GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Completely understandable...hypothetically, how many ladyboy hookers would one have to buy you to get a blend like that? Hypothetically.
Just make the blend yourself.

Blends are just silly, stuck with a predetermined dose ratio. If you want 50/50/50 just pull them individually.

The very very slight convenience benefic isn't worth not being able to control the dosing.
What was the past source?

I get terrible multipliers just bc I'm a bad responder. I've never tried sust, should i get a higher response too?
I don’t know what the response “should” be. I got blood work done using triple B test E from this forum 150mg/wk was 1100 total test. With good lyfe 175mg/wk sust 1400 total test makes sense to me based off the other number. Using 1ml every other day so 875mg/wk 2200 total test seemed incredibly low to me based on my previous response. The source is not from a forum it’s someone a previous coach recommended. I don’t think he recommended them with bad intentions because I was prepping for a show with him at the time.
I have a small batch of Primo MCT available. Now. This is not tested but it is my usual vendor so I have no reason to believe raws are unreliable.
Yeah I figure I could just spend a little extra time and do it myself. I'm assuming I could just mix/filter all 3 of @GoodLyfe's Test P, Mast P, and Tren A in a giant sterile vial, correct?
That's not what I was saying lmao.

Just keep them separate and just draw all three at the desired amount in the same syringe before pinning.

Blends can be convenient, but not having control of your individual dosing isn't worth giving up for that convenience in my book
That's not what I was saying lmao.

Just keep them separate and just draw all three at the desired amount in the same syringe before pinning.

Blends can be convenient, but not having control of your individual dosing isn't worth giving up for that convenience in my book
If you know you want to take equal dosage amounts of each blends are great
How have personal experiences been with grapeseed oil v. MCT?

Is this just a personal sensitivity issue for some persons with one or the other?
How have personal experiences been with grapeseed oil v. MCT?

Is this just a personal sensitivity issue for some persons with one or the other?
I used to be strictly mct. I loved how thin and clear and sexy it was. Eventually I learned that gso absorbs a lot better for me and I end up with less knotting, lumps, and in turn less scar tissue issues
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