Revenge? That would require me to take your insane rambling seriously. I don't. You're about as significant to me as a fly on an elephant. You're like meso's village idiot. No one takes you seriously. You're just too stupid to realize it.
There you go with the "no one" again haha
Why do you and Brutus need backup so bad?
Are you both that weak you.can't deal with me one on one ..
You're obcessed with me, MW. Now you're starting to repeat to previous replies just to get my attention. Lmao

Go get a job, you bum. Your aunt doesn't deserve to be afflicted with a useless carcass like you in her golden years. You should feel shame but you wouldn't know enough. Pathetic.
You're jealous because my family is close that's how Slavic people are we have each other's backs until death ..
Your family is probably spread all over the country either drunk drugged up or in jail that's why you're so mad at me
Now I get it because you keep brining up the aunt.

You say I'm jealous of you but I didn't even know who you or Brutus were you keep coming at me and starting the whole thing ..

I'm well known as Mantus and Manwhore
It's actually Mantus the Manwhore MTM you can address me as from now on ..

I like fucking with you because you're funny I get a kick out of old posts and picture you dig up to throw in the threads at me haha
You're so cute