Gigantic's Eat-Like-An-Asshole Megabulk -> Cut Cycle 2.0 (~32 weeks)


I've been out of the game for a bit, but still going strong. Since I'm recovering from an event, I'll start this cycle on 7/29 or so. Currently getting everything together before I start. Open to any and all recommendations and advice before I begin.

Personal Stats

Blood Work Schedule
Bloodwork @ week 4, 6, 12, 14, 16, 20, 22.

Dosing Schedule

Week 1-16Week 13-16
300mg E3D Testosterone Cypionate (@Axle Labs )
150mg E3D Deca Durabolin (QSC)
6iu ED HGH (5 year old unrefrigerated TP gold tops, or QSC if they're dead)
HGH will probably continue for up to a year.
Adex 0.5mg 24 hours after each Injection starting at 6 weeks if necessary
Same as Week 1-6, but +1mg Arimidex every 3.5 days if E2 is too high
Dianabol 50mg ED

Release Plotting

Ancillaries and Support
Telmisartan 80mg if neededMetformin if needed (500mg only)Milk Thistle ~1000mgTUDCA 1200mg
Astralagus 550mgNAC 600mgCitrus Bergamot 1000mgNiacin 100mg if needed
Digestive Enzymes 800mg (2x/day)Nattokinase 2000 FUKrill Oil 2000mgZinc Picolinate 50mg
K2 + D3 5000iu EODMagnesium Glycinate 500mg EODCoQ 10 + RYR 1200mgNarcan just in case some source spiked my shit :mad:
Epsom Salt soaks as neededHCG 1500iu / weekBlood Pressure MonitorBlood Sugar Monitor

Note that Berberine is usually all I need for exogenous growth, and only if I'm eating like a massive asshole. This time around I am only adding Metformin since I have a habit of knocking up women and Berberine is extremely toxic to a fetus. I won't have that anywhere near my brood queens.

Asshole Diet
Goal: ~475g of protein/day

3000-4000 Calories
100-142g Protein
3000-4000 Calories
3000-4000 Calories
100-142g Protein
Whole box of twinkies, ding dongs
Fast Food, Entire Cow in the freezer
Pacific Ocean worth of Salmon
Up to 60g of Protein during workouts

Cut Phase (Weeks 16-32)

Keto Diet + Semaglutide + Test C 200mg/week + 6iu/day HGH + HCG @ 1500iu / week

Weeks 20-22:

At this point, I am coming off almost everything by week 20, except HCG. I don't need anything for only trt doses, but I need to wait for my bloodwork to see what it looks like.


My cycle logs will always include my training regimen. Keep in mind I do NOT intentionally lift extra heavy all the time while bulking. I am not an IFBB Pro. In fact, I often lift what other people on the board would say "WTF" to.

The difference is, I hold my lifts in place as long as I can, and then move to the next rep. This causes me to gain significantly more muscle tissue and functional strength than just lifting heavy (say, 600lb squats, or 350-400lb benches, etc).

I often hold my reps to failure, and find it works very good, coupled with eating like an asshole.
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Are you shooting for 9000-12000 calories per day or did I misunderstand?
It say's he's 6'10 305lbs. Dude needs like 3x the food of a normal man. Support:
Whole box of twinkies, ding dongs
Fast Food

I'd really skip the fast/junk food. Unless you have amazing digestion your just going to fuck up your digestion and not be able to have the appetite to eat your regular meals, at least that's what happens to me. My body doesn't seem to absorb junk as well either, i just shit it all out.
Test C E3D I do also but I'm not sure Deca E3D makes sense - I've only ever done once per week unless you're using NPP
It say's he's 6'10 305lbs. Dude needs like 3x the food of a normal man. Support:
Whole box of twinkies, ding dongs
Fast Food

I'd really skip the fast/junk food. Unless you have amazing digestion your just going to fuck up your digestion and not be able to have the appetite to eat your regular meals, at least that's what happens to me. My body doesn't seem to absorb junk as well either, i just shit it all out.
I guess so, and I would agree with the junk thing.

I do believe gaining over a pound a week would lead to unnecessary fat gain though, so I would keep an eye on the rate of gain and titrate calories accordingly.
Are you shooting for 9000-12000 calories per day or did I misunderstand?
I typically used to eat like this anyway. But yep. Currently doing about 6-7k a day.
It say's he's 6'10 305lbs. Dude needs like 3x the food of a normal man. Support:
Whole box of twinkies, ding dongs
Fast Food

I'd really skip the fast/junk food. Unless you have amazing digestion your just going to fuck up your digestion and not be able to have the appetite to eat your regular meals, at least that's what happens to me. My body doesn't seem to absorb junk as well either, i just shit it all out.
The junk food stuff is a joke lol. Fast food is not, as I can pound down tons of beef patties in a single sitting for cheap.
Test C E3D I do also but I'm not sure Deca E3D makes sense - I've only ever done once per week unless you're using NPP
Yeah, I can switch to Deca Durabolin once a week if it makes sense but I need more info. I was under the assumption that Deca worked similarly to the Test E ester?

I did not want to inject 300mg of Test C and then 300mg of Deca, as I’m trying to keep it at 1/2. I’ve done 500mg of test C and 450mg of NPP in the past and no issues except floppy donkey dick, but advice on the board seems to suggest taking Deca at 1/2 the amount of Test C. I split my injections up E3D to avoid estrogen spikes, roid rage and acne, and it works great for me.
I guess so, and I would agree with the junk thing.

I do believe gaining over a pound a week would lead to unnecessary fat gain though, so I would keep an eye on the rate of gain and titrate calories accordingly.
I will always get unnecessary fat on my bulks because I don’t generally enjoy watching my diet when I’m watching everything else. But I can lose that quickly with keto anyway.
I typically used to eat like this anyway. But yep. Currently doing about 6-7k a day.

The junk food stuff is a joke lol. Fast food is not, as I can pound down tons of beef patties in a single sitting for cheap.

Yeah, I can switch to Deca Durabolin once a week if it makes sense but I need more info. I was under the assumption that Deca worked similarly to the Test E ester?

I did not want to inject 300mg of Test C and then 300mg of Deca, as I’m trying to keep it at 1/2. I’ve done 500mg of test C and 450mg of NPP in the past and no issues except floppy donkey dick, but advice on the board seems to suggest taking Deca at 1/2 the amount of Test C. I split my injections up E3D to avoid estrogen spikes, roid rage and acne, and it works great for me.

I will always get unnecessary fat on my bulks because I don’t generally enjoy watching my diet when I’m watching everything else. But I can lose that quickly with keto anyway.
Agreed on 50% of your Test. Just put your weekly Deca dose in with every other 3d pin
You laid out everything except your goal ... ;)
The goal is to push my limits on as low dose gear as possible. I don’t really care about professional bodybuilding because I just don’t need the money. I like seeing my gains in the mirror… so, goal: like myself more in the mirror and flex harder for my baby mommas.

Happy? ;)
It say's he's 6'10 305lbs. Dude needs like 3x the food of a normal man. Support:
Whole box of twinkies, ding dongs
Fast Food

I'd really skip the fast/junk food. Unless you have amazing digestion you’re just going to fuck up your digestion and not be able to have the appetite to eat your regular meals, at least that's what happens to me. My body doesn't seem to absorb junk as well either, i just shit it all out.
I have amazing digestion depending on the food I eat, BUT I also have digestive enzymes ready to be thrown in 2x a day if I start having problems.

Normally tons of peanut butter / oatmeal protein shakes make me unable to eat all day without it.
hey im just curious what your blood level (ng/dl) response to testosterone is like at your height?

They say taller guys need more gear

Also i dont know if it was a typo, but i dont think 550mg of astragalus will do much.

any reason for the magnesium dose EoD?

can you elaborate on your training technique? Of holding reps?
Like you use very light weight and static holds? or very heavy weight and static holds?
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hey im just curious what your blood level (ng/dl) response to testosterone is like at your height?

They say taller guys need more gear

Also i dont know if it was a typo, but i dont think 550mg of astragalus will do much.

any reason for the magnesium dose EoD?

can you elaborate on your training technique? Of holding reps?
Like you use very light weight and static holds? or very heavy weight and static holds?
If I recall correctly:

750mg of test alone gets me to ~5700 ng/dL
500mg seems to give me ~4000 ng/dL

All within 6 weeks.

Do you think I need 2 or 3 astralagus pills? Or bigger doses? My pills only come in 550mg. I’ve used them before and had great kidney bloods.

EOD for magnesium because it comes with 10k K2 and D3, and I don’t want to take 70k IU/week.

Training technique: imagine someone does 500lb deadlifts and holds it for a couple seconds. Instead, I may do 250-300lb and hold for 10-15 seconds. If I hold a 140lb preacher curl in place for 20 seconds until I’m shaking, I get stronger faster, and grow more. I started using this technique when I wasn’t growing much at all on bigger lifts, because friend who is a BB’er recommended it. For bar curls, I don’t really hold it, I just use 120-150lb curls with a curl bar.

As another example, if someone is doing a 310lb lat pull down, not only do I feel like that’s way too much for me unless I’m going for a PR, I’ll just do a smaller amount like 150-200lbs and hold it as long as I reasonably can. That means for up to 10-20 seconds, I’m struggling to hold that in place without dropping it. Same with low rows. Same with overhead press. Sure, maybe I can do 250+lb OHPs, but right now I’m happy with 160-215lbs. That means I’ll start off with 160lbs, and hold it until I can reasonably do 160lbs for 10 reps and 3-5 sets. Then I’ll go up to 170-185, rinse repeat until I get to my higher levels. I got a poverty bench too since I never really bothered to train benching because I can’t fit on any of the benches comfortable, which means I started using chest press machines instead.

With leg exercises, it’s a little different. I generally do high reps and lower weight than I can handle. So for example, sure, I could do a 600lb+ squat, 800lb+ yokes, but I don’t feel comfortable with high weight on my back due to an injury, so I’ll do 40x 400lb reps instead. With leg presses, I’ll go over 1000lbs easily. I also max out the regular machines at the gym, so 475lb calf presses or 375lb quad leg extensions are nothing. If doing heavy, I can do 475lb calf presses for up to 175 reps. At peak, I’ve had 34” quads and I think 25” calves, but I’ve lost some tissue from medical issues and got a little bit fatter. I still have strength.

The other side of the equation is that I’m actually partly disabled and cannot lift as high as I want to. It isn’t enough to warrant not lifting or avoiding gear because the gear and workouts actually helps significantly improve my physical shortcomings to the point where they don’t bother me at all. I’m pain free when I lift for a while. I HAVE to lift, and I occasionally HAVE to use gear, but I don’t do it often… I refuse to take opioids or any pain pills, and this is the only way to keep the pain away.
The goal is to push my limits on as low dose gear as possible. I don’t really care about professional bodybuilding because I just don’t need the money. I like seeing my gains in the mirror… so, goal: like myself more in the mirror and flex harder for my baby mommas.

Happy? ;)

I have amazing digestion depending on the food I eat, BUT I also have digestive enzymes ready to be thrown in 2x a day if I start having problems.

Normally tons of peanut butter / oatmeal protein shakes make me unable to eat all day without it.

It's not about me being "happy", it's about the thread making a little bit of sense, which it doesn't if you just write a bunch of numbers next to compounds without explaining the reason why you write all of this.

Understood ? ;)
Started today because I didn't want to wait and finally got everything. Originally my post shows Telmisartan as 80mg, but actually this is only 30mg. My bad.


Resting Heart Rate: 55
BP: 155/83 about 20 minutes after eating. 136/83 shortly after everything below (and about 40 minutes after eating).

After checking BP, did the following:

Took 1 of each supplement.
Took 1 Metformin 500mg (Pharma).
Took 1 Telmisartan 30mg (Stanford Pharma). Will watch BP before taking more.
6iu (2mg) of HGH (Meditrope Gold Tops, 5 years old; let's see how they work!)
300mg of Test C (Axle Labs).
200mg of Deca (QSC; Front-loading, then back to once a week).
500iu of HCG (QSC).

Awaiting bloods on August 26th, 6 weeks later to see if I need Adex (tbh, I probably will, but high E2 feels good to me, so I may ignore it and then get gyno surgery ;))

