GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

I really hate to throw out the word "golden".....but goodlyfe is borderline "golden". lol I agree with you skankhunt. That being said, there have been many many sources who I thought were golden, suddenly turn scammer after being great for several years. I myself have personally been scammed by some of these sources i thought were golden. A source is only golden......until he is no longer golden.
Ok here's my side. I've been lurking on meso for several months but I never did the introduction and other requirements to actually post in the underground section. When I got my bloods, I did all that so I could post. Yes, it does seem off and misleading the way I did and the conclusions you came to about it are totally understood. I don't blame you at all for thinking that. I'm not worried about the credit at all, but I do want to say thanks again to GL. If anyone don't believe I'm on his test, I can post a pic of the bottle. My apologies
Ok here's my side. I've been lurking on meso for several months but I never did the introduction and other requirements to actually post in the underground section. When I got my bloods, I did all that so I could post. Yes, it does seem off and misleading the way I did and the conclusions you came to about it are totally understood. I don't blame you at all for thinking that. I'm not worried about the credit at all, but I do want to say thanks again to GL. If anyone don't believe I'm on his test, I can post a pic of the bottle. My apologies
Pics with username and date written on small piece of paper next to said product would go a long way.
Ok here's my side. I've been lurking on meso for several months but I never did the introduction and other requirements to actually post in the underground section. When I got my bloods, I did all that so I could post. Yes, it does seem off and misleading the way I did and the conclusions you came to about it are totally understood. I don't blame you at all for thinking that. I'm not worried about the credit at all, but I do want to say thanks again to GL. If anyone don't believe I'm on his test, I can post a pic of the bottle. My apologies
So 3 days ago when you asked if you should consider other options besides what your doctor has you on, you had already been on GL test for 4 months?

And 3 days ago when you stated you feel like shit all the time other than the few days after your injection you meant you felt like shit 4 months ago before switching to GL test?
Pics with username and date written on small piece of paper next to said product would go a long way.
Dude needs to repost the bloodwork pics with the dates included, which GL requires anyway. And I personally want to see more, but probably won't consider my request.

A picture of one GL Test vial proves nothing to validate his claim.
So jas, basically, while on 200mg/month Dr prescribed test at 200mg/month at once monthly injection, you tested at 79 tt ? And now, after being on glf test cyp for 4 months at 125mg/week, your bloods came back at 769 tt ? That is great, glf's test is working well for you and I bet you feel wayyyy better with the tt of 769 relative to the tt of 79 ?
So jas, basically, while on 200mg/month Dr prescribed test at 200mg/month at once monthly injection, you tested at 79 tt ? And now, after being on glf test cyp for 4 months at 125mg/week, your bloods came back at 769 tt ? That is great, glf's test is working well for you and I bet you feel wayyyy better with the tt of 769 relative to the tt of 79 ?
No the 79 test was before and why I was gave the prescription. I did two shots, one each month then got on GL test so I could do it weekly.
If I was the subscriber, just to cut down on any future confusion and scamming attempts, I would definitely do some altering to my verbiage when it comes to blood work testing credits.

The subscriber/member relationship is what makes this thing tick. If it goes too far one way or the other, resentment and bitterness can get stirred up and we either lose a good source or they lose a good member. This isn’t a zero sum game. It’s not “get him before he gets me.” It only works if the majority of people keep some integrity intact.
So 3 days ago when you asked if you should consider other options besides what your doctor has you on, you had already been on GL test for 4 months?

And 3 days ago when you stated you feel like shit all the time other than the few days after your injection you meant you felt like shit 4 months ago before switching to GL test?
This !!!! Exactly
No the 79 test was before and why I was gave the prescription. I did two shots, one each month then got on GL test so I could do it weekly.
OK, so you have yet to run bloodwork while on glf's test, correct ? And therefore, are not requesting credit from glf for any bloodwork ?
This lends credence. I would repost bloods with dates included, as T&H suggested.
I've been running GL Test C 250 MCT @ 500mg/week since early May. This blood was drawn 27hrs post injection. I pin daily, so this is as deep as the trough gets.
Really happy with the results.
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I've been on 120mg/ week of GL test cyp for almost 3 months now. It has me right where I need to be. Thank you, @GoodLyfe !
Are you really that dumb, to think him solely posting pics of 4 vials and dates on his bloodwork still proves his story. The two posts I quoted of him show him to be a liar. End of story.

While we're at it, I'm thinking GL may need to limit bloodwork credit in a calendar year. You just posted and got bloodwork credit 2 months ago. Now you're posting again, claiming almost 3 months when it's like 2 months. Probably a liar too, looking for some free credit. @GoodLyfe I personally wouldn't give him credit for yesterday's post.
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Are you really that dumb, to think him solely posting pics of 4 vials and dates on his bloodwork still proves his story. The two posts I quoted of him show him to be a liar. End of story.

While we're at it, I'm thinking GL may need to limit bloodwork credit in a calendar year. You just posted and got bloodwork credit 2 months ago. Now you're posting again, claiming almost 3 months when it's like 2 months. Probably a liar too, looking for some free credit.
My previous bloods were at the end of my last blast. They were taken on June 26th. I immediately dropped down to 120mg and got new bloods to confirm current levels. I said almost 3 months. Should have said arond 2.5 months to be more precise. Not a liar, sir.
My previous bloods were at the end of my last blast. They were taken on June 26th. I immediately dropped down to 120mg and got new bloods to confirm current levels. I said almost 3 months. Should have said arond 2.5 months to be more precise. Not a liar, sir.
I won't keep giving you a hard time, nor the guy who's bloodwork is in question. I think enough has come out to deter him from trying to get GL to give him the credit.

Just wanted to raise the issue of possible abuse of this honor system of bloodwork credit. I hope this keeps any future scammers from trying this crap. And I'd love to see GL retain bloodwork credit, but incorporate a change to limit misuse of it.
The past few days of posts are sad. People posting bloods on multiple source forums for double credit, lying about response to get praise, lying about timing or source for credit, Jesus. If people really appreciate GL or the meso community than stop trying to screw them over. It’s a good thing some are keeping a watchful eye over these things, It’s appreciated. Hopefully this a blip and we can get back to great information sharing and learning.
Okay, this is what I want to do.

First, thank you to the members who are diligent not only in holding me accountable but for also holding members accountable. That is what makes this community great. @T&H @SkankHunt @Shivathedestroyer @fike @UncleBuns @musclesiege

Secondly, effective immediately these are the requirements for collecting bloodwork credit.

1. Bloods MUST be uncapped
2. The date must show on the report
3. I will not accept bloodwork that is more than two months old.
4. I would like to accept only 2 blood credits per member per year. I don’t know how to efficiently implement this because I don’t save any records of any members for long term reference. I suppose this has to be on the honor system.

I was also going to add there has to be a certain amount of time between bloods but it will vary based on length of cycle and ester choice as well. Basically, don’t try to claim 2 blood credits in 3 months time if you are on a cruise dose.

I’m open to suggestions if this seems way out in left field.