Hey guys,
I'm definitely a newbie, but wanted to share the biggest lesson learned I've had over the past year and a half ish of AAS/PED use. I've made a few mistakes already and I feel like if I had stuck to this principle, I wouldn't have made them:
Change One Thing At A Time (Limit Your Variables)
Most of the beginner advice I've gotten can be summed up in this principle.
People tell you to start with 500 Test Only because if you include multiple drugs, you don't know what is causing your side effects or how you react to any single drug.
People tell you not to start AI unless you get side effects or show high E in your bloodwork because if you start it right away, how are you going to know whether it's the AAS or the ancillary causing a symptom?
You WILL get side effects at some point, and if you can't figure out why and fix it, you're just going to get frustrated, probably quit, and then you've jacked up your hormones for no reason.
So if your dick stops working and you start taking a bunch of different drugs to try and fix it fast, how will you ever know which fixed it?
I'm trying to is be very scientific-method about my drug use. I get gyno symptoms, so I'm getting bloodwork, trying one change (like upping AI), waiting and seeing if it fixes it, doing more bloodwork, trying something else, and hopefully I can figure out a root cause and in the future, I'll be able to avoid it altogether.
Anyways, hope this helps someone. If not, feel free to talk shit
I'm definitely a newbie, but wanted to share the biggest lesson learned I've had over the past year and a half ish of AAS/PED use. I've made a few mistakes already and I feel like if I had stuck to this principle, I wouldn't have made them:
Change One Thing At A Time (Limit Your Variables)
Most of the beginner advice I've gotten can be summed up in this principle.
People tell you to start with 500 Test Only because if you include multiple drugs, you don't know what is causing your side effects or how you react to any single drug.
People tell you not to start AI unless you get side effects or show high E in your bloodwork because if you start it right away, how are you going to know whether it's the AAS or the ancillary causing a symptom?
You WILL get side effects at some point, and if you can't figure out why and fix it, you're just going to get frustrated, probably quit, and then you've jacked up your hormones for no reason.
So if your dick stops working and you start taking a bunch of different drugs to try and fix it fast, how will you ever know which fixed it?
I'm trying to is be very scientific-method about my drug use. I get gyno symptoms, so I'm getting bloodwork, trying one change (like upping AI), waiting and seeing if it fixes it, doing more bloodwork, trying something else, and hopefully I can figure out a root cause and in the future, I'll be able to avoid it altogether.
Anyways, hope this helps someone. If not, feel free to talk shit