Give it to me straight how much this is going to suck


New Member
Alright boys, long time lurker first time poster. This will be my first time doing a PCT. Please don’t give me a lecture on how stupid I was because I am aware I fucked up lol

I’m 27, started using gear when I was 20 and always blast and cruised. Competed quite a bit but about two years ago had a major injury where I’m just not taking this as serious as I used to. My goal now is just to be a guy that clearly works out and takes care of himself, not to be the guy people look at and go “holy shit that guys on steroids” lol Anyway I’ve decided to try a Pct to see if I can recover or not. Been on 150mg of test C ever since the injury with no cycles.

I am fully aware there is a high chance I won’t recover to high enough levels, but I figured being 27 it’s worth a try and worst case I can get back on trt. But in my opinion even if I can come off for 5-10 years I’m sure that would do my body a bit of good if I can recover even a little bit.

I will be doing 6 weeks of hcg at 500ui 3x a week leading up to starting nolva/clomid

3 weeks after last test shot I’ll start nolva/clomid at 10mg/25mg for 12 weeks. I want to keep sides at a minimum and personally I would think a longer pct is better in this circumstance than the normal 4 weeks 20/50 protocol.

Like I said, I’m fully aware there’s a good chance I won’t recover but curious if anyone else has had luck in a similar circumstance?
Honestly “longer pct” may not even help. 4 weeks of signalling endocrine system w/nolva and clomid might get you maximal benefit, and you’ll then have to see how much your body can do on its own. If it can’t do shit on its own after a few weeks, maybe then re-PCT. But bear in mind these pct meds have some unpleasant general sides
Alright boys, long time lurker first time poster. This will be my first time doing a PCT. Please don’t give me a lecture on how stupid I was because I am aware I fucked up lol

I’m 27, started using gear when I was 20 and always blast and cruised. Competed quite a bit but about two years ago had a major injury where I’m just not taking this as serious as I used to. My goal now is just to be a guy that clearly works out and takes care of himself, not to be the guy people look at and go “holy shit that guys on steroids” lol Anyway I’ve decided to try a Pct to see if I can recover or not. Been on 150mg of test C ever since the injury with no cycles.

I am fully aware there is a high chance I won’t recover to high enough levels, but I figured being 27 it’s worth a try and worst case I can get back on trt. But in my opinion even if I can come off for 5-10 years I’m sure that would do my body a bit of good if I can recover even a little bit.

I will be doing 6 weeks of hcg at 500ui 3x a week leading up to starting nolva/clomid

3 weeks after last test shot I’ll start nolva/clomid at 10mg/25mg for 12 weeks. I want to keep sides at a minimum and personally I would think a longer pct is better in this circumstance than the normal 4 weeks 20/50 protocol.

Like I said, I’m fully aware there’s a good chance I won’t recover but curious if anyone else has had luck in a similar circumstance?
The body is incredibly resilient. I competed enhanced through most of my 20s and I never came off until I had an injury coupled with with increasing life priorities, so similar situation.
Because of the injury I came off cold turkey for a couple of months before I did anything to jumpstart recovery. It's a psychological challenge watching part of your identity fade away but you just replace that with something else. I also remember feeling weak and subdued but that's hardly a surprise.
I never got my test levels checked for years afterward but when I did they were ~400 in my late 30s, not great, but not totally shut down. My wife and I did finally have a kid, but it took years. I'm early 40s now and started TRT last year.
Once you get back to what you think is normal I'd go get comprehensive blood work done and the speak to cardiologist about a heart health checkup. Also, I would highly recommend you start looking into hair maintenance. Years of androgen abuse aren't doing your follicles any favors and if you're even remotely prone to MPB you'll want to get ahead of it.
I’m using 2000IU at the minute and am on day 10. Yeah the shit really works. Balls feel much less dead.

Edit: Just seen the topic about hair and mpb. My mop is completely destroyed and I’m only 24. If it doesn’t partially come back after this pct I’m going to turkey.
I am fully aware there is a high chance I won’t recover to high enough levels, but I figured being 27 it’s worth a try and worst case I can get back on trt.


Like I said, I’m fully aware there’s a good chance I won’t recover but curious if anyone else has had luck in a similar circumstance?

Man, you' for a rough ride. I had to come off all hormones, T included, 4 years ago when I got incredibly sick. The next 3.5 years until I got back on TRT a few months ago were hell.

In sure the cancer didn't help feeling great, lmao, but the total lack of energy, drive, happiness etc was beyond fucking miserable. All of those symptoms went away by the day after my second pin the first week I got back on.

My body did not recover a lick in that period. Total T was at 80ng/dl when I hopped back on in Feb. FSH and LH existed, but nothing close to in range.

I'd opt for HEAVY HCG/HMG followed by enclomiphene, not Nolva/Clomid. Run DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate to control estrogen rebound. Utilize high dose boron as well to create more free T flowing.

You might be using enclomiphene for a few months to get a decent chance of recovery back.
I’m using 2000IU at the minute and am on day 10. Yeah the shit really works. Balls feel much less dead.

Edit: Just seen the topic about hair and mpb. My mop is completely destroyed and I’m only 24. If it doesn’t partially come back after this pct I’m going to turkey.
How much gear did you take and for how long?
You absolutely can recover. I had a similar experience with the dark side and am a little older than you. Came off after a few years of TRT dose T and have completely recovered and got the wife pregnant.

HCG dose needs to be higher. 1500-2000 iu E3D was the sweet spot for me. Combined with 25 mg clomid ED my T was in the 900s. Now completely off for a few months and I'm in the 700s. I never had side effects or mood changes from clomid. Its cheap, well-studied, and easy to get. Everyone wants to mess around with enclomiphene but the majority of it is fake unless you are getting it with a script from a compounding pharmacy, and very few are still compounding it. Id also run the HCG longer than 6 weeks, until your blood work shows your FSH/LH and T have improved, then you can just continue clomid (if you want for fertility) or stop. HCG gives a nice T boost with a noticeable increase in libido and well-being for a day or two after pins which made the transition off pretty easy and well tolerated. You don't need HMG unless you are doing this for fertility and need swimmers ASAP, otherwise there is no point.