GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Do you notice any specific benefits to using Test U compared to C/E, less sides, anything like that? Or is it just simply easier to inject less frequently?
I think less frequent, more stable levels, lower e2.

Bad side is, not for people who want to reboot their hpta(non TRT)
I think he's not getting PIP because GL used ladyboy jizz for that particular batch.
…..every batch
lmk, Ive worked my way up to 200mg with the GSO DHB and as you, pip is barely noticeable at 50mg a pin. Was just wondering if the MCT was the same, if that's what you're using...
Thank you for your report.
220 Test U a week. This is the Trough(6 days after injection)

871 total test
35.7 E2

EDIT: Wow its been a year since I been on his Test U

View attachment 263072

View attachment 263074
Thanks for the track record of the TU!
Black ducks absorbed all the color of all the other ducks. Its much more powerful
Lmao. You can’t say this on tv or radio
No problem, I think every TRTer needs to get on this tbh. Simplifies our life and has such stable levels.

Test U is great for reducing injection frequency, but in the back of my mind is always that testosterone levels aren't naturally "stable." They cyclically peak every day in the morning.

Not sure long-term implications of stable high T levels with no daily fluctuations (compare to more frequent sustanon injections or daily test prop).

But for convenience, definitely.

@Avarice911 @JStrag3
Test U is great for reducing injection frequency, but in the back of my mind is always that testosterone levels aren't naturally "stable." They cyclically peak every day in the morning.

Not sure long-term implications of stable high T levels with no daily fluctuations (compare to more frequent sustanon injections or daily test prop).

But for convenience, definitely.

@Avarice911 @JStrag3
Instead of morning wood it’s now all day wood lol.
220 Test U a week. This is the Trough(6 days after injection)

871 total test
35.7 E2

EDIT: Wow its been a year since I been on his Test U

View attachment 263072

View attachment 263074
I am not very well educated on test U. What do you like about it? Have you noticed more bloat or less bloat than a Test Cyp if you used it in the past? So curious to hear your thought son Test U if you have compared it to some other tests as I have been on Text Cyp TRT for years and thinking of changing it up to something else.
Test U is great for reducing injection frequency, but in the back of my mind is always that testosterone levels aren't naturally "stable." They cyclically peak every day in the morning.

Not sure long-term implications of stable high T levels with no daily fluctuations (compare to more frequent sustanon injections or daily test prop).

But for convenience, definitely.

@Avarice911 @JStrag3
What is your opinion on a twice per week injection schedule? Test U, Test Iso and Sustanon versus Test cyp which I have been using for years. Lately I am so curious about trying another test out to see what differences I notice yet I would prefer just stay with my twice per week TRT schedule ive been on with Text cyp yet see if perhaps another testosterone that I will hold a little less water at any given time.
I am not very well educated on test U. What do you like about it? Have you noticed more bloat or less bloat than a Test Cyp if you used it in the past? So curious to hear your thought son Test U if you have compared it to some other tests as I have been on Text Cyp TRT for years and thinking of changing it up to something else.
I think its the way to go for most stable levels on TRT

Weekly test U 220 every thursday. Whether its on blast or on TRT

If I wanna blast I keep that static, and just add in 200 split twice a week(or on the same day as Test U
I think its the way to go for most stable levels on TRT

Weekly test U 220 every thursday. Whether its on blast or on TRT

If I wanna blast I keep that static, and just add in 200 split twice a week(or on the same day as Test U
Interesting reading what you just told me. I appreciate you taking the time to respond!


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