GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Thank you man, my weight currently is 235 and we’ll go on stage at 215, so around 7 weeks out we’ll really start pulling down. Started prep 20 weeks out weighing in at 275 cut down to 230 then a small grow phase got back up to 240 now we’re slowly coming down again, last 7 weeks really start pulling down
Cutting 60 pounds? Diet got a little loose on the off season?
thank you bro. no i think i will start one, do i just go to forum and add my own? also am i allowed to tag my source for what im using or is that against rules? still pretty new to this

You can post it here Steroid Cycle Log, in the Steroid Cycle Log sub-forum. IIRC, people will post who's gear their using all the time, but someone else can feel free to correct me.

I know most people typically post their cycle, training, what they're eating, and progress pics.

thank u bro will post on there tomorrow preciate u man
Please add some detail about that first cut of 45 pounds in a pretty short time period (5 pounds a week?). A lot of us here would be interested to read about what you had to do to make it happen.

Your 20 week prep is more than 3 pounds a week, and, if you include the context that you spent some time during this 20 weeks in a "small growth phase," your actual time cutting was probably more drastic than 3 pounds a week.

Anyway, it will make for interesting reading.
Cutting 60 pounds? Diet got a little loose on the off season?
Actually I didn’t get too sloppy here is a photo before starting prep at 275, n yea 40lbs we still got 15-20 to go, my off season meals consisted of 120fat, 900carbs, 400protein. My meats were beef, chicken, salmon, eggs, sometimes mussels and shrimp. fat sources sun butter, avocado, mainly would pour olive oil into meals. Carb sources were white potatoes, sweet potatoes, and white rice mainly with 65grans coming from Carbo Gain intra, 50 from Rice Krispie bars pre, and 80grams coming from cereal something that broke down quickly and mainly consisted of rice. I will do my steroid log now @Vanargandar


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Interesting bloodwork on 500mg/week on GL Test C GSO. Not seeing the batch # on the vial, else I'd supply. Pinning M/W/F, bloods were done through Marek Health and were taken Monday morning before injection to see trough levels.

For reference, 200mg/week at my clinic gets me to a 1700 TT level and 150mg/week gets me at a 1300 TT. Total and free tests are shown on screenshot 2+3.


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Interesting bloodwork on 500mg/week on GL Test C GSO. Not seeing the batch # on the vial, else I'd supply. Pinning M/W/F, bloods were done through Marek Health and were taken Monday morning before injection to see trough levels.

For reference, 200mg/week at my clinic gets me to a 1700 TT level and 150mg/week gets me at a 1300 TT. Total and free tests are shown on screenshot 2+3.
2000 right on the dot looks like a cap, no?
2000 right on the dot looks like a cap, no?
That's a thought I had... Marek doesn't specify on their website if it's uncapped or not. If someone who's used Marek can confirm or not, that'd be great. The exact test was their "Total Testosterone (LC/MS) Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Dialysis)"
That's a thought I had... Marek doesn't specify on their website if it's uncapped or not. If someone who's used Marek can confirm or not, that'd be great. The exact test was their "Total Testosterone (LC/MS) Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Dialysis)"
I see no reference interval, so my guess would be a cap, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
Actually I didn’t get too sloppy here is a photo before starting prep at 275, n yea 40lbs we still got 15-20 to go, my off season meals consisted of 120fat, 900carbs, 400protein. My meats were beef, chicken, salmon, eggs, sometimes mussels and shrimp. fat sources sun butter, avocado, mainly would pour olive oil into meals. Carb sources were white potatoes, sweet potatoes, and white rice mainly with 65grans coming from Carbo Gain intra, 50 from Rice Krispie bars pre, and 80grams coming from cereal something that broke down quickly and mainly consisted of rice. I will do my steroid log now @Vanargandar
Looking large and in charge my guy. I lol'd at your chest hair gains. My toes get hairy when I'm on a lot of gear, I look like a caveman
That's a thought I had... Marek doesn't specify on their website if it's uncapped or not. If someone who's used Marek can confirm or not, that'd be great. The exact test was their "Total Testosterone (LC/MS) Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Dialysis)"
That is an uncapped test. But I've never used merak. You can contact merak to confirm though.
Interesting bloodwork on 500mg/week on GL Test C GSO. Not seeing the batch # on the vial, else I'd supply. Pinning M/W/F, bloods were done through Marek Health and were taken Monday morning before injection to see trough levels.

For reference, 200mg/week at my clinic gets me to a 1700 TT level and 150mg/week gets me at a 1300 TT. Total and free tests are shown on screenshot 2+3.
How often do you pin and when did you draw blood?
How often do you pin and when did you draw blood?
He said mwf and draw on Monday, so pin day.

I would like to say I've never once had an issue with GLs gear and I think the likelihood of labcorp fucking up the results are more likely GLs test was underdosed. He offers jano store credit, I would encourage him to send in his vial and get it tested. I'm certain it'll come back within 10%.

I posted my bloodwork (quest) on GL test c recently on 1750mg a week and my total was 9150 ng/dL
He said mwf and draw on Monday, so pin day.

I would like to say I've never once had an issue with GLs gear and I think the likelihood of labcorp fucking up the results are more likely GLs test was underdosed. He offers jano store credit, I would encourage him to send in his vial and get it tested. I'm certain it'll come back within 10%.

I posted my bloodwork (quest) on GL test c recently on 1750mg a week and my total was 9150 ng/dL
Thanks, not sure how I missed that completely. I was so focused on the low number and clicking the attachments
Interesting bloodwork on 500mg/week on GL Test C GSO. Not seeing the batch # on the vial, else I'd supply. Pinning M/W/F, bloods were done through Marek Health and were taken Monday morning before injection to see trough levels.

For reference, 200mg/week at my clinic gets me to a 1700 TT level and 150mg/week gets me at a 1300 TT. Total and free tests are shown on screenshot 2+3.
Credit is good man thanks for posting! You can find the batch number underneath where it specifies the carrier oil.
A 4x multiplier is not uncommon for some people but for what you referenced based on previous bloods it does seem low for you.
No joke when I started pinning my biggest fear was someone doing my blood work telling the police my info lol. Then one day I told a nurse I know my fears and she laughed at me lol
Idk I have a buddy who just got fired from his doctor by being too open

