghrelin to cause endogenous spike in GH, that it would make a great pair for days off GH?
I would love to get my IGF over 500 for some time and see how it feels, the highest I've ever seen before was 406, on GHRP-6 100mcg 3x per day along with MK.
I'm also on 200mg/wk Cypionate (I know, very low dose).
Thoughts?? Also, anyone ever do MK at more than 25mg?
It made me think, since I've used MK before and had good experience (boosted GH from baseline around 200 to an average of around 300, I did several bloods). Right now, I'm doing Geno GH 3 x per week 6.2iu split pre and post workout. IGF last week was 387 on this protocol.
So I was thinking, what if I use MK at around 25mg on the off days?
MK is just so dramatically cheaper than GH. So what if, since MK causes Ghrelin to cause endogenous spike in GH, that it would make a great pair for days off GH?
I would love to get my IGF over 500 for some time and see how it feels, the highest I've ever seen before was 406, on GHRP-6 100mcg 3x per day along with MK.
I'm also on 200mg/wk Cypionate (I know, very low dose).
Thoughts?? Also, anyone ever do MK at more than 25mg?