GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Wtf 800 igf
Apparently I’m a strong GH responder..?

What's ur opinion on higher dose gh? Do you typically run it high or higher than this bc I assume this is ur doses on cruise.
I have been at 10iu for about a year. I’m a huge proponent of HGH. I think the longer and higher you run it, the better (be aware acromegaly is a real thing if used long/high enough). HGH is only as good as your diet/training so don’t let those fall to the wayside.
Phew that’s a high ass reading for your igf. How much insulin are you using alongside 10iu per day?
I use 6iu Humalog pre workout.
How do you keep your prolactin so low
It’s naturally low but if I’m using 19 Nors I’ll introduce caber at a very small dose.
Labs from 500 sust and 300 deca. Blood pull 4 days after last pin ( took a work trip ). I live in high altitude so my rbc and hemo are normally that high. Donating blood only makes it go higher. Need some magnesium forgot it on my trip.
Higher? So you are at almost 55, and donating blood raises it? To what? 56? 57? This is the first I have heard of such a thing happening. Any ideas as to why? How many times have you tested to confirm for you that this is what happens?
Higher? So you are at almost 55, and donating blood raises it? To what? 56? 57? This is the first I have heard of such a thing happening. Any ideas as to why? How many times have you tested to confirm for you that this is what happens?
Yes 57 2 days after donation and 55 a week after. 2 completely separate occasions and off cycle. Doc says it's because of where I live way up in the Rockies. He had some big old explanation for it with oxygen and body thinking it's bleeding. Coach knows about it so we monitor it. Weird huh!


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Bloods 5 weeks in, Goodlyfe Test E 200mg/wk, Mast E 200mg/wk, 48 hours after last pin. High quality stuff. I will be reaching out to you for some Aromasin and Ralox lmao

Bloods 5 weeks in, Goodlyfe Test E 200mg/wk, Mast E 200mg/wk, 48 hours after last pin. High quality stuff. I will be reaching out to you for some Aromasin and Ralox lmao

View attachment 265187
Damn 200/200 and your estrogen is still that high? Just goes to show that the whole Primo/Mast lowering E isn't the same for everyone!

EDIT: What BF% are you at?
Damn 200/200 and your estrogen is still that high? Just goes to show that the whole Primo/Mast lowering E isn't the same for everyone!

EDIT: What BF% are you at?
Currently around 12-14%. 6ft 1in, 177lbs, abs visible. Arms veins poppin almost 24/7.

I feel amazing, no bloat, body looks amazing. However, libido could be better, my balls sitting pretty high, and i have big chocolate craving at the moment, and my nipples tender and puffy.

No acne at all.

Mast is working as it is masking high e2 sides without actually lowering e2.
I'd be curious how i'd feel and what my e2 would be on 200mg/wk primo.
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Damn 200/200 and your estrogen is still that high? Just goes to show that the whole Primo/Mast lowering E isn't the same for everyone!

EDIT: What BF% are you at?
I’m more impressed with the total t and free t !!!! He’s close to a 12 times multiplier if he would have taken 6-8 hours earlier. That’s crazy and sorry but sorta unheard of.
I’m more impressed with the total t and free t !!!! He’s close to a 12 times multiplier if he would have taken 6-8 hours earlier. That’s crazy and sorry but sorta unheard of.
SHBG tanked = Test and Estro running wild is my guess.

I didn't plan for a blast, just wanted to maintain at high-normal until December.
Another successful TD with @GoodLyfe. My order of 3 ducks arrived safely. Ordered Friday and got here today, so ~3ish business days not counting the holiday/holiday weekend. Suspiciously fast...
Recent bloodwork on 250mg test c and 10iu GH by GL.View attachment 264469

So which is it? GL or TP? 17iu or 10iu?

Test results are the same and so is the date on the bottom of both reports you posted. Also posted within a few days of each other

You shared this here on 8/28


But this in TP’s thread on PM on 9/5

