GoodLyfe Anabolics Source HPLC Testing

This is interesting. This guy is underdosed on a few things and everyone jumps to his defense. Triple B was OVER dosed on his Test was it E or C? Dont remember, and people lost their shit.

Serious question: Is it better to be underdosed than overdosed? I realize Triple B was over 30mg on that batch. So maybe that was the issue.
I'd rather be over than under, as long as it's just a few points.
I will say trip caught major shit for 5-10% variations while this is well received.

@Connor 25257 Jesus Christ man shut the fuck up I'm starting to think you're a paranoid schizophrenic or something you absolutely are obsessed with the global steroid supply shutdown conspiracy.
This is interesting. This guy is underdosed on a few things and everyone jumps to his defense. Triple B was OVER dosed on his Test was it E or C? Dont remember, and people lost their shit.

Serious question: Is it better to be underdosed than overdosed? I realize Triple B was over 30mg on that batch. So maybe that was the issue.
That and his lady Var was overdosed and those tests didn't match his formulations. I guess we shouldn't question that :rolleyes:
I would rather be a few mg under then over.. overdosing gear is so easy.. when they test the raws and then try to be exact and fall a little short makes me feel like they are trying to be precise rather then add 10% and be 10-30mgs over.label..
Me personally I prefer exact dose or a little under..
If I wanna take 509mg of test cuz.i know I need x amount of ai.. then.overdosed test still habe me taking.more ai until I dial it in.. a little underdosed I've never had an issue.. also never so underdosed that I drop e2 to low.

This is goodlyfes first batch.. damn good.. im.sure he will make some small adjustments and get closer to labeled dose on the next batch.. regardless someone will always be unhappy or habe something to say.. good ol internet
This is interesting. This guy is underdosed on a few things and everyone jumps to his defense. Triple B was OVER dosed on his Test was it E or C? Dont remember, and people lost their shit.

Serious question: Is it better to be underdosed than overdosed? I realize Triple B was over 30mg on that batch. So maybe that was the issue.
I think it's safer to be 5% under then over.. you can always add more you cant subtract after it's injected..
This is just my opinion.. I personally feel it's safer all around for men and women of it's a tad under then over.
It’s not great. The finished product of 288 mg/ml isn’t ideal either. Deca raws use to be really good. Not sure what’s happened in the last year
What do you mean used to be aren't you like 26 tops. Been juicing how long ? You act like you've been in the game forever .
This is interesting. This guy is underdosed on a few things and everyone jumps to his defense. Triple B was OVER dosed on his Test was it E or C? Dont remember, and people lost their shit.

Serious question: Is it better to be underdosed than overdosed? I realize Triple B was over 30mg on that batch. So maybe that was the issue.
They're equally problematic. Consistency and getting as close to the label claim as possible is what matters most.
Dude when are you going to give it up? 12mg/ml on 300? 4 fucking percent.

What is shown above is typical for any source. Would we prefer OD over under? Sure. Is 4% something to bitch about? No.

not to mention the fact that you seem to be implying there’s something wrong with either the deca supply or that there’s this giant conspiracy to underdose deca across all UGL labs.

He's a kid man. He talks about how things used to be when he just started juicing in college. Graduated now he's. a vet bc he's been introduced to the underground for a year studying the game . He started out with a avi of his face for christ sake if I remember correctly . I usually just read his crap but today I'm feeling annoyed. Or maybe I'm one month into the tren , but only 250 enth a week ;] I can control that
I will say trip caught major shit for 5-10% variations while this is well received.

@Connor 25257 Jesus Christ man shut the fuck up I'm starting to think you're a paranoid schizophrenic or something you absolutely are obsessed with the global steroid supply shutdown conspiracy.
Prime example of neurological damage and cognitive abilities
What do you mean used to be aren't you like 26 tops. Been juicing how long ? You act like you've been in the game forever .

Remember never forget this is the guy that swore off "clearnet sources" cause they are all crap for only Darknet Market stuff. So his Nostradamus predictions don't carry much weight with the impending doom of the entire AAS market because "Deca raws are testing bad".

and yes he is absolutely green for the amount of shit he spews.
Remember never forget this is the guy that swore off "clearnet sources" cause they are all crap for only Darknet Market stuff. So his Nostradamus predictions don't carry much weight with the impending doom of the entire AAS market because "Deca raws are testing bad".

and yes he is absolutely green for the amount of shit he spews.
Super green.
Bruh have you seen Meso lately? Half these guys go off of FeelZ. They know when they’ve been shorted 30mg.
Lol u are right brother, this feelz shit it's one thing to say but if ur gunna try and go after a src have some evidence to fully support and back up whatever argument ur going after.... Testing is getting easier and easier to do weither it be with jano or lab4tox.... Damn it's nice to be on a real mother fucker forum man