GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Makes me wonder if your estradiol would settle in range if you skipped an injection a couple of days a week or otherwise slightly lowered your dose.
Yeah I'm sure lowering test a bit would lower estradiol. Overall I'm not too concerned though as i feel pretty good, and its right at the top of the range which matches test levels.
Currently 175mg of sust a week. .2ml every other day. Previous source I was using 875mg/week and only pulled 2200 total test so I would say this is a huge improvement.
He’s not on any forum as far as I know. It was referred to me by my coach at the time as triple B from here was causing pain. I did my entire prep on underdosed gear if the test was bunk I have to assume the halo and tren was as well. It was alpha rx pro.
People tried telling me there was diminishing returns with higher doses or by body could only metabolize so much of it but I’d seen much higher total test numbers on lower doses so I was 99% sure the gear was underdosed