GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

@B Ware if you read a little further down in the TP thread, I clarify.



I don’t think either source gives credit for IGF scores - only GH serum (I know this applies to GL for certain).

The test I used was GL’s test c. Definitely not trying to beat the credit system here fells lol.
@B Ware if you read a little further down in the TP thread, I clarify.

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I don’t think either source gives credit for IGF scores - only GH serum (I know this applies to GL for certain).

The test I used was GL’s test c. Definitely not trying to beat the credit system here fells lol.

I saw you clarified. That’s why I pointed out the obvious. Scored exactly a 819 on both and the damn date on the bottom on both is the same. Come on bud.
Glad I could clear that up.

The only thing you cleared up is that your creditability is shit.

First it was a score of 819 from 10iu of GL. A week later it was a score of 819 from 10iu of TP. Then when questioned, oh wait it was 17iu of TP. Also when questioned you stated you pulled these weeks apart from each other which is weird considering the date is the same on both
The only thing you cleared up is that your creditability is shit.

First it was a score of 819 from 10iu of GL. A week later it was a score of 819 from 10iu of TP. Then when questioned, oh wait it was 17iu of TP. Also when questioned you stated you pulled these weeks apart from each other which is weird considering the date is the same on both
You’re so angry about a minor mistake that I’ve repeatedly admitted my wrongdoing about. I’m not sure what else you want to hear from me to put you at ease.
You’re so angry about a minor mistake that I’ve repeatedly admitted my wrongdoing about. I’m not sure what else you want to hear from me to put you at ease.

Who’s angry?

I’ve repeatedly admitted my wrongdoing about.

Wat? Where? You admitted your shameful wrongful doings?

May I ask why you did it? Just curious as it destroyed your credibility
You’re so angry about a minor mistake that I’ve repeatedly admitted my wrongdoing about. I’m not sure what else you want to hear from me to put you at ease.
So you're admitting you lied in the post here, and that the IGF test wasn't from GL HGH, but was TPs blacks. Just wanting to get on the same page here.
So you're admitting you lied in the post here, and that the IGF test wasn't from GL HGH, but was TPs blacks. Just wanting to get on the same page here.
I’m not admitting I lied about anything - I have zero reason to as I am not seeking any monetary or credit gain. I did mistake what kits I was using when I drew my IGF numbers. My 819 reading was from TP Blacks. My test reading was from GL test. Also, even though TP’s blacks test higher than 10iu, I still reference them as 10iu out of habit - right or wrong.
Just to make it clear - I have never taken or used credit from either source even when posting bloods. I do this only for the community and my clients. Please feel free to ask TP or @GoodLyfe to confirm this.

I assure you this happened out of sheer ignorance on my end. My credibility is very much intact and I plan to keep it that way.
I’m not admitting I lied about anything - I have zero reason to as I am not seeking any monetary or credit gain. I did mistake what kits I was using when I drew my IGF numbers. My 819 reading was from TP Blacks. My test reading was from GL test. Also, even though TP’s blacks test higher than 10iu, I still reference them as 10iu out of habit - right or wrong.

How did you forget what kits you were running? You pulled labs once. Then went to two different sources threads and stated you were running 10iu of their hgh. Took all the, oh wow that’s a great igf1. Glad we’re running the same. Even GL I believe praised you. I honestly believe that’s why you did it. It’s nice getting attaboys isn’t it.

My credibility is very much in tact and I plan to keep it that way.


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Just to make it clear - I have never taken or used credit from either source even when posting bloods. I do this only for the community and my clients. Please feel free to ask TP or @GoodLyfe to confirm this.

I assure you this happened out of sheer ignorance on my end. My credibility is very much intact and I plan to keep it that way.

Yeah just seems like a minor confusion. Carry on.
This place has definitely gone soft. Honest mistake? He literally just constricted himself. He shared where he “clarified” on PM. His clarification was that he pulled two different igf1 labs from the two products weeks apart. But his explanation shortly after sharing that states he only pulled one lab and oops forgot who’s product he was actually running so just decided to post on both source’s threads that it was theirs. Oops again, also it was actually 17iu. Hell, just one page back he stated he’s only ran 10iu for the last year but again, contradicted and lied about that.

Definitely not worth fighting over but wake up
Who bullied you?

Who taught you your morals? Were you not accepted and allowed to sit with the cool kids? Had a buddy who was a habitual liar once. He did it to be accepted. Thought it made him cool.
Who taught you your morals? Were you not accepted and allowed to sit with the cool kids? Had a buddy who was a habitual liar once. He did it to be accepted. Thought it made him cool.
Like I said, you’re angry.

Sorry this attack didn’t go as planned. Try elsewhere.