GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

What's your pinning schedule?
I grabbed some test U from GL for shits and giggles and curious how often you're pinning.
You didn’t ask me, but I’ll chime in nonetheless. 200mg of GL test u e10d has been the easiest trt protocol I’ve ever used. The two days before my next injection I feel better than usual, but for the most part the whole time I feel perfectly good. Now if only he’d make it in MCT…
You didn’t ask me, but I’ll chime in nonetheless. 200mg of GL test u e10d has been the easiest trt protocol I’ve ever used. The two days before my next injection I feel better than usual, but for the most part the whole time I feel perfectly good. Now if only he’d make it in MCT…
I’m every 10d too. Last time I got bloodwork I was over 1000ng/dl. I believe it was 3 or 4 days after injection I don’t remember.
What is your opinion on a twice per week injection schedule? Test U, Test Iso and Sustanon versus Test cyp which I have been using for years. Lately I am so curious about trying another test out to see what differences I notice yet I would prefer just stay with my twice per week TRT schedule ive been on with Text cyp yet see if perhaps another testosterone that I will hold a little less water at any given time.

Twice per week would be better, but misses out on the "convenience" of Test U. I'd rather use sustanon twice per week (TRT dose), if you're going with twice weekly injections. That way at least you'd get some peaks & troughs, more similar to natural daily fluctuations.

*all of this is theoretical
The other day I was at a stop light and this homeless man came up to me asking for money, I told him I didn’t have any cash on me but that I really prefer npp brewed at 150mg/ml instead of 100. I guess the anabolic gods must have overheard our conversation because I just pulled this out of my mailbox.

Thanks @GoodLyfe
Whoa. How'd you get npp 150?? Special request?
Edit ooo I see the New list.... guess I should have waited.... uhhh out of primo tho... glad I didn't wait.. guess it evens out..
You didn’t ask me, but I’ll chime in nonetheless. 200mg of GL test u e10d has been the easiest trt protocol I’ve ever used. The two days before my next injection I feel better than usual, but for the most part the whole time I feel perfectly good. Now if only he’d make it in MCT…
I read somewhere that TU does better in a thicker carrier oil. The OG method calls for castor oil. I didn’t use Castor when I made it as I was on the CSO train at the time. When I switched to GSO from CSO I made TU in GSO. I was hesitant to use MCT because I read somewhere that TU needs a thicker carrier. I am happy to make TU in MCT if the brains of the thread think the carrier oil will make no difference in TU performance. Let’s discuss!
Appreciate @GoodLyfe accommodating a special request for a friend of mine. As always, quick to respond and answer any questions.
Always a pleasure T&H! Thank you
Whoa. How'd you get npp 150?? Special request?
Edit ooo I see the New list.... guess I should have waited.... uhhh out of primo tho... glad I didn't wait.. guess it evens out..
I was supposed to have primo raws many moons ago…I’m definitely working all angles to get more in stock ASAP.
@GoodLyfe what’s up with some of your HGH vials? (batch M for me)

Reconstituted 2 vials today with an ML of bac water as I finished the last reconstituted vial yesterday. The powder sticks to the bottle and takes a while to mix and then foams up


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@GoodLyfe what’s up with some of your HGH vials? (batch M for me)

Reconstituted 2 vials today with an ML of bac water as I finished the last reconstituted vial yesterday. The powder sticks to the bottle and takes a while to mix and then foams up
Nothing, pucks don’t dissolve instantly dude, give it time to settle.
You can also put a pin in the stopper without the plunger in to let the air escape. This will reduce the foam you are seeing.
I’m guessing it’s because sigs don’t show on mobile
turn phone sideways, if you don't see it, you need to change something in your profile settings to see sig on mobile or something. GL knows, he schooled me many moons ago when I said the same thing.
turn phone sideways, if you don't see it, you need to change something in your profile settings to see sig on mobile or something. GL knows, he schooled me many moons ago when I said the same thing.
And here I was just constantly scouring this thread for the latest sales list post lol. I saved the paste bin address at this point now tho


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