GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Recent touchdown from @GoodLyfe . Quick response. Great communication. Super fast ta. Nothing but good things to say. I love this man. No homo.
I may have snagged the last of the Primo. (sorry about that). :cool:

Cruising now on test and just added a little primo while I'm cutting. Planning a blast for November. Thanks, GL!

View attachment 266107
Thank you!
I run 180 a week test and here’s my undi size for my friend who askedView attachment 266109
Fuckin A man. Good work!! #Goals.
Everytime I make my payment I run out to the mailbox to see if the package is there already! Thats how fast he is! Thanks @GoodLyfe ! My ducks arrived! Top notch as always!
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Bloodwork on 250mg goodlyfe B6 MCT Cyp and 200mg B4 MCT Primo per week. Estradiol was 26 which is lower than I usually pull on 130mg pharma cyp for trt. I have ultra low SHBG naturally so my total test is generally lower than expected.

Took a bit to get enough posts to actually post bloodwork!

Bloodwork on 250mg goodlyfe B6 MCT Cyp and 200mg B4 MCT Primo per week. Estradiol was 26 which is lower than I usually pull on 130mg pharma cyp for trt. I have ultra low SHBG naturally so my total test is generally lower than expected.

Took a bit to get enough posts to actually post bloodwork!

View attachment 266175
Thanks for posting! Credit is good, please see pastebin for specifics.
I am closing for a restock.
All paid orders will still be shipped.
You guys are awesome!
I will keep you updated.

Thank you guys!
