Going to do a cycle, input/suggestions/feedback


New Member
New here. Im 41, 5’10 165 around 16% body. Goal is to get back to 148-150lbs 3-5% and have the highest possible strength to weight ratio as possible as my only activity is bouldering. I dont want to deal with any injections unless it can be once a week, except for igf-lr3

Back in 07 i did a cycle, that did exactly what i desired and the effects lasted years, and over the years strength has steadily fallen off and the last 3 years drastically. When i try and work out now i either get strains, overuse type injuries or i am sore for 4-5 days which doesnt help as you all are aware. I have wanted to redo my cycle for years but the site i had used no longer exists and i kept doing the whole “i will research this weekend” for year after year. Just recently i had surgery to remove a large chunk of herniated disc material from L5-S1, and as im recovering and realizing im losing even more fitness i finally got off my ass and started looking. Finally found this site and tried searching the google for anyone who had ever done my cycle or anyone who was trying to attain the goals im looking for. Sadly it seems 99.999% of people are trying to bulk and go for the body builder istagram fitness look. But i will post and see if anyone has some good ideas/input/etc

Here was my cycle
- anadrol 50, took it mon-wed-friday for 4 weeks
- anavar and winstrol 20mg for 6 weeks

I gained about 4-5 lbs but looked like 15lbs due to my small bone structure. For workouts i only did pull ups, push ups, incline sit ups, curls and planks all on mondays, and went bouldering the rest of the 6 days. Winter months i would redo my monday workout anytime i wasnt able to climb outdoors. I was able to maintain the strength gains for a number of years then it started to fade. Anyways i want to heal up from this surgery and get back to 150 and be as strong as possible, the ability to boulder back to v8 range or hopefully to a higher level than ever

Like i said i dont want to do any injections cause i dont want to do IM injections, have to deal with needles, storing them in the fridge etc. nor do i want any suggestions of any bulking, water retention giant mass/weight roids. I dont know anything about SARMS and unless someone wants to take time to explain all the jargan and code names and that i dont want to go down that rabbit hole, maybe next go around.

I plan on making an order in the next week or so, and hope to start my cycle when im cleared to start PT.

This time im going to do the same thing unless anyone on here has a good cocktail that would achieve my goals

Plan is this cycle
-anadrol 50, mon-wed-fri 4 weeks
-anavar/winstrol 20mg, maybe go with 40mg this time since im now 41 and not 23
-and add in this time igf-lr3, hard to find dosing info but it seems 20-50mcg everyday for 5 weeks, so prob go with 40mcg

Back in 07 i never heard about PCT, and i never had any issues, but maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea, also whatever liver or kidney stuff i need for the orals.

Hope that was enough details, what my goals are, and history
what testosterone do you recommend? I didnt think it was necessary, yes only orals except for igf-lr3. Maybe if i had someone who could inject me, but i dont like needles. At least with igf-lr3 its insulin gage and i can stick myself in the abbs and not have to use a big needle and puncture deep into the muscle.

I have read on here and numerous other forums about people doing huge anavar/winstrol only cycles, 20mg a day didnt cause me any problems before. There are things i can take for my liver and will probably do so.

Like i said my goal isnt to bulk and get massive, i want to be very light and as strong as possible. If i was trying to balloon up from 165 to 225, then yes my stack would be dumb, but im trying to get from 165 back to 150 with super human strength. I am hoping for actually feedback not gasps and trolling.

If you have a better idea on a cycle that will achieve my goals then post it with explanations, that would be greatly appreciated
what testosterone do you recommend? I didnt think it was necessary, yes only orals except for igf-lr3. Maybe if i had someone who could inject me, but i dont like needles. At least with igf-lr3 its insulin gage and i can stick myself in the abbs and not have to use a big needle and puncture deep into the muscle.

I have read on here and numerous other forums about people doing huge anavar/winstrol only cycles, 20mg a day didnt cause me any problems before. There are things i can take for my liver and will probably do so.

Like i said my goal isnt to bulk and get massive, i want to be very light and as strong as possible. If i was trying to balloon up from 165 to 225, then yes my stack would be dumb, but im trying to get from 165 back to 150 with super human strength. I am hoping for actually feedback not gasps and trolling.

If you have a better idea on a cycle that will achieve my goals then post it with explanations, that would be greatly appreciated
Well, like you said, you aren't as young anymore. I think most people on here have experiences similar to yours where they fucked around with orals or whatever back in the day and "recovered fine". Mine being with pro-hormones, but again, I'm not that young anymore. Just some food for thought.

You need a Testosterone base AT THE VERY LEAST, point blank. If you don't want to inject frequently, just do lazy man's TRT and inject once a week on Wednesday 100-150mg of Testosterone, ideally with a longer ester like Cypionate.

You don't need to inject into your asscheecks with a giant 20g needle. Instead, do this: Take that 20 or 21g needle, draw back how much oil you need to inject into that needle. Then take a 28 or 29g insulin syringe, remove the plunger, then put the oil from your drawing needle into your insulin syringe. Reinsert the plunger of your insulin syringe without spilling/squirting out any oil, and remove any air bubbles if needed. Inject the oil into your shoulder, alternating R and L shoulder each week. Apply a small bandaid, then gently massage the area after injection. Obviously use alcohol swabs to sanitize the stopper of the vial along with the injection site.

Make sure you have an AI on hand in case you react poorly to any of the compounds, get pre-cycle, mid-cycle, and post-cycle bloodwork. Also ensure you PCT properly, so have these things on hand in advance.

I would highly recommend doing some digging into the threads here about why oral only cycles are terrible, along with why it's necessary to have a Test base when taking orals.

Best of luck :)
Thanks for the insight, just watched a youtube vid of what you just explained. Currently looking at napsgear and slowly making my cart…..they have 40mg test pills, and it looks like i would have to take 160-200mg min a day, is that correct?

Next, im pretty sure my last 3 years huge drop off is my t levels are shit. Going on this cycle should help the strength and lose body fat, but how do i put my t levels back to a normal range and keep it there? Do i have to constantly do noveldex and clomid throughout the year?

Trying to read up on SARMS, and PCT. I want my gains but i also want to maintain and not have to do this up down year after year to keep hormones in check.

I dont have any problems doing a cycle every year to keep strength but i guess i need some help understanding the best way to keep hormones in balance
Thanks for the insight, just watched a youtube vid of what you just explained. Currently looking at napsgear and slowly making my cart…..they have 40mg test pills, and it looks like i would have to take 160-200mg min a day, is that correct?
Slow down. My advice would be to spend another week or two interacting on this forum before you buy anything from anywhere.
Slow down. My advice would be to spend another week or two interacting on this forum before you buy anything from anywhere.
I said making my cart not buying lol, just putting it together to see what approximately i will be spending. I am also making notes in a notebook as doing all this on my phone is pretty annoying.
Why don't you do blood work and find out exactly where your testosterone levels are at?

How is your diet? You are 5'10 and 165 but you want to get down to 148, I am a bit confused. You sound emaciated. Yeah, your testosterone is likely going to be extremely low if you go down that path.

You should try to do your old cycle exactly, since you said you had success with it.
I need to do that, might as well do the full blood work as well.

Def not emaciated. From 17-37 i was 150ish. I ran track all the way through college, we did the 15 site body fat twice a year and i ranged between 3.8-5. I was never very strong or explosive but i had prs of 10.77, 21.97, 47.68. Constantly tight and tender hammys, never was able to do more than i think 175 on squats.

After college i got into bouldering, and took a cycle. Before the cycle i struggled to do 4x30 push ups and 3x10 pull ups, after the cycle i could do 4x60 push ups, and 4x10 pull ups. Now i can only do 7 straight and 20 push ups.

I know in the realm of gear heads this is all laughable, and i dont give a shit. My college coach never could figure out how i could run so fast and be so pathetically weak. I have bouldered up to v8 and people cant believe it do to them being so much stronger in all aspects.

I have read lots of threads on here and other sites and so much i see is people bashing anything that isnt massive dosages and trying to bulk. Since i ran track i would read up on the olymipic runners getting popped and what they were on, only thing i dont have in my stack that WR runners had in their cocktails is THG and EPO. Most are micro dosing in the fact that they need to be glowing just under the threshold detection limits, they are tested year round.

So if they can go from 10.2 to 9.7s on “minimal” and “pathetic” and “waste of time and money” on their stacks/cycles, then why cant i make significant strength gains and not have to take a hodgepodge cocktail of this and that?

Do i really have to stack with a testosterone? Do i really have to do a PCT? I want to get back to my optimal weight and regain or have better strength and power than ever before

I live up in the mts, i have been active my whole life and competed at a pretty high level, im not some 20% ex frat boy who wants to finally get laid lol, i want results and a shredded body is just the side bonus. Bruce lee ripped not dwayne johnson.
I'm one of the rare people who doesn't think everyone always needs a testosterone base. I have done oral only cycles, and they can work. PCT is always a good idea though.

Just make sure you eat a lot of protein (over 100g everyday, preferably much more) and also supplement or eat collagen. Vitamin C. Take glycine too. You sound like most people: their body falls apart because people don't eat enough collagen. How is your diet?

I would do your old cycle, but also do a proper PCT with some clomid or Enclomiphene and Tamoxifen. And most importantly, eat right and take a multivitamin in addition to everything else. At this point, the most importantly thing is the right diet and supplementation.
Find a trt doctor and have your hormones checked out. (Blood work) this way if you are low and needles make you nervous you can atheist use a gel.. not as good as oils imo but you'll save your liver and kidneys.
Needles are not to bad at all once you're use to them. I use 20g to draw and a 25g to inject and don't feel a thing.
You need testosterone with an oral cycle other wise you won't have much to go on.
Just my thoughts
Fairly normal diet, for most my life i could anything i wanted and was always starving. I def eat more meats than everything else, i love cheese and i stopped beer.

I take vit C, and calcium, was taking l-carnitine, glucosime and chondrotin when i would get elbow tendonitis or strains in the finger tendons. Collagen sounds like a good idea, will add that. And def going to do a PCT.

If you have ever heard of alex honald, pretty world famous rock climber he is 6’ 155

Most of the top pros are 5’5-5’7 115-125, and rumor in the early 2010s was the reason spain had more top climbers than anywhere else was they could get anavar at their local CVS without prescription.

When i bought my cycle, my anavar and winstrol came from spain and my anadrol 50 was from Thailand.
Find a trt doctor and have your hormones checked out. (Blood work) this way if you are low and needles make you nervous you can atheist use a gel.. not as good as oils imo but you'll save your liver and kidneys.
Needles are not to bad at all once you're use to them. I use 20g to draw and a 25g to inject and don't feel a thing.
You need testosterone with an oral cycle other wise you won't have much to go on.
Just my thoughts
Do i have to ask specifically for t levels? Or is it just one of the results? Never had blood work so i would like to know what they look for vs what i have to ask for.
Do i have to ask specifically for t levels? Or is it just one of the results? Never had blood work so i would like to know what they look for vs what i have to ask for.
If its a trt doc they will know what to test for but for reference. Free testosterone, total testosterone, E2, Hemoglobin, hematocrit, Ferritin wbc, rbc, lipids there will be a few others also that they will probably want to look at.
If its a trt doc they will know what to test for but for reference. Free testosterone, total testosterone, E2, Hemoglobin, hematocrit, Ferritin wbc, rbc, lipids there will be a few others also that they will probably want to look at.
Awesome thanks a lot
Do i have to ask specifically for t levels? Or is it just one of the results? Never had blood work so i would like to know what they look for vs what i have to ask for.
I would use something like PrivateMDLabs to get your bloodwork. They have a panel that has your CBC, Metabolic Panel, Free/Total Test, and E2. I think it's like $100ish bucks with a discount code. You'll spend way less money and not have someone try and shove TRT down your throat.

