Gigantic's Eat-Like-An-Asshole Megabulk -> Cut Cycle 2.0 (~32 weeks)

Cycle is paused for now. Hospitalized from a really crazy infection in my quads caused by either Axle Labs Test C 300, or QSC Deca 200. Unsure which one is the cause as they were both injected in the same leg.

I followed all proper protocols:

- Showered, then sanitized quads with multiple alcohol wipes.

- Sanitized vial tops.

- Used a sterile clean 27g needle and 1 mL barrel.

Ended up with a severe infection in my quads, big time fever, higher heart rate, and an immediate drop from 131 BPM to 57 BPM and passed out.

I’m going to swap out my gear with other sources before continuing. Starting with QSC’s Nand 200… but for now, I’m spending a few days in the hospital and being pumped with IV antibiotics.

That's why you either homebrew injectables or better, use transdermals.

Antibiotics are going to nuke your flora, you won't absorb nutrients anymore, you are going to lose tons of weight and you won't ever be able to show us that picture of you as a big man.

That being said, I know the kind of suffering antibiotics will bring you for the decade to come and potentially the rest of your life, I've been through this.

Candida overgrowth, bloating, nausea, no appetite, poor sleep.

I wouldn't wish this to anyone, so I hope you get better.
Cycle is paused for now. Hospitalized from a really crazy infection in my quads caused by either Axle Labs Test C 300, or QSC Deca 200. Unsure which one is the cause as they were both injected in the same leg.

I followed all proper protocols:

- Showered, then sanitized quads with multiple alcohol wipes.

- Sanitized vial tops.

- Used a sterile clean 27g needle and 1 mL barrel.

Ended up with a severe infection in my quads, big time fever, higher heart rate, and an immediate drop from 131 BPM to 57 BPM and passed out.

I’m going to swap out my gear with other sources before continuing. Starting with QSC’s Nand 200… but for now, I’m spending a few days in the hospital and being pumped with IV antibiotics.
Can you post pic of the infection? I've never heard of an infection that severe within 2 days. Especially one to drop your BP to 50. So I'm kinda doubting it, like most of your claims here. You know like the one you gained 71lb of only muscle in 1 year.

You should post proof of all this in the Axle and QSC thread if it is indeed true.