GoodLyfe Anabolics Source HPLC Testing

How come almost everything is underdosed?
Everything except the first round of cialis hit within 10% of label claim. We are now stepping the active up 5% on high mg brews, 3% on low mg brews, and 3% on orals. We are also testing raws now not just finished products.
Stop complaining .. good results .. not even. Pfizer is perfect ..practice till you can’t get it wrong. Like your gonna feel or ever notice 30mg of deca
To no surprise, Deca still testing terrible with yet another source!!!!!
Dude when are you going to give it up? 12mg/ml on 300? 4 fucking percent.

What is shown above is typical for any source. Would we prefer OD over under? Sure. Is 4% something to bitch about? No.

not to mention the fact that you seem to be implying there’s something wrong with either the deca supply or that there’s this giant conspiracy to underdose deca across all UGL labs.

Stop complaining .. good results .. not even. Pfizer is perfect ..practice till you can’t get it wrong. Like your gonna feel or ever notice 30mg of deca
Bruh have you seen Meso lately? Half these guys go off of FeelZ. They know when they’ve been shorted 30mg.
This is interesting. This guy is underdosed on a few things and everyone jumps to his defense. Triple B was OVER dosed on his Test was it E or C? Dont remember, and people lost their shit.

Serious question: Is it better to be underdosed than overdosed? I realize Triple B was over 30mg on that batch. So maybe that was the issue.