GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

I really hate to throw out the word "golden".....but goodlyfe is borderline "golden". lol I agree with you skankhunt. That being said, there have been many many sources who I thought were golden, suddenly turn scammer after being great for several years. I myself have personally been scammed by some of these sources i thought were golden. A source is only golden......until he is no longer golden.
I appreciate the kind words dude. And you are absolutely correct regarding sources.
Okay, this is what I want to do.

First, thank you to the members who are diligent not only in holding me accountable but for also holding members accountable. That is what makes this community great. @T&H @SkankHunt @Shivathedestroyer @fike @UncleBuns @musclesiege

Secondly, effective immediately these are the requirements for collecting bloodwork credit.

1. Bloods MUST be uncapped
2. The date must show on the report
3. I will not accept bloodwork that is more than two months old.
4. I would like to accept only 2 blood credits per member per year. I don’t know how to efficiently implement this because I don’t save any records of any members for long term reference. I suppose this has to be on the honor system.

I was also going to add there has to be a certain amount of time between bloods but it will vary based on length of cycle and ester choice as well. Basically, don’t try to claim 2 blood credits in 3 months time if you are on a cruise dose.

I’m open to suggestions if this seems way out in left field.
I'm personally good with whatever you decide. You don't have to offer any credit at all, so whatever your final decision is I'm good with and I'm glad you're continuing to still offer it.

My purpose bringing this up today was to try and reduce anyone taking advantage of the offer. That's all.
1. Bloods MUST be uncapped
2. The date must show on the report
3. I will not accept bloodwork that is more than two months old.
4. I would like to accept only 2 blood credits per member per year. I don’t know how to efficiently implement this because I don’t save any records of any members for long term reference. I suppose this has to be on the honor system.

I’m open to suggestions if this seems way out in left field.

1. Yes/Agree

2. Yes/Agree

3. I think 1 month would make more sense, and this is coming from someone who submitted bloodwork ~3 months afterwards but still got a credit. If you are too lazy to submit bloodwork within 30 days, yet you (GL) can get someone their product(s) in under a week, then you don't deserve it.

4. I think 3-4 per year would make more sense, considering most average cycles/blast are around 12 weeks.

*5*. Credit must be claimed within 6 months and can't be "stacked" with other credits, that's my only other suggestion.
4. I would like to accept only 2 blood credits per member per year. I don’t know how to efficiently implement this because I don’t save any records of any members for long term reference. I suppose this has to be on the honor system.
I didnt even realize you would credit them multiple times.

I post blood work to show consistency, data collection on Test U, and had no idea people could get credit for more than one set of labs.

I guess 2 credits per year is a good limit.

I know people are gonna hate me, but I feel like one/year is enough.
I didnt even realize you would credit them multiple times.

I post blood work to show consistency, data collection on Test U, and had no idea people could get credit for more than one set of labs.

I guess 2 credits per year is a good limit.

I know people are gonna hate me, but I feel like one/year is enough.
Yeah I didn’t either lol. I posted mine up the other week and just assumed I used my one time GL credit offer.
Okay, this is what I want to do.

First, thank you to the members who are diligent not only in holding me accountable but for also holding members accountable. That is what makes this community great. @T&H @SkankHunt @Shivathedestroyer @fike @UncleBuns @musclesiege

Secondly, effective immediately these are the requirements for collecting bloodwork credit.

1. Bloods MUST be uncapped
2. The date must show on the report
3. I will not accept bloodwork that is more than two months old.
4. I would like to accept only 2 blood credits per member per year. I don’t know how to efficiently implement this because I don’t save any records of any members for long term reference. I suppose this has to be on the honor system.

I was also going to add there has to be a certain amount of time between bloods but it will vary based on length of cycle and ester choice as well. Basically, don’t try to claim 2 blood credits in 3 months time if you are on a cruise dose.

I’m open to suggestions if this seems way out in left field.
Hey @GoodLyfe with the risk of sounding like an absolute cheap ass, I posted bloods back in May but haven’t collected on the credit yet. If I placed an order this week would I be able to use credit? If not, it’s not big deal. Just figured I’d ask
1. Yes/Agree

2. Yes/Agree

3. I think 1 month would make more sense, and this is coming from someone who submitted bloodwork ~3 months afterwards but still got a credit. If you are too lazy to submit bloodwork within 30 days, yet you (GL) can get someone their product(s) in under a week, then you don't deserve it.

4. I think 3-4 per year would make more sense, considering most average cycles/blast are around 12 weeks.

*5*. Credit must be claimed within 6 months and can't be "stacked" with other credits, that's my only other suggestion.
The reason I went with 2 is this. With short ester (any cycle really) cycles the smart play is time on = time off. So 12 on, 12 off, start a new cycle and 3 weeks in get bloods. That’s 27 weeks. But you are right, some folks may get bloods the last week of their first blast so that would push the time between bloods closer together if they got bloods drawn earlier on their second blast. I will consider this.
Thank you for the suggestion.
I didnt even realize you would credit them multiple times.

I post blood work to show consistency, data collection on Test U, and had no idea people could get credit for more than one set of labs.

I guess 2 credits per year is a good limit.

I know people are gonna hate me, but I feel like one/year is enough.
You provided a lot of good info with your test U bloodwork brother. I am thankful you did that!