GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Try elsewhere.

You already know I did. Hopefully you don’t catch a ban as they typically don’t take kindly to BS

Attack? Just sharing the obvious with your own posts and words. Every time you try to justify it, it makes less sense bud
@B Ware if you read a little further down in the TP thread, I clarify.

View attachment 265336


I don’t think either source gives credit for IGF scores - only GH serum (I know this applies to GL for certain).

The test I used was GL’s test c. Definitely not trying to beat the credit system here fells lol.

This just shows how deep your lie goes and creates another lie. Just stop


Who taught you your morals? Were you not accepted and allowed to sit with the cool kids? Had a buddy who was a habitual liar once. He did it to be accepted. Thought it made him cool.

Bingo….. he did it for attention. Everyone should go read all the comments from the members and Palifter on both forums after he posted his bloods. Once you do keep reading and you will start seeing a pattern. B Ware pointed out one from one page back where he stated he’s only ran 10iu for the last year but this lab report is from taking nearly double that.

I’ve known a few people that lie about stupid stuff and it’s always for the attention. It’s a great igf-1. Too bad know one knows what he was actually taking and what the dose was.
Who taught you your morals? Were you not accepted and allowed to sit with the cool kids? Had a buddy who was a habitual liar once. He did it to be accepted. Thought it made him
You’re an acting like a bitch, like literally bro, legit bitch behavior, straight dosing fake arimidex - perky nips type bitch shit.
Grown ass man, acting loud on a forum type bitch shit.
This just shows how deep your lie goes and creates another lie. Just stop

View attachment 265430

Bingo….. he did it for attention. Everyone should go read all the comments from the members and Palifter on both forums after he posted his bloods. Once you do keep reading and you will start seeing a pattern. B Ware pointed out one from one page back where he stated he’s only ran 10iu for the last year but this lab report is from taking nearly double that.

I’ve known a few people that lie about stupid stuff and it’s always for the attention. It’s a great igf-1. Too bad know one knows what he was actually taking and what the dose was.

Your entire post history is gifs and arguing with people in an effort to put them down.

You’re the definition of a keyboard warrior with no avi. Please go.
Your entire post history is gifs and arguing with people in an effort to put them down.

You’re the definition of a keyboard warrior with no avi. Please go.

Palifter, just stop. Every time you post you reveal more of how child like you are.

I won’t continue to go back and forth with you. All anyone has to do is read the last few pages here and on professional muscle and there are a web of obvious lies. Keeping pointing out my post history to deflect though. Have a good one
Palifter, just stop. Every time you post you reveal more of how child like you are.

I won’t continue to go back and forth with you. All anyone has to do is read the last few pages here and on professional muscle and there are a web of obvious lies. Keeping pointing out my post history to deflect though. Have a good one

Literally 90% of your post history contains some form of the word lie, liar, lying etc. Clear agenda on your end.

Keep up the great work, detective.
@Palifter so on another note. I can I pull a 4 digit igf # ????

Obviously PA is a good converter, maybe 2 bottles a day? -_-

If you pull a 4 digit IGF figure you may want to check your pituitary gland for a tumor.

But most importantly, if you pull a high IGF number, never tell anyone or post it on a forum. People will castrate you, dissect your every word and form lifelong opinions based on little to nothing. Or so I’ve heard….
Bloods on Week 6 of all GL products
Up about 15 lbs, feeling pretty damn good just high E2 symptoms. No Pip.

Test E 300 mg week
Mast E 400 mg week
Aromasin was 6.2mg E3D but I spaced it out more( obviously going to start 12.5 E3D now that I have confirmation of E2). Next test I’ll order the more sensitive T version.IMG_4964.jpeg
HGH 3.5 IU day
Bloods on Week 6 of all GL products
Up about 15 lbs, feeling pretty damn good just high E2 symptoms. No Pip.

Test E 300 mg week
Mast E 400 mg week
Aromasin was 6.2mg E3D but I spaced it out more( obviously going to start 12.5 E3D now that I have confirmation of E2). Next test I’ll order the more sensitive T version.View attachment 265447
HGH 3.5 IU day
Thanks for posting. Glad everything is working well for you!
Damn dude. What are you taking to keep (all) your cholesterol so low?
HDL is genetically really low for me unfortunately and on cycle it drops down to 30 from 50. LDL is because I only eat unsaturated fats, cardio 20 min a day, water, no bread or processed foods, etc… I’m ocd to the point of peeling all the skin off my Costco chicken and then cutting up an avocado on it. I still eat a lean steak every now and then but my diet is pretty damn boring.
HDL is genetically really low for me unfortunately and on cycle it drops down to 30 from 50. LDL is because I only eat unsaturated fats, cardio 20 min a day, water, no bread or processed foods, etc… I’m ocd to the point of peeling all the skin off my Costco chicken and then cutting up an avocado on it. I still eat a lean steak every now and then but my diet is pretty damn boring.
That's dedication man, hats off to ya. I was just curious if you were taking any statins or something.
How have personal experiences been with grapeseed oil v. MCT?

Is this just a personal sensitivity issue for some persons with one or the other?
I’ve used both during different times. MCT for me is smooth, faster to draw/inject, and I get no pip thus far from various types of compounds. GSO is thicker and gives me slight pip but not much. Slower inject and leaves knots if I use it subq.
Doing an easy TRT cruise with GL Test Cyp, 100mg a week. Labs were pulled 7 days after last injection.
I’m happy


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