GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

EQ locks up aromatase better than an AI.

I haven't figured out what high estrone does, though, if anything.
Is that true for everyone or just some respond that way? I ask because I see hit or miss it seems and I’m going to be trying Boldenone soon myself and not sure if I’m just gonna completely cut out ai beforehand
Is that true for everyone or just some respond that way? I ask because I see hit or miss it seems and I’m going to be trying Boldenone soon myself and not sure if I’m just gonna completely cut out ai beforehand
The only way you can tell it works as an ai for you is blood work. It depends on your genetics and noone can tell you.
Is that true for everyone or just some respond that way?
I hear people say this all the time

"EQ doesn't lower e2"
"Primo doesn't lower e2, it's subjective"
"Mast lowers e2"

I haven't even seen much evidence of any blood work that says primo/EQ not lowering e2

and mast lowering it.

I want to see numbers from people saying it doesnt. That and a jano report
I hear people say this all the time

"EQ doesn't lower e2"
"Primo doesn't lower e2, it's subjective"
"Mast lowers e2"

I haven't even seen much evidence of any blood work that says primo/EQ not lowering e2

and mast lowering it.

I want to see numbers from people saying it doesnt. That and a jano report
From all my blood work with EQ it crashed my estrogen
I hear people say this all the time

"EQ doesn't lower e2"
"Primo doesn't lower e2, it's subjective"
"Mast lowers e2"

I haven't even seen much evidence of any blood work that says primo/EQ not lowering e2

and mast lowering it.

I want to see numbers from people saying it doesnt. That and a jano report
I just ordered blood work for a draw in about 3 weeks. Currently on my TRT protocol with 44mg mast e eod / 154mg per week added on. GL test and mast. I'll post the results and I have baseline for the TRT so there's an N=1 for effect of Mast in the works. Probably going to be a month before I see the results but I'm holding this protocol steady through that time.
And I will have bloodwork to match up in a couple months to see if Boldenone lowers estrogen. I’ll be using bold cyp tho.
And I will have bloodwork to match up in a couple months to see if Boldenone lowers estrogen. I’ll be using bold cyp tho.
Bold cyp naka labs from 24hreup I take it? If so, just a heads up they list 200mg/ml but it jano tested at less than 150. Idk bout you but it's concerning to think what the other 50mg of unpure shit is in there per ml.
If not than hell yeah, I haven't found it anywhere else
Bold cyp naka labs from 24hreup I take it? If so, just a heads up they list 200mg/ml but it jano tested at less than 150. Idk bout you but it's concerning to think what the other 50mg of unpure shit is in there per ml.
If not than hell yeah, I haven't found it anywhere else
Nah, it’s from ccusa from these forums
I hear people say this all the time

"EQ doesn't lower e2"
"Primo doesn't lower e2, it's subjective"
"Mast lowers e2"

I haven't even seen much evidence of any blood work that says primo/EQ not lowering e2

and mast lowering it.

I want to see numbers from people saying it doesnt. That and a jano report
Same here. I’ll find out myself in a few weeks when I get bloods pulled. But I have less water retention and bloating than I did on just Testosterone so I expect it’s helping.
Rido I’m happy it’s you who said the above, regarding the primo, Eq, mast e2 lowering statement. I agreed 1,000% with you and there’s also 0 proof and no/none scientific proof showing it either. It’s one of those bro science things that just spread like wildfire. I think people make a lot of there assumptions about things not factoring in the way they have there compound dosing/doses set up. Or how every persons body reacts differently to compounds and doses than each other. What does something to me does mean it does it to you. But it’ll always happen with these type of things and beliefs cuz it’s just the way people look at and interpret simple opinions and not actual facts
Rido I’m happy it’s you who said the above, regarding the primo, Eq, mast e2 lowering statement. I agreed 1,000% with you and there’s also 0 proof and no/none scientific proof showing it either. It’s one of those bro science things that just spread like wildfire. I think people make a lot of there assumptions about things not factoring in the way they have there compound dosing/doses set up. Or how every persons body reacts differently to compounds and doses than each other. What does something to me does mean it does it to you. But it’ll always happen with these type of things and beliefs cuz it’s just the way people look at and interpret simple opinions and not actual facts
I believe @Type-IIx had a very interesting write up on Equipoise and now it’s affects estrogen.