GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Great question! No, my blood pressure is under control. I take 80 mgs of Telmisartan a day and 5 mgs of Amlodipine a day. That is enough to keep both systolic and diastolic numbers in the “normal” range.

The answer to your question is that my kidney values aren’t actually “fucked” enough to be of great concern yet. Certainly I do watch those numbers closely, though.

Two things of importance here -

First, my body weight runs around 300 lbs., give or take 10 pounds on any given day, and I try to eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. A high protein intake tends to push those BUN an and creatinine levels pretty high. My levels are barely high.

In addition to that, my BUN/Creatinine Ratio is really nice, and that’s a solid indicator that my kidney health is not at red alert levels.

I do need a calcium score test. I would like to keep track of my arteries, as well.
Just be careful, the kidneys don't heal themselves like the liver. I have a buddy in kidney failure from gear use. It's no bueno.
I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.
Jesus Christ man your blood work is fucking awful. Are you not worried about your kidneys??? Your lipids suck too. Your prostate doesn’t look very happy either. You think these results are good? That’s wild

Your rationale here is really wild too, I agree with frozen.

“I’m 45 years old and been blasting gear for xxx years so I cruise on 1.2 grams of gear”

Bro the older you get is more of a reason to start to use less anabolics, not more.

Your body isn’t gonna be able to take that kind of beating the older you get.

I would seriously re evaluate what you’re doing with your gear usage and your health.

1.2 grams of gear is absolutely retarded as a cruise, I don’t care if you’re mr Olympia. Especially when your labs are absolutely garbage dude, what are you doing.

I’m 10 weeks out from a show and I’m not even on 1.2grams total at the moment.
*Puts away keyboard* Looks like you said everything I was about to that is Not a cruise, regardless your tolerance
I understand that the younger dudes on here who lack the experience and time using gear to truly understand how it affects our bodies will be taken aback by my protocol and rationale for it.

This isn’t my first rodeo with people shitting their pants on this board over something I wrote about my drug protocol.

Remember, just because you read something about drugs/blood work/blast versus cruise protocol etc…. etc…. that was written by someone a lot smarter than you doesn’t make it gospel that you need to foist upon me.

This is your journey and you need to do what is right for you. That’s how I live my life.

Maybe this rationale will help those who don’t understand.

When you’re 21 you can get shithouse hammered on a 6 pack of beer if you drink it fast enough.

When you’re 50 and you’ve been drinking regularly for the last 30 years, a 6 pack of beer may barely get you through a Monday Night Football game, and you certainly won’t be anywhere near drunk.

AAS is no different. As you age your body just doesn’t respond the same.

You need a little more than you used to use to get half the results you used to get.

But as long as my blood work isn’t blown off the charts, I’m not getting my panties in a wad. I’m OK with slightly elevated levels and I’ll dial
It back if those numbers start to climb.

It’s a good life if you live it like it is. Take risks when necessary and try to minimize the impact of those risks. Live well.
I understand that the younger dudes on here who lack the experience and time using gear to truly understand how it affects our bodies will be taken aback by my protocol and rationale for it.

This isn’t my first rodeo with people shitting their pants on this board over something I wrote about my drug protocol.

Remember, just because you read something about drugs/blood work/blast versus cruise protocol etc…. etc…. that was written by someone a lot smarter than you doesn’t make it gospel that you need to foist upon me.

This is your journey and you need to do what is right for you. That’s how I live my life.

Maybe this rationale will help those who don’t understand.

When you’re 21 you can get shithouse hammered on a 6 pack of beer if you drink it fast enough.

When you’re 50 and you’ve been drinking regularly for the last 30 years, a 6 pack of beer may barely get you through a Monday Night Football game, and you certainly won’t be anywhere near drunk.

AAS is no different. As you age your body just doesn’t respond the same.

You need a little more than you used to use to get half the results you used to get.

But as long as my blood work isn’t blown off the charts, I’m not getting my panties in a wad. I’m OK with slightly elevated levels and I’ll dial
It back if those numbers start to climb.

It’s a good life if you live it like it is. Take risks when necessary and try to minimize the impact of those risks. Live well.
Didn't you voice some concern before cause you had a friend drop dead?
I understand that the younger dudes on here who lack the experience and time using gear to truly understand how it affects our bodies will be taken aback by my protocol and rationale for it.

This isn’t my first rodeo with people shitting their pants on this board over something I wrote about my drug protocol.

Remember, just because you read something about drugs/blood work/blast versus cruise protocol etc…. etc…. that was written by someone a lot smarter than you doesn’t make it gospel that you need to foist upon me.

This is your journey and you need to do what is right for you. That’s how I live my life.

Maybe this rationale will help those who don’t understand.

When you’re 21 you can get shithouse hammered on a 6 pack of beer if you drink it fast enough.

When you’re 50 and you’ve been drinking regularly for the last 30 years, a 6 pack of beer may barely get you through a Monday Night Football game, and you certainly won’t be anywhere near drunk.

AAS is no different. As you age your body just doesn’t respond the same.

You need a little more than you used to use to get half the results you used to get.

But as long as my blood work isn’t blown off the charts, I’m not getting my panties in a wad. I’m OK with slightly elevated levels and I’ll dial
It back if those numbers start to climb.

It’s a good life if you live it like it is. Take risks when necessary and try to minimize the impact of those risks. Live well.
This is such an ignorant reply. You continue to show us that you have no idea what you’re doing or talking about. The reason your kidneys are fucked is not because you eat a high protein diet (that has been disproven scientifically over and over and over again) it’s because you’re blasting reckless drug protocols to make up for your lack of work ethic.

Your egfr is a 53 dude, your kidneys are not healthy and your bloods are not good. Point blank period. A egfr below 60 is an indication of stage 3a kidney dysfunction, you’re at a 53, coupled with your high bun and creatinine, that is not something to take lightly. You can make all the excuses in the world why you can’t make progress with less than 1.2 grams of gear (no one cares, work harder. If you need 1.2 grams of gear to grow your diet and training sucks, it’s not because you’re old and built up a tolerance to AAS, that’s stupid) that does not change the fact that your bloods are not healthy. On top of your kidneys damn near being shut down your prostate doesn’t look good and your cholesterol is awful.

I don’t want to hear that “you young guys don’t know what you’re talking about” as I can guarantee you I am very knowledgeable on the actual science of how these compounds work and interact with our endocrine system, given your wildly inaccurate bro sciencey rants I can tell the same can not be said for you.

Just because you’re stubborn and lack the knowledge and foresight to actually see what is going on doesn’t change the reality of the situation.

You can keep telling us all the stupid reasons you’re doing what you’re doing, but you’re not going to convince anyone that your blood work is anywhere close to being healthy, or normal. Because it is not.
I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.
I’m 48 and I would be scared shitless if this were my bloodwork.
But as long as my blood work isn’t blown off the charts, I’m not getting my panties in a wad. I’m OK with slightly elevated levels and I’ll dial
It back if those numbers start to climb.
Your blood work IS blown off the charts. You might be in stage 1 kidney disease right now with that eGFR. Who told you that number is ok?

I’m 43 and I thought my 250 mg “sports trt” was pushing it.

You do you, as the kids say but understand, nobody here is disrespecting you. People are genuinely concerned. Those are not healthy kidneys brofessor.
Your blood work IS blown off the charts. You might be in stage 1 kidney disease right now with that eGFR. Who told you that number is ok?

I’m 43 and I thought my 250 mg “sports trt” was pushing it.

You do you, as the kids say but understand, nobody here is disrespecting you. People are genuinely concerned. Those are not healthy kidneys brofessor.
“These young kids just don’t understand” he typed while sitting next to his dialysis machine.
“These young kids just don’t understand” he typed while sitting next to his dialysis machine.
I have 2 friends on dialysis from abusing AAS. Boston Loyd came on the scene mid 2000’s along with the documentary “Bigger, Stronger, Faster” and I swear the average gym bros doses went to like 4 grams of some kind of anabolic cocktail like over night. I wasn’t an exception but I only ran about 5 or 6 blasts of that nature. Today, one by one I am watching them all pay the price. It is straight scary!

It’s the young kids today who are actually smart. I’m not sure if they use such low doses because they care about their health or they just can’t bear the side effects (they seem to get hammered with side effects for some reason) but I’m glad about it nevertheless.

AAS can not only be used safely but they can IMPROVE your health! We just have to be smart. I hope Texas T takes some advice from this thread.
Bloodwork several months in on:
100mg test cyp
100mg primo
60mg deca
- injected every 3rd day


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I had 3 more ducks land.

4 x Sust (MCT)
2 x Tren E (MCT)

Super smooth pinning so far with no PIP to even speak of. I do a 2:1 ratio of test:Tren and never seem to get Tren cough.

I'll keep them at 400mgs. That's my sweet spot. I hope it doesn't affect attitude too much haha

Growth has my left hand constantly feeling like pins and needles , even at 3.67ius PD.

All quality so far.

Excited for these longer esters to kick in.
I had 3 more ducks land.

4 x Sust (MCT)
2 x Tren E (MCT)

Super smooth pinning so far with no PIP to even speak of. I do a 2:1 ratio of test:Tren and never seem to get Tren cough.

I'll keep them at 400mgs. That's my sweet spot. I hope it doesn't affect attitude too much haha

Growth has my left hand constantly feeling like pins and needles , even at 3.67ius PD.

All quality so far.

Excited for these longer esters to kick in.
Nice man, excited for my next run too.
1200mgs of gear can't ever be called a cruise.

You and only you call it a cruise.

My cycle is a "mini-cruise" then

To each their own though...