GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

@GoodLyfe what’s up with some of your HGH vials? (batch M for me)

Reconstituted 2 vials today with an ML of bac water as I finished the last reconstituted vial yesterday. The powder sticks to the bottle and takes a while to mix and then foams up
Put it in the fridge for 10 min and it will be clear when you return.
I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.


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I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.
I should note that I take 50 mgs of caber a week and you can see that on my prolactin reading.

300 mgs of Deca a week is not a lot, but I can tell you that I have a shockingly short refractory period with no Deca dick whatsoever, and between the test and the Masteron my sex drive is fairly massive.

And the caber brings a fantastic sense of overall good health well being. Very worth the money if you can find it.
But, Bro, where is the primo???? I kid, I kid!

Seriously, though, I’’be been running the previous batch of primo E MCT from before you ran out, along with Mast E, and it has been great, man. Definitely solid. Apart from this torn pec tendon, I look good and feel good. Been a good cut. I appreciate the quality and service.
I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.
Are you cruising that high in order to maintain your muscle mass or because your test needs to be that high to feel good? I’ve never taken deca but being 40 now I’ve noticed my shoulder aches at times on blast and my elbows keep getting tendinitis off and on. Hiw effective has Deca been for you? I was thinking about take 100mg/wk.
160mg test U in CSO, this lab was drawn 6 days after pin so not bad.
IMO a thicker carrier oil is needed for test U, to slow absorption and extend half life. Just my 2 cents lol.
So no test U in MCT LOL


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I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.
You cruise on over a GRAM of anabolics? Jesus
I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.
Bro see a doctor and figure out why your PSA is so high. It’s my understanding that a high PSA can be associated with prostate cancer.
I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.

160mg test U in CSO, this lab was drawn 6 days after pin so not bad.
IMO a thicker carrier oil is needed for test U, to slow absorption and extend half life. Just my 2 cents lol.
So no test U in MCT LOL
Thank you both for getting bloods and posting them! Email me for credit
Thank you both for getting bloods and posting them! Email me for credit
Always a pleasure helping the community!
Also I’m wanting to do a peak I would be interested in seeing when the community thinks the best time after a shot is for peak plasma concentration. Would be interesting to see the dip in 6-7 days, I doubt it would be drastic with the U but who knows?
Not gonna bite my tongue. You bloodwork looks like shit for a “cruise” now I’m all for doing wtf you want but don’t sit here and lie to us by saying your post cycle smaller cycle is really just a cruise. A cruise is lent for you to get your blood markers back in range. Mr. I’ve been doing this for 25 years, throw everything at the kitchen sink.
Jesus Christ man your blood work is fucking awful. Are you not worried about your kidneys??? Your lipids suck too. Your prostate doesn’t look very happy either. You think these results are good? That’s wild

Your rationale here is really wild too, I agree with frozen.

“I’m 45 years old and been blasting gear for xxx years so I cruise on 1.2 grams of gear”

Bro the older you get is more of a reason to start to use less anabolics, not more.

Your body isn’t gonna be able to take that kind of beating the older you get.

I would seriously re evaluate what you’re doing with your gear usage and your health.

1.2 grams of gear is absolutely retarded as a cruise, I don’t care if you’re mr Olympia. Especially when your labs are absolutely garbage dude, what are you doing.

I’m 10 weeks out from a show and I’m not even on 1.2grams total at the moment.
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Jesus Christ man your blood work is fucking awful. Are you not worried about your kidneys??? Your lipids suck too. Your prostate doesn’t look very happy either. You think these results are good? That’s wild

Your rationale here is really wild too, I agree with frozen.

“I’m 45 years old and been blasting gear for xxx years so I cruise on 1.2 grams of gear”

Bro the older you get is more of a reason to start to use less anabolics, not more.

Your body isn’t gonna be able to take that kind of beating the older you get.

I would seriously re evaluate what you’re doing with your gear usage and your health.

1.2 grams of gear is absolutely retarded as a cruise, I don’t care if you’re mr Olympia. Especially when your labs are absolutely garbage dude, what are you doing.

I’m 10 weeks out from a show and I’m not even on 1.2grams total at the moment.
My cholesterol looks better than that on 100mg of var lol.
I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.
You should reevaluate what you’re doing. Your bloods look fucked.
I did the Fouad Abiad panel with Marek Health. His code saved me $20, which I was thankful for. Go to his Real Bodybuilding Podcast to get the most recent code.

These test results are after 4 weeks of cruising since my last blast. My cruise consists of:

GL Test Cyp - 500 mgs per week
GL Masteron E - 400 mgs per week
GL Deca 300 - 300 mgs a week for my joint health.

I am well aware that that sounds like a lot to many of the young guys.The difference is that I’m 52 years old and I’ve dabbled with AAS from time to time for over 25 years now.

I don’t get the same bang for the buck that you fellas do anymore.

My very first cycle was one Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 rediject (250Mgs/ML, one mil injection) per week for 6 weeks.

My diet and training were on point and I gained 20 quality lbs. over that cycle and never lost a pound of that new lean tissue.


Insane results.

But I was 27 then and an AAS virgin.

It doesn’t work like that anymore, folks. Not in your 40’s and 50’s.

But my blood work is reasonably solid and I feel really good at these levels. So this is where I cruise.
Why are your kidney numbers so fucked? Are you letting your blood pressure run high? What's your blood pressure look like?
Guys, we’re cluttering up Goodlyfe’s thread with this at this point. One thing I’ve learned from reading around the forums is that dudes are gonna do whatever they set their mind to regardless of what anyone says sometimes