GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Here’s bloodwork taken yesterday on Goodlyfe’s test cyp in GSO. Was taking 300mg for 7 weeks and bumped up to 350mg 2 weeks ago. Just finished the first vial this morning actually. Results reflect the test cyp as well as 3-4iu of Goodlyfe gh and 10mg anavar. I run .25mg adex EOD as my ai.


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Here’s bloodwork taken yesterday on Goodlyfe’s test cyp in GSO. Was taking 300mg for 7 weeks and bumped up to 350mg 2 weeks ago. Just finished the first vial this morning actually. Results reflect the test cyp as well as 3-4iu of Goodlyfe gh and 10mg anavar. I run .25mg adex EOD as my ai.
Good stuff! Credit is bueno
I ran 400mg Test-C for 16 weeks with 30mg d-bol for the last 6 and adex as needed throughout. Everything was from GL. I put on 20 lbs all said and done. Awesome cycle and awesome products, excited for my next cycle.


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I ran 400mg Test-C for 16 weeks with 30mg d-bol for the last 6 and adex as needed throughout. Everything was from GL. I put on 20 lbs all said and done. Awesome cycle and awesome products, excited for my next cycle.
Thanks man! Sounds like success
Ok, got bloods drawn 7 weeks into cycle, GL products: Test 400mg/week and EQ 400mg/wk. Also taking 200mg deca mainly for joint relief. Based on my test not being much higher than just test and var blast last time combined with high crit and higher liver values than when in test and var I’m dropping the EQ and upping the test and deca a little. Also made my bp jump so upped telmisartan to 80mg. donating blood here soon to lower the hematocrit.


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