GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

So what’s that equal weekly …. Approx 225 mgs of test a week ?

And your total test is that high ?! 2500 !! Dammm, when did you draw… day before injection ?
I think it’s like 250mg of test per week. I also think deca comes up as test on some blood tests. I can’t remember when the draw was in relation to the last pin.
Another touchdown from @GoodLyfe !!! Can’t wait to start this bulk cycle!! Thanks GL for continuing to be the best in the biz.
I appreciate the continued support my man! Thank you.
I had 3 more ducks land.

4 x Sust (MCT)
2 x Tren E (MCT)

Super smooth pinning so far with no PIP to even speak of. I do a 2:1 ratio of test:Tren and never seem to get Tren cough.

I'll keep them at 400mgs. That's my sweet spot. I hope it doesn't affect attitude too much haha

Growth has my left hand constantly feeling like pins and needles , even at 3.67ius PD.

All quality so far.

Excited for these longer esters to kick in.
Thank you for the feedback!
@GoodLyfe what’s up with some of your HGH vials? (batch M for me)

Reconstituted 2 vials today with an ML of bac water as I finished the last reconstituted vial yesterday. The powder sticks to the bottle and takes a while to mix and then foams up
also if u were getting gh in the past that broke down immediately it was most likely fake so id be happy u got urself a good source @GoodLyfe is the truth fr fr
Another successful order from GL. Packaging top-tier as always with a quick 4 day T/A. And it came with multiple ducks too...:cool: Thanks GL