Golden Rule of Starting AAS


Hey guys,

I'm definitely a newbie, but wanted to share the biggest lesson learned I've had over the past year and a half ish of AAS/PED use. I've made a few mistakes already and I feel like if I had stuck to this principle, I wouldn't have made them:

Change One Thing At A Time (Limit Your Variables)

Most of the beginner advice I've gotten can be summed up in this principle.

People tell you to start with 500 Test Only because if you include multiple drugs, you don't know what is causing your side effects or how you react to any single drug.

People tell you not to start AI unless you get side effects or show high E in your bloodwork because if you start it right away, how are you going to know whether it's the AAS or the ancillary causing a symptom?

You WILL get side effects at some point, and if you can't figure out why and fix it, you're just going to get frustrated, probably quit, and then you've jacked up your hormones for no reason.

So if your dick stops working and you start taking a bunch of different drugs to try and fix it fast, how will you ever know which fixed it?

I'm trying to is be very scientific-method about my drug use. I get gyno symptoms, so I'm getting bloodwork, trying one change (like upping AI), waiting and seeing if it fixes it, doing more bloodwork, trying something else, and hopefully I can figure out a root cause and in the future, I'll be able to avoid it altogether.

Anyways, hope this helps someone. If not, feel free to talk shit ;)
You WILL get side effects at some point, and if you can't figure out why and fix it,
Concur. In some aviation circles this type of multi-input overcorrection is referred to as PIO or Pilot Induced Oscillation.

You have to be patient and allow an input to fully stabilize before making more. Otherwise you just end up as a smoking crater.

Applies to AAS use and an awful lot of things in life.
Concur. In some aviation circles this type of multi-input overcorrection is referred to as PIO or Pilot Induced Oscillation.

You have to be patient and allow an input to fully stabilize before making more. Otherwise you just end up as a smoking crater.

Applies to AAS use and an awful lot of things in life.
I'd rather keep injecting multiple things to try to make my libido work and then wind up in a fiery crash of anger and sadness.
There are many more rules and prerequisites before one should consider using AAS.

Some things can only be learned the hard way. You can't learn how to drive a car only by reading a book, you have to actually drive one before you start to understand how it all works in the real world. Same with steroids, you can read it all but until you start taking them you will not know how it works for you as an individual.

I believe advice to take 500mg Testosterone on your first cycle is getting really old. Many guys would benefit the same from less like 300mg/week and gain good with less side effects and to better asses how they react to Testosterone. I know people who love test at 200-300mg, but can't handle it well at 500mg or more, sure they add other steroids in to the mix, but for the first timer it's more than enough assuming diet and training is in check. Then if all is fine second blast at 500mg/week and so on.

So yes I agree start with T only, but take moderate dose and see how well you can handle it. You can always increase the dose later on.
“Sticking to the plan” is what always kicked my ass. Can’t even count how many times I “tried” a new compound for about 4 weeks then stopped.

Overall I’ve made solid gains and haven’t fucked myself up but I’d tell every newbie to do their research, come up with a plan, and trust your plan from start to finish.

There are so many interesting compounds out there I wanted to try them all right away. Patience is a must in this game.
Another note is steroids work, but most likely not as good as you think they do lol

I remember my first "cycle" I thought I would look like I was ready to walk on the olympia stage after my 10 weeks of 400 mg of test. I grew but didnt get shredded or looked anything amazing

so had to try tren next, tren is the secret of the pros is what I read online

grew again but still didnt look like a pro

genetics - training - diet - rest - gear are all important was my lesson learned
One thing I would highly recommend for first timers is to get bloods done before starting AAS so you have your baseline as a personal point of reference, which is of particular use if you plan on coming off gear & running a PCT at some point.

It’s something I never did & always regretted back when I was a cycle-PCT-off-cycle-repeat kinda guy, as opposed to a TRT-blast-cruise-repeat guy.
“Sticking to the plan” is what always kicked my ass. Can’t even count how many times I “tried” a new compound for about 4 weeks then stopped.

Overall I’ve made solid gains and haven’t fucked myself up but I’d tell every newbie to do their research, come up with a plan, and trust your plan from start to finish.

There are so many interesting compounds out there I wanted to try them all right away. Patience is a must in this game.
Anadrol here, anavar there. I found an old vial of tren a, let me inject that for old times sake.

Oh look, some deca vial there is in the corner of the gym locker room. Let me try that. WITH A FREE used needle to draw it and inject it with?! Score!
Some awesome advice here. I’m adding ‘patience’ to my original post. Totally agree with @ChevoGuap and @ripper908 , I’m having to check myself on both those things.

I should probably still be doing a couple more Test only blasts but I really wanted to try another compound and I powerlift so I wanted to see if deca would help my joints so I let myself do a little deca this blast. I found myself thinking “wow this feels ways better, I should add more” and I was like “you idiot, stick to the plan, you got a whole life ahead of you to scale up.”

I promised myself no orals and no harsh compounds like tren for the first 3-5 years. Doing my best to stick to that.
There are many more rules and prerequisites before one should consider using AAS.

Some things can only be learned the hard way. You can't learn how to drive a car only by reading a book, you have to actually drive one before you start to understand how it all works in the real world. Same with steroids, you can read it all but until you start taking them you will not know how it works for you as an individual.

I believe advice to take 500mg Testosterone on your first cycle is getting really old. Many guys would benefit the same from less like 300mg/week and gain good with less side effects and to better asses how they react to Testosterone. I know people who love test at 200-300mg, but can't handle it well at 500mg or more, sure they add other steroids in to the mix, but for the first timer it's more than enough assuming diet and training is in check. Then if all is fine second blast at 500mg/week and so on.

So yes I agree start with T only, but take moderate dose and see how well you can handle it. You can always increase the dose later on.
You are totally right, man, and I always read your posts closely when I see them, but grey has a point. You’re talking to an audience that has already decided muscles are more important than their health and longevity lol

but I also think I need the consistent reminder to slow TF down and be careful.
You are totally right, man, and I always read your posts closely when I see them, but grey has a point. You’re talking to an audience that has already decided muscles are more important than their health and longevity lol

but I also think I need the consistent reminder to slow TF down and be careful.
Hey man, all I'm trying to do is to advise/guide younger guys as I started very young myself. Naturally I went through quite a bit of mistakes since this kind of quality information wasn't available 5-6 years ago. There was lots of unknown and myths.

My main goal is not to gate keep, but rather to inform and make people think twice before they play with their hormones. As always it's down to individual if it's worth it for him and only he can make a decision at the end of the day. All we can do is to help him do it right and maybe guide him, if he wants to and is willing to listen. Forcing someone to do something against their will rarely works if ever. I'm happy there are more and more guys coming to Meso who want to learn something useful. They remind me of myself some time ago.