Greens TRT blood thread


New Member
Hey everyone, pretty new here started TRT in March. I'll post all my bloods past, present, and future here till everything gets in line s a bit of background I'm a 35 yo, I used to lift and be relatively active, I got a bit out of shape during COVID as did a lot of people. However, I noticed other things accelerating.

I started to get dry skin, particularly around the eyes. Anxiety started and got BAD so I went on meds. I got incredibly fatigued/lethargic, like napping 4-5 hours a day. One day it clicked and I decided to get a test via a clinic 217 test. Everything else was in range.

As a caveat because it will be relevant, I was and am fat, I topped at 308 in March and I'm currently coming in at 270ish depending on the day. You can tell there's some muscle if needed I can post pics.

As for protocol I was put on 160 mg a week, injecting twice weekly. Second blood was trough, as you can see everything improved, but my e2 skyrocketed (probably due to fat). My hematocrit increased, to 50, which is fine.

I changed my pinning schedule to everyday in an effort to possibly alleviate e2 issues. I just had blood drawn and I'm waiting on my test/e2 still which I'll post, but a new worry is my hemoglobin and hematocrit spiked. Admittedly I only had about 48 oz water prior to the blood draw. My actions in taking going forward are:

1. Minimum gallon of water a day.
2. Minimum 30-45 min steady state cardio a day.

I'm not really sure how to fix hematocrit outside of that. Admittedly I'm a bit concerned I thought that hematocrit would improve with weight loss.

Any advice or insight is appreciated.


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Bloods finally came back, quest took forever. As some background on 150 mg week pinning everyday (was hoping that would drop my estradiol, no such luck.

Based on these bloods I'll go back to pinning EOD, but I definitely need to get the estradiol down, I have aromasin on hands, but was curious as to a dosing protocol. Is 6.25 started EOD offset from pins acceptable, or since it's so high should I run 12.5?

You could use a higher aromasin dose for 1 to 2 weeks to get estradiol inside the ref range and then continue with 6,25 EOD with your pins. I think a week of 12,5mg EOD and then proceed with 6,25 EOD would be ok. Perhaps it will stay a little higher of the ref range but you will still be good. You can retest estradiol after 4-5 weeks and take it from there.
My endo is a TRT specialist and when my crit was in the 50s he never had a worry. I wouldnt worry about a 51.

I can tell you I got it down to 46 ish by MASSIVELY changing my water intake. I also take 2 scoops of a hydration powder daily.
My TRT is 200mg/wk.

I never donated blood, as from my research its just a “temp” fix, youll pretty much instantly go back to your crit level, it does nothing.

I only know adex dosing,
When I was fat, just recently at 260 pounds and still on the 200mg/wk trt, half a pil twice a week (on pin days, Monday and Thursday) would keep my e2 in check.

Actually, here are my most recent, fat boy bloods back from 6/24 if you wanna compare.
My test is only in the 500s because I do a long trough to get it down, I am only suppose to be on 140mg a week. IMG_9790.webpIMG_9791.webp
I forgot to add, that was blood work right after coming off a 200mg/wk test and 700mg/wk npp blast.
I dropped down one month before bloods, to just my trt.