GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Thanks for the clarification. Still a confusing result nonetheless lol
Well I will say this, based on your replies earlier about your injection frequency.

When you pulled a higher multiplier you were pinning 2x a week and when you pulled this lower Multiplier you were pinning 3x a week.

The more we break up our injection / inject more frequently it keeps our levels more stable and in turn we tend to see a lower multiplier because we aren’t getting such a big spike as we would if only pinning 2x a week with a larger bolus injection.

Inj frequency can definitely skew your multiplier. When I inject every other day my multiplier is typically around 3.5x.

Also typically the higher dose we run we may not see the same level of a multiplier as we would on a trt dose. My multiplier is always better on 200mg vs 500-600mg

With all that considered I don’t really think it’s a confusing result
The more we break up our injection / inject more frequently it keeps our levels more stable and in turn we tend to see a lower multiplier because we aren’t getting such a big spike as we would if only pinning 2x a week with a larger bolus injection.

Inj frequency can definitely skew your multiplier. When I inject every other day my multiplier is typically around 3.5x.

Also typically the higher dose we run we may not see the same level of a multiplier as we would on a trt dose. My multiplier is always better on 200mg vs 500-600mg
Oh shit, had no idea. I just figured that it would have been a linear number based on my TRT levels. I appreciate the info man
It's probably addressed back in the middle of page 158 of this thread, but what is the story with primo? Just difficult to get a reliable source with consistent quality?
Haven't been on much lately. Overdue to share my last labs! This is after 7 weeks of 200mg Test C, 200mg Primo E, 50mg NPP. After these labs, adjusted Test/Primo in an effort to bring my E2 up a little.


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    Aug 24 Lipids.png
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