GoodLyfe Anabolics Source HPLC Testing

Test results include the report for the NPP GSO 150. This is just a one time batch and will not replace my normal NPP100. Once the NPP150 GSO is sold out, that’s that.

Nice dude. Any feedback with the NPP150 or it’s fairly new?
Thanks brother. Yes it’s new as a special request from a customer. I haven’t sold a ton of it yet but the feedback I received privately was positive. Hopefully someone posts some feedback publicly.
I tried some npp150 from another source and the only con really was the constant crashing, and it wasn't even cold. I had to heat the vial almost every time, I don't have to do that with the npp100.
Same here. That’s the main feedback I was looking for. I usually heat my stuff before injecting regardless but this was like a full on crystal overnight lol. I like 150mg NPP so I’m glad to see GL added this.
I tried some npp150 from another source and the only con really was the constant crashing, and it wasn't even cold. I had to heat the vial almost every time, I don't have to do that with the npp100.
I do have a few crashed 150’s vials sitting in the bin. Most definitely should heat before pin.
Same here. That’s the main feedback I was looking for. I usually heat my stuff before injecting regardless but this was like a full on crystal overnight lol. I like 150mg NPP so I’m glad to see GL added this.
none of my bottles have crashed even slightly and I keep my apartment cold as fuck. I’m in prep in the south in this heat my ac is cranked and I haven’t seen one single crystal form or any signs of crashing. It appears to be very stable to me unless you live in Antarctica
Test results include the report for the NPP GSO 150. This is just a one time batch and will not replace my normal NPP100. Once the NPP150 GSO is sold out, that’s that.

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I swear I say this every time.but you keep getting better and better at brewing and nailing in the label claim dosages, amazing brewing skills g.l I'm really glad I always pushed you to stay around and not give up completely on the oil and caps idea. Now look at you , a straight unstopable force. Hopefully soon I will get a chance to try ur oils and orals, iv yet to pull the trigger one because I took time off and lately I haven't had the time. But man I've been waiting awhile to give ur oils a real shot....congrats on amazing testing g.l and thanks for staying true to what a mesos src should be like constantly testing expecially when ur into a new raw batch ...
First cycle, 26 years old
Never had body fat tested but based on picture scales (crazy accurate, I know) I’d say 18-20% bf
At the time of having my blood drawn—Tuesday morning of week 5, last pin on Sunday with 400mg/week test C (pinning twice per week). Had taken Aromasin 12.5mg Thursday then Saturday the week before due to itchy nips and bloating
I have since dropped to 350mg/week in hopes of controlling E2 better without Aromasin.
LDL immediately jumps out to me, any ideas on how to correct this?
Also welcome feedback on any other figure that seems concerning to you. Thanks for any replies


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First cycle, 26 years old
Never had body fat tested but based on picture scales (crazy accurate, I know) I’d say 18-20% bf
At the time of having my blood drawn—Tuesday morning of week 5, last pin on Sunday with 400mg/week test C (pinning twice per week). Had taken Aromasin 12.5mg Thursday then Saturday the week before due to itchy nips and bloating
I have since dropped to 350mg/week in hopes of controlling E2 better without Aromasin.
LDL immediately jumps out to me, any ideas on how to correct this?
Also welcome feedback on any other figure that seems concerning to you. Thanks for any replies
It looks like you may have had higher cholesterol and triglycerides before the cycle, odd too your ldl is so high when hdl is still good points to diet perhaps. Same with your glucose. Your estrogen is in range so surprised you’re getting high e2 symptoms. Surprised your liver ast is high just from testosterone. I’d take tudca everyday.

For cholesterol: you need to take fish oil 4g, eat lower cholesterol foods, and eat good antioxidants like berries. Watch the simple carbs, especially sugar since your glucose is also high but not too bad.
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First cycle, 26 years old
Never had body fat tested but based on picture scales (crazy accurate, I know) I’d say 18-20% bf
At the time of having my blood drawn—Tuesday morning of week 5, last pin on Sunday with 400mg/week test C (pinning twice per week). Had taken Aromasin 12.5mg Thursday then Saturday the week before due to itchy nips and bloating
I have since dropped to 350mg/week in hopes of controlling E2 better without Aromasin.
LDL immediately jumps out to me, any ideas on how to correct this?
Also welcome feedback on any other figure that seems concerning to you. Thanks for any replies
Diet, cardio, fish oil, citrus bergamot, and/or a low-dose statin like Rosuvastatin (5mg EOD) or antilipemic like Ezetimibe (10mg e/d).