

New Member
Greetings!!!* (so much for proof reading)

Hello, all! I'm the same AssociateX from another forum. For the rest of you, I'm 54, 6'2", 202-205ish lb, about 15% fat just trying to keep in shape. Hypertrophy and strength is interesting to me, but my main focus is longevity, dexterity, being lean, and fast on my feet. I was 240+ two months ago but with the help of Tirzepatide 2.5 mg every 5 days, tesofensine 250 mcg ED, and 2 weeks of DNP at 500 mg split a day, I've been maintaining the same weight, and easily, for about the last 17 days now.

My interests have been all of the peptides, but I'm giving up on the GHRPs and GHRHs for HGH instead. I still use other peptides though, DSIP, MT2, SS-31/MOTS-c, TB500/BPC-157, and n-acetyl semax amidate for what they do.

I know that the vast majority of the people here lift for body building or power lifting and maybe a combination of the two. I respect that a great deal and find that the nutritional and supplement knowledge of the people on these forums to be WAY better than what anyone could get from most primary care physicians. This is particularly true when it comes to things outside of conventional medical use or what they can even prescribe. With that said, my workouts are mostly bar work (dips and pull ups), body weight, and dumbbells. I do not lift heavy mostly because I like being lighter near 200 lb and my joints don't take heavy weight well, along with my goals. My goals are to be well conditioned and in shape with any little bit of hypertrophy or strength being a bonus to that. I also want to get done to 10% body fat, but we will see.

Since dropping 40 lb I have some loose skin around my belly button. Bummer, but I can live with that considering how much better I look over all and how much better I feel. I wasn't working out for a couple of years because of patella tendinitis from a lot of jumping down from somewhere too high too many times. It hurt just to walk up steps. I got soft and complacent, but one day read about a TB500/BPC-157 blend for tendons and ligaments. I tried it at 250 mg twice a day and about a week or less I was walking without pain. I've been working out enthusiastically since, along with reading everything I can to achieve my goals.

Thanks for reading.