GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Ok, got bloods drawn 7 weeks into cycle, GL products: Test 400mg/week and EQ 400mg/wk. Also taking 200mg deca mainly for joint relief. Based on my test not being much higher than just test and var blast last time combined with high crit and higher liver values than when in test and var I’m dropping the EQ and upping the test and deca a little. Also made my bp jump so upped telmisartan to 80mg. donating blood here soon to lower the hematocrit.
Thank you! Cred is good
Ok, got bloods drawn 7 weeks into cycle, GL products: Test 400mg/week and EQ 400mg/wk. Also taking 200mg deca mainly for joint relief. Based on my test not being much higher than just test and var blast last time combined with high crit and higher liver values than when in test and var I’m dropping the EQ and upping the test and deca a little. Also made my bp jump so upped telmisartan to 80mg. donating blood here soon to lower the hematocrit.
Do you normally cruise in the 1500ng level?
Do you normally cruise in the 1500ng level?
No, usually I cruise around 1000-1100. I was taking around 240mg on a previous cruise using some left over qsc and it kept me around 1100. These 3 bloods are on GL and since his stuff is dosed more accurately it made me come in high so I lowered it down to 200 the rest of cruise since I didn’t take that into account.
I was wondering the same thing. My question, if that amount is the cruise what's your mg dose while bulking? Thanks
Cruise I usually do 200mg to stay 1000-1100. Blast 200-500mg depending on the compound. I like to stay above 1000 especially if I’m cutting to stay slightly more anabolic to maximize muscle maintenance during deficit.
I am not quite into these batches yet but here is what is upcoming

Things to be aware of
1) This batch of Tren E is DARK. The Raws were a bit darker than usual
2) I ran 2 batches of Test E. Batch 2A is lighter in color. Batch 2B is slightly darker.

Just wanted to post a physique update. I took this at 10 weeks out. Currently am 8 weeks and 5 days out, everything I run comes from Goodlyfe, when I took this pic I was on 200mg Test P, 400mg Tren Ace, 400 Mast P. I had only been on that dose of Tren for 11 days we had to take it out due to my lack of sleep and replaced it with 400mg Primo. He has the best quality, the best customer service. Stands on his products, you can tell he loves what he does and he loves knowing he makes the best quality shit. Very grateful for him and too say these gains are brought to you by @GoodLyfe


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Just wanted to post a physique update. I took this at 10 weeks out. Currently am 8 weeks and 5 days out, everything I run comes from Goodlyfe, when I took this pic I was on 200mg Test P, 400mg Tren Ace, 400 Mast P. I had only been on that dose of Tren for 11 days we had to take it out due to my lack of sleep and replaced it with 400mg Primo. He has the best quality, the best customer service. Stands on his products, you can tell he loves what he does and he loves knowing he makes the best quality shit. Very grateful for him and too say these gains are brought to you by @GoodLyfe
Is that love tattoo for real or that marker?
Just wanted to post a physique update. I took this at 10 weeks out. Currently am 8 weeks and 5 days out, everything I run comes from Goodlyfe, when I took this pic I was on 200mg Test P, 400mg Tren Ace, 400 Mast P. I had only been on that dose of Tren for 11 days we had to take it out due to my lack of sleep and replaced it with 400mg Primo. He has the best quality, the best customer service. Stands on his products, you can tell he loves what he does and he loves knowing he makes the best quality shit. Very grateful for him and too say these gains are brought to you by @GoodLyfe
Great physique my man! Hard work pays off!
Brother looking good, what's your weight now and what are you looking to weigh for your show? Thanks and good luck
Thank you man, my weight currently is 235 and we’ll go on stage at 215, so around 7 weeks out we’ll really start pulling down. Started prep 20 weeks out weighing in at 275 cut down to 230 then a small grow phase got back up to 240 now we’re slowly coming down again, last 7 weeks really start pulling down
Thank you man, my weight currently is 235 and we’ll go on stage at 215, so around 7 weeks out we’ll really start pulling down. Started prep 20 weeks out weighing in at 275 cut down to 230 then a small grow phase got back up to 240 now we’re slowly coming down again, last 7 weeks really start pulling down
Big weight cut. You definitely will be shredded when you pull your water. Keep us updated.
Just wanted to post a physique update. I took this at 10 weeks out. Currently am 8 weeks and 5 days out, everything I run comes from Goodlyfe, when I took this pic I was on 200mg Test P, 400mg Tren Ace, 400 Mast P. I had only been on that dose of Tren for 11 days we had to take it out due to my lack of sleep and replaced it with 400mg Primo. He has the best quality, the best customer service. Stands on his products, you can tell he loves what he does and he loves knowing he makes the best quality shit. Very grateful for him and too say these gains are brought to you by @GoodLyfe
Damn dude you're fucking peeled. Do you have a log on here? If not you should absolutely do one.
thank you bro. no i think i will start one, do i just go to forum and add my own? also am i allowed to tag my source for what im using or is that against rules? still pretty new to this
You can post it here Steroid Cycle Log, in the Steroid Cycle Log sub-forum. IIRC, people will post who's gear their using all the time, but someone else can feel free to correct me.

I know most people typically post their cycle, training, what they're eating, and progress pics.