I regret buying DNP

I impulsively bought DNP, and spent a good amount of money on it. I deeply regret it because it took me doing a bit deeper research to find the glp1 agonist are superior to DNP. DNP is very dangerous and can literally make you go blind it's horrible really. It also not even that great for weight loss because it increases ur appetite and if you don't have the discipline you'll just binge eat all the calories it makes u lose back. I should've spent the money on a glp1 which makes losing weight easy and feel like nothing , DNP makes you feel hot, hungry, and like death, whyyy did i do this to my selfo_O But since I wasted so much of my money on DNP i'll just have to stick with it, wish me luck:(

I will only take 250 mg a day or every other day depending on how I feel , and then i have a stack of support supplements
cmon it can't be that bad at mega low doses

a lot have people have successfully taken it as long as the doses are under 400mg nothing bad happens

Right, you are still here talking about it, though.
And that's it.
Haven't taken the low dose blah blah.

These threads and your replies are just for post counts so you can get privileges, right?

Vanargandar was right that we should stop taking the bait and stop replying to you.
i'm new to this site brah

I mean i legit have no knowledge does it look like im an old user lol
I'm just old enough to remember when Punk'd was a popular show...never really cared for it.

Each of your progressive posts just feels like you're fuckin' with us to get a reaction. I do understand why most of the vets ignore newbies...because if you stick around long enough, you'll see the same questions have been asked at least 6 different times before.

In your case, you have asked the same different question in 6 different ways. You don't need our permission to do anything.

You got a lot of votes for "don't do it" and you got some for "go for it, bruh!" I believe some people with a huge amount of self awareness and discipline can do fine on DNP (though I think there are cleaner ways to accomplish weight loss...). I stand by my original point that MY opinion is DNP should be reserved for pros that really know what the fuck they're doing (and trying to squeeze out the last 1-2% of body fat). Opinions vary.

As Rektest suggested, our replies are mostly in hopes that other newbies in the future will need the words of caution. We started this endeavor hoping to give you alternatives.

You have received your answers. I realize this is an instance where I could hit "ignore" at this point. If you're truly being sincere:
- stop asking the same shit over and over again (but it's a free country at least where I live...so I'm not overly stressed about whatever you do with that request.
- read the forum. Search up the info. Make up your own mind (or consult a coach or a physician if you're still uncertain).
- Pay the $10 for full forum access if there is something more pressing you need access to..I truly don't recall what initial restrictions are for new members.

Any insults thrown your way are borne out of disbelief that you are being sincere. If you are sincere, then grow from the knowledge you have been provided...and then follow up as needed. Plenty of smart experienced people here to help you move beyond "is DNP saaaafe?" But you have to be willing to make that intellectual leap. Good luck!
I'm just old enough to remember when Punk'd was a popular show...never really cared for it.

Each of your progressive posts just feels like you're fuckin' with us to get a reaction. I do understand why most of the vets ignore newbies...because if you stick around long enough, you'll see the same questions have been asked at least 6 different times before.

In your case, you have asked the same different question in 6 different ways. You don't need our permission to do anything.

You got a lot of votes for "don't do it" and you got some for "go for it, bruh!" I believe some people with a huge amount of self awareness and discipline can do fine on DNP (though I think there are cleaner ways to accomplish weight loss...). I stand by my original point that MY opinion is DNP should be reserved for pros that really know what the fuck they're doing (and trying to squeeze out the last 1-2% of body fat). Opinions vary.

As Rektest suggested, our replies are mostly in hopes that other newbies in the future will need the words of caution. We started this endeavor hoping to give you alternatives.

You have received your answers. I realize this is an instance where I could hit "ignore" at this point. If you're truly being sincere:
- stop asking the same shit over and over again (but it's a free country at least where I live...so I'm not overly stressed about whatever you do with that request.
- read the forum. Search up the info. Make up your own mind (or consult a coach or a physician if you're still uncertain).
- Pay the $10 for full forum access if there is something more pressing you need access to..I truly don't recall what initial restrictions are for new members.

Any insults thrown your way are borne out of disbelief that you are being sincere. If you are sincere, then grow from the knowledge you have been provided...and then follow up as needed. Plenty of smart experienced people here to help you move beyond "is DNP saaaafe?" But you have to be willing to make that intellectual leap. Good luck!
but how is DNP not safe? you guys just insult me and not really explain.. can you explain how it's not safe please friend
but how is DNP not safe? you guys just insult me and not really explain.. can you explain how it's not safe please friend
Maybe start there. I'm too lazy to learn how to copy and paste hyperlinks and quote forum posts...Readalot and Ghoul are talented with this (but they have other pursuits they are busy/interested in). Plenty of other smart guys and gals are ignoring you (so you're stuck with me...lol)

I know AlexDavis posted an article from like the 1930s....imagine what else we've learned since then...but it was a great read and remarkable detective work.

In my opinion,.any med that has such a low margin of safety doesn't belong in the UGL space (which means it should go away...but obviously there is demand). Truthfully, the data is clearly outlined as to why it is considered unsafe. It's up to you to weigh the pros and cons. Truthfully, id put the odds higher you would live and be fine if you tried it. Doesn't mean that makes it acceptable in my own risk calculus.
I really appreciate you linking me studies friend. As I was reading the cataract study I found this paragraph:

The length of time that dinitrophenol was taken and the amount of the drug consumed varied widely. Rodin" found that in 29 cases the duration of treatment varied from three months to twenty-four months, with an average of eleven months. The amount of drug taken, as estimated by Rank and Waldeck, 9' varied from a minimum of 9 gm. to a maxi-
mum of 126 gm., the average being 73 gm.
Neither the length of treatment nor the total dosage seemed to have any bearing upon the occurrence of these cataracts. Individual
susceptibility appeared to be a more important factor."

It says the minimum cataract case was 9gm of DNP which is 9000 mg? So wouldn't that mean me taking only 250 mg every other day until i reach my goal (so maybe like 28 days) i should be fine? I think it means maybe 9000mg total treatment of dnp usage. I will only end up taking are 4000mg and I will use supporting supplements for my eyes. Do you think this is fine to avoid cataracts? sorry i know this is annoying
It may save someone someday brother. Sure many dont listen, but if even one listen someday, its worth it to me.
So we can let the public know this is not safe

EDIT: dont get me wrong, we do use things that aren't safe.

Just this child's logic of deciding to use it is not the reason to do so.

we dont do drugs just cause it's in front of us. We need to weigh the risks, benefits vs other options.
You guys are missing the point. This guy has made multiple threads asking the same question, and asked the same question in multiple postings. It's the same as the new accounts that make five threads about Anavar only cycles, and get a bunch of people responding. I don't know if it's for attention, trolling, or what, but I don't see the point in feeding the behavior.