Going Hypo on Melanotan


Has anyone else noticed themselves going hypo after using Melanotan?

I've been using 5iu of novolin r injected IM (which acts very similar to humalog) pre workout & 10iu post workout for a while now. Haven't had any issues. My post workout meal is 60P/165C/2F coming from whey isolate and rice crispies/frosted flakes. Usually i take my slin eat my food go on a 30min walk and an hour later my BG is 85-90 no issues
The last 3 times I've taken my post workout slin I've gone hypo an hour later. The only thing that's changed is I've added in 250mcg of melanotan & layed out on the sun for 20 minutes instead of going for my walk. The other day I had a BG of 45 before it started rising & today was 50 and getting all hot & sweaty before it came back up. I haven't needed to eat or drink anything to correct it. Just waited it out & my liver dumped enough glucose to right the ship.

Has anyone else experienced this or know why this might happen. I'm eating way more than enough carbs and wasn't having any issues before.
Has anyone else noticed themselves going hypo after using Melanotan?

I've been using 5iu of novolin r injected IM (which acts very similar to humalog) pre workout & 10iu post workout for a while now. Haven't had any issues. My post workout meal is 60P/165C/2F coming from whey isolate and rice crispies/frosted flakes. Usually i take my slin eat my food go on a 30min walk and an hour later my BG is 85-90 no issues
The last 3 times I've taken my post workout slin I've gone hypo an hour later. The only thing that's changed is I've added in 250mcg of melanotan & layed out on the sun for 20 minutes instead of going for my walk. The other day I had a BG of 45 before it started rising & today was 50 and getting all hot & sweaty before it came back up. I haven't needed to eat or drink anything to correct it. Just waited it out & my liver dumped enough glucose to right the ship.

Has anyone else experienced this or know why this might happen. I'm eating way more than enough carbs and wasn't having any issues before.
Almost gurantee it's the slin causing the hypo and not melanotan
Almost gurantee it's the slin causing the hypo and not melanotan
Well ya it's the slin. But haven't had any issues until I started using Melanotan. Just wondering if anyone knew of melanotan increasing insulin sensitivity or had a similar experience.

I'm doing 10 units of slin with 60p/160c. That's plenty of carbs to cover it. And the last 4 weeks I was doing this I want going hypo at all.
I did some more research on myself today. Did not use any insulin pre or post workout. Took my usual 50g of carbs intra, then took my blood sugar post workout and it was where it usually is 80-90. Ate my same post wo meal 60p/165c/2f from whey isolate & rice crispies/frosted flakes. Took melanotan & layed out in the sun for 20 minutes, no physical activity or nothing. An hour after eating my blood glucose was 87. That is abnormally low for me an hour after eating that many carbs & not using any insulin. Usually 2 hours post meal I would be at 100-115 and this was 87 after only an hour.

So I can only think of 2 options, either the melanotan is increasing insulin sensitivity or it has something to do with laying out in the sun, it's only been low 70s out here but UV is high. My money is on the melanotan.

Interested if anybody has any ideas or knowledge on this
I did some more research on myself today. Did not use any insulin pre or post workout. Took my usual 50g of carbs intra, then took my blood sugar post workout and it was where it usually is 80-90. Ate my same post wo meal 60p/165c/2f from whey isolate & rice crispies/frosted flakes. Took melanotan & layed out in the sun for 20 minutes, no physical activity or nothing. An hour after eating my blood glucose was 87. That is abnormally low for me an hour after eating that many carbs & not using any insulin. Usually 2 hours post meal I would be at 100-115 and this was 87 after only an hour.

So I can only think of 2 options, either the melanotan is increasing insulin sensitivity or it has something to do with laying out in the sun, it's only been low 70s out here but UV is high. My money is on the melanotan.

Interested if anybody has any ideas or knowledge on this

Could be that your relaxing more and thus your body isnt pushing out blood sugar as much and thus, you have less blood glucose and you go hypo faster

there are some claims about melatotan increasing insulin sensitivity though.
Could be that your relaxing more and thus your body isnt pushing out blood sugar as much and thus, you have less blood glucose and you go hypo faster

there are some claims about melatotan increasing insulin sensitivity though.
Hmm I would imagine with all those quick digesting carbs though I should be pumping out blood sugar.

That's interesting about the insulin sensitivity. I may have to experiment more. Take the melanotan and go for my usual walk with some back up carbs on me & see how it goes.
I delved into the topic of MT2 and its impact on insulin sensitivity. It appears that MT2 enhances insulin sensitivity, which might explain why you require more carbs for the same amount of insulin.

Very interesting...

I think I was too quick to dismiss your concern because you were taking insulin, so i apologize for that.

Just started MT2 a few days ago and am experiencing very similar effects in terms of feeling hypo at times. I'm not on insulin, but I do take a GLP1 agonist (currently semaglutide which I've been doing for a while, but since adding MT2 I've been getting bouts of feeling hypo, even with what should be adequate carbs in my system). I'm definitely going to have to read into this more now on the effects of MT2 on blood glucose and insulin sensitivity. Probably will start digging into it tommorow, kind of tired tonight. Just pointing out that I'm having similar effects

I think I was too quick to dismiss your concern because you were taking insulin, so i apologize for that.

Just started MT2 a few days ago and am experiencing very similar effects in terms of feeling hypo at times. I'm not on insulin, but I do take a GLP1 agonist (currently semaglutide which I've been doing for a while, but since adding MT2 I've been getting bouts of feeling hypo, even with what should be adequate carbs in my system). I'm definitely going to have to read into this more now on the effects of MT2 on blood glucose and insulin sensitivity. Probably will start digging into it tommorow, kind of tired tonight. Just pointing out that I'm having similar effects
My results have been really interesting, there's definitely a correlation. Without using insulin when I take my melanotan after eating 160c/60p/2f an hour later my BG is in the 90s. Which is the same BG I get an hour after 10 units of humalog before that same meal. So for me melanotan & insulin are giving me the exact same BG effects weird.
I stopped using Melanotan if I just used insulin because I was sick of going hypo.
My results have been really interesting, there's definitely a correlation. Without using insulin when I take my melanotan after eating 160c/60p/2f an hour later my BG is in the 90s. Which is the same BG I get an hour after 10 units of humalog before that same meal. So for me melanotan & insulin are giving me the exact same BG effects weird.
I stopped using Melanotan if I just used insulin because I was sick of going hypo.
Yeah you're definitely onto something. I didn't know it that comparatively strong to insulin though. That's actually really interesting to hear.

I'll try to find some studies tommorow and I'll post up what I find here. Could be good data for everyone to have going forward. Interesting find
What doses and frequency of administration are you guys using when you see these effects? Is is acutely after you pin or do you see the effect last more permanently @ackmack78 @Sector
What doses and frequency of administration are you guys using when you see these effects? Is is acutely after you pin or do you see the effect last more permanently @ackmack78 @Sector
I've been doing 333mcg a day for 3 days straight (in the loading phase) in the afternoon. The hypo feeling usually hits me at night time, so it's not right away
Oh, wow! That's interesting. I pin up to 500mcg and didn't notice a thing. @Mishka1903 was pinning 1500mcg while taking big doses of insulin, wouldn't that made him going hypo?

Mishka when you passed out were you still running Melanotan or you had it stopped?
What doses and frequency of administration are you guys using when you see these effects? Is is acutely after you pin or do you see the effect last more permanently @ackmack78 @Sector
For me it only happens acutely and the effect is the same with Melanotan 1 & 2. Once my BG comes back up I'm good. The dose is always 250mcg whether it's MT1 or 2. I'll pin anywhere from 2-3x a week with a day in between
Oh, wow! That's interesting. I pin up to 500mcg and didn't notice a thing. @Mishka1903 was pinning 1500mcg while taking big doses of insulin, wouldn't that made him going hypo?

Mishka when you passed out were you still running Melanotan or you had it stopped?
Still running it, never gone Hypo using it.
I seem to be getting slight hypoglycemia on MT1, even after a big meal. I am not on any insulin or anything. However, there is no effect if I don’t eat prior, and I usually only take MT1/2 on an empty stomach.