Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)

I am also quite tired and demotivated on Tirz. On Reta, on the other hand, I have more energy and the desire to do more things during the day. A noticeable and interesting difference.

Yeah man I take such nice dumps, I even stopped using psyllium husk because is completely not needed.
With tirz or sema I was shitting rocks on a good day, after a cheat day I was experiencing a prison rape while taking a shit

Yeah the glucagon makes some stuff a bit counter intuitive or to be more blunt not really understood on my part and if you read online even the medical field has still a lot to understand about glucagon mechanism etc but it works... In some funny magic ways xD

The insulin sensitivity part makes it more appealing to me, currently on 10mg Tirza e5d but surely will try out Retra once i can get my hands on from a EU Domestic source that tests their stuff.
Reta has a much better insulin sensitivity improvement than tirz. 39% improvement in the diabetes trial, 52% improvement in the obesity trial. For comparison in the Surpass-2 trial tirz only has a 24% improvement for diabetics and I have no info for obesity.

Reta’s GCGR targeting causes depletion of hepatic glycogen stores. The muscular stores are unaffected by this action.

Is there a link to the 52% improvement study? I see. to be missing it.
To add my own experience with pharma Tirz and Sema. I've found that high estrogen can easily overpower the fullness and filling nature of both. It's one of the only signs I have of high E2, and a slight affinity for sweeter foods.
Within a few hours of arimidex or Aromasin, the fullness and lack of desire to eat from Sema and Tirz comes right back. On .25 or .5 of Sema and 2.5 or 5 of Tirz.
I'm curious if Equipoise has a similar effect for me.
To add my own experience with pharma Tirz and Sema. I've found that high estrogen can easily overpower the fullness and filling nature of both. It's one of the only signs I have of high E2, and a slight affinity for sweeter foods.
Within a few hours of arimidex or Aromasin, the fullness and lack of desire to eat from Sema and Tirz comes right back. On .25 or .5 of Sema and 2.5 or 5 of Tirz.
I'm curious if Equipoise has a similar effect for me.
That’s interesting. I have recently started HRT and haven’t had Tirz due to losing my vendor of choice and lack of crypto experience. I’ll be interested to see if I see a difference with the combination.
hey guys, I have 4 questions:
1) so far I've bee taking tirz on sunday afternoon, tho I want to push it to monday morning cause I will start a few other things I plan to take on sunday morning pre workout, is it fine to just push the dose back one day?

2) could the tizepatide have not fully dissolved and when I drew from the vial I got an uneven amount of the drug and accidentally injecting more than I inteded to?
I did my usual 5mg last sunday and the tirz was having trouble dissolving, once it dissolved I injected, tho this week I felt a stronger appetite supression than usual and I lost another 2-3lbs. could it have not been perfectly dissolved and I drew into the syringe more than 5mg cause it was not perfectly distributed? if yes, could this be a problem? (I put 2ml bac water in a 10mg vial)

3) can I take metformin with tirz? I've been looking at the long term health benefits of metformin and it is very convincing, I'm not diabetic and not on hgh but it seems to be safe long term, can it have a negative interaction with the tirzepatide?

4) For now I'm doing good with tirzepatide, but as I look more into it and more research comes out, retatrutide is looking better and better for both practical reasons and long them health. Seems to get better fat loss with more muscle retention, seems to prevent against certain cancers and better for insulin sensitivity and maybe even more things I don't know about yet. if I ever want to switch to reta, is it safe to do so without causing myself any immunogenicity? I know doing glp1s on and off causes an immune response, but would it also do this switching from one to another? 5mg tirz seems to be a fine maintnance dose for me, so what would the reta equivalent? 4mg?

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hey guys, I have 4 questions:
1) so far I've bee taking tirz on sunday afternoon, tho I want to push it to monday morning cause I will start a few other things I plan to take on sunday morning pre workout, is it fine to just push the dose back one day?

2) could the tizepatide have not fully dissolved and when I drew from the vial I got an uneven amount of the drug and accidentally injecting more than I inteded to?
I did my usual 5mg last sunday and the tirz was having trouble dissolving, once it dissolved I injected, tho this week I felt a stronger appetite supression than usual and I lost another 2-3lbs. could it have not been perfectly dissolved and I drew into the syringe more than 5mg cause it was not perfectly distributed? if yes, could this be a problem? (I put 2ml bac water in a 10mg vial)

3) can I take metformin with tirz? I've been looking at the long term health benefits of metformin and it is very convincing, I'm not diabetic and not on hgh but it seems to be safe long term, can it have a negative interaction with the tirzepatide?

4) For now I'm doing good with tirzepatide, but as I look more into it and more research comes out, retatrutide is looking better and better for both practical reasons and long them health. Seems to get better fat loss with more muscle retention, seems to prevent against certain cancers and better for insulin sensitivity and maybe even more things I don't know about yet. if I ever want to switch to reta, is it safe to do so without causing myself any immunogenicity? I know doing glp1s on and off causes an immune response, but would it also do this switching from one to another? 5mg tirz seems to be a fine maintnance dose for me, so what would the reta equivalent? 4mg?


Regarding 3. Yes you can, no issues. Remember, Metformin also slows down digestion a little bit and you need to introduce it in small doses i.e. 100-200mgs max. otherwise you might get the shits.

I am running 2g of Metformin daily together with Tirza and they both work perfectly fine together.

Metformin has some nice positive effects on the gut health, anti-inflammatory properties and to a certain degree can improve lipids slightly.

However, it does nuke your IGF1 at higher doses and B12 Vitamin.

How much are you planning to add and what was the initial reason for taking it? Just longevity?
I stopped freezing any peptides. Went back to keeping them room temp and out of light. Was doing that for years before the "freezing" method was more popular.
Main reason I switched cause I lost a lot during a power outage and I wasent home to power up the generator . Just my opinion on this matter. They don't degrade that much at room temp anyway. Mostly glps and GH
Even the HCG I get from pharmacy says to keep at room temp until reconstituted.
Regarding 3. Yes you can, no issues. Remember, Metformin also slows down digestion a little bit and you need to introduce it in small doses i.e. 100-200mgs max. otherwise you might get the shits.

I am running 2g of Metformin daily together with Tirza and they both work perfectly fine together.

Metformin has some nice positive effects on the gut health, anti-inflammatory properties and to a certain degree can improve lipids slightly.

However, it does nuke your IGF1 at higher doses and B12 Vitamin.

How much are you planning to add and what was the initial reason for taking it? Just longevity?
Thanks for the comprehensive response.

I was thinking of working up to 500mg daily, maybe split in 2 doses, for the gut health benefits, better glucose control and improved healthspan.
The b12 and igf1 thing doesn't bother me, I eat a lot of red meat and if my b12 levels still get low I can just do some injections, for the igf1 if I really want to increase it I could do a little ipamorelin and tesamorelin before bed, or even just CJC1295DAC twice a week if I don't wanna inject that often, theres a study that showed just a single 2mg dose of CJC increased igf1 by 1.5x to 3x for 9-11days and GH by 2x to 10x for 6days.
The study used IV injection so SubQ is probably weaker but still I presume effective
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hey guys, I have 4 questions:
1) so far I've bee taking tirz on sunday afternoon, tho I want to push it to monday morning cause I will start a few other things I plan to take on sunday morning pre workout, is it fine to just push the dose back one day?

2) could the tizepatide have not fully dissolved and when I drew from the vial I got an uneven amount of the drug and accidentally injecting more than I inteded to?
I did my usual 5mg last sunday and the tirz was having trouble dissolving, once it dissolved I injected, tho this week I felt a stronger appetite supression than usual and I lost another 2-3lbs. could it have not been perfectly dissolved and I drew into the syringe more than 5mg cause it was not perfectly distributed? if yes, could this be a problem? (I put 2ml bac water in a 10mg vial)

3) can I take metformin with tirz? I've been looking at the long term health benefits of metformin and it is very convincing, I'm not diabetic and not on hgh but it seems to be safe long term, can it have a negative interaction with the tirzepatide?

4) For now I'm doing good with tirzepatide, but as I look more into it and more research comes out, retatrutide is looking better and better for both practical reasons and long them health. Seems to get better fat loss with more muscle retention, seems to prevent against certain cancers and better for insulin sensitivity and maybe even more things I don't know about yet. if I ever want to switch to reta, is it safe to do so without causing myself any immunogenicity? I know doing glp1s on and off causes an immune response, but would it also do this switching from one to another? 5mg tirz seems to be a fine maintnance dose for me, so what would the reta equivalent? 4mg?

1 - I don’t think one day will affect anything. Maybe multiple days but I think it’d be minimal at best. If anything if missed. I know I’ve missed a weeks dosed before and everything is fine.

2- what do you mean having trouble dissolving? Just taking longer than expected to dissolve? I normally just reconstitute any peptides/gh and let it sit 10-15 mins and always been good.

3- I take 1000mg metformin extended release. I know many people report GI problems/issues with metformin but I’ve never had any with the extended release version.

4- As far as swapping to reta there are quite a few people here who have swapped to reta and from reta. I think it’s personally what people like and don’t. Cost is a big factor. You can get tirz a lot cheaper than reta. I err on the side of why change what’s working? Once I get close to running out of tirz I might pick up a kit of reta to see the difference. I bought so much tirz from sales over the years that I have enough so no need to buy something completely different especially if I like it then I have a bunch of tirz I won’t use.
Thanks for the comprehensive response.

I was thinking of working up to 500mg daily, maybe split in 2 doses, for the gut health benefits, better glucose control and improved healthspan.
The b12 and igf1 thing doesn't bother me, I eat a lot of red meat and if my b12 levels still get low I can just do some injections, for the igf1 if I really want to increase it I could do a little ipamorelin and tesamorelin before bed, or even just CJC1295DAC twice a week if I don't wanna inject that often, theres a study that showed just a single 2mg dose of CJC increased igf1 by 1.5x to 3x for 9-11days and GH by 2x to 10x for 6days.
The study used IV injection so SubQ is probably weaker but still I presume effective

I am not a big fan of GH peptides like Ipa, CJC and so on. In that case i would just stick to 2-3iu of GH before bed. 500mg of Metformin should be fine and wont cause any issues. Its extremely well tolerated overall.
Hey guys I’ve been on 10mg ugl tirz for a few months now, my insurance finally added weight loss drugs to the list of covered meds and I was able to get approved for mounjaro starting at the 2.5mg dose. Do you guys see any issue with taking the 2.5mg mounjaro and then taking an additional 7.5mg ugl tirz to give me my 10mg?