GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

How long will a vial of Semaglutide last? How many shots are you guys getting out of one? Wanting to get some for my brother his insurance is telling him it’s $300 a month which consists of 4 shots(1 per week)
How long will a vial of Semaglutide last? How many shots are you guys getting out of one? Wanting to get some for my brother his insurance is telling him it’s $300 a month which consists of 4 shots(1 per week)
Starter dose is .25mg or 250ug for 4 weeks. If he's using it for diabetes he should be moving up to 0.5mg after 4 weeks for the next four weeks so in 8 weeks he would use 3mg. Then it's 1mg for 4 weeks so 9 weeks for the first bottle. If his glucose is under control at that point stay there if not you do 1.7 then 2.4 a week staying at each dose for 4 weeks. My wife's diabetic and never had to increase her dose past 1mg.

If using for weight loss ride out each dose as long as you can if it's keeping hunger at bay. I can usually get 6-7 weeks out of 250ug and same with 500ug. I ran sema for 29 weeks on a cut and never went over 1mg/wk and I split my injections into 2 shots over the week so 500/500ug. Last couple of weeks when I was under 10% I should have increased but I didn't want to crack a new bottle but it was still working just starting to get hungry.
Made an order mostly for my buddy theough goodlyfe. He competed back in the day and is getting back into it. Prior to this it was all face to face transactions and what sounds like maybe questionable gear.
He called me when it came in, made me laugh. “Dude. This shit is vacuum sealed and looks professional af, but what do the ducks do??”

So the ducks passed the feels test. Quality ducks for sure.
Made an order mostly for my buddy theough goodlyfe. He competed back in the day and is getting back into it. Prior to this it was all face to face transactions and what sounds like maybe questionable gear.
He called me when it came in, made me laugh. “Dude. This shit is vacuum sealed and looks professional af, but what do the ducks do??”

So the ducks passed the feels test. Quality ducks for sure.
Lmao. That’s awesome
@SkankHunt I saw your comment in the testing thread. Goodlyfe was kind enough to make this batch upon request for me during prep to reduce my injection volume, I’ve always been a fan of npp 150.

This stuff is really smooth man absolutely no pip or knots/ swelling. And I’m very sensitive to pip.
This is perfect timing as NPP is on my list for next blast and I was wondering about pip since I’ll have to inject a lot between that and test. Thanks bro.
@GoodLyfe Are the blacktop vials MCT oil? Just found a few. I have some Deca and Test P with gray tops but I’m 99% sure those are CSO. Found a few test Cyp with blacktops and wanted to confirm if they’re MCT. Thanks bud.
I think it's safe to say GL test cyp is legit lol

1750mg test cyp a week.

@GoodLyfe can i get blood work credit my goodman? If you want the uncensored test I'll email it over


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