Gyno appears after PCT on natural test boosters???


New Member
So a while back I did a PH cycle halo extreme 6 weeks then epi/tren 8 weeks with a DAA and Clomid and Post Cycle 3x pct for 4 weeks then I stayed on the D aspartic acid for bout a month before adding in 50mg of dhea and 2g of TS95/80 steroidal tribulus, I've done this literal exact cycle one other time before this and had no problems whatsoever. But this time when I figured my hormones would be back to optimal natural levels I RAPIDLY started developing gyno in my right nipple when tribulus and dhea were introduced. It grew pretty fast for the first week before I could get my hands on Letrozole 2.5mg ED so I've been taking that for the last almost 2 months and added in ralox 60mg ED 3 weeks ago its reduced SIGNIFICANTLY I'd say its 80% reversed and it was larger than a quarter. I'm going to taper down and start nolva for 2 months but I was wondering why the hell did dhea and tribulus give me gyno I've never had it before not even itchy nipples and then it comes full blown when i thought i did a successful pct. I really love to take dhea as I have high cortisol w/ ****ty symptoms and it lowers it a lot. Now I'm scared to take any natural test boosters or dhea again because every forum says once you've gotten gyno any natural test booster can make it flare up and come back again. and I REALLY REALLY don't want to do letrozole again. Nearly killed my relationship with gf and 100% limp dick mode lol. Also scared for libido to come back... what if it doesnt. Anyways sorry for writing this fat BLOCK but PLEASE HELP I REALLY APPRECIATE IT
At this point you dont require an AI. Forgo the Nolavdex and simply continue with 60mg or Ralox until ALL your gyno has disappeared, then run it for another week. And no need to taper anything.
At this point you dont require an AI. Forgo the Nolavdex and simply continue with 60mg or Ralox until ALL your gyno has disappeared, then run it for another week. And no need to taper anything.

You're positive? I'm scared once I go off Letro my gyno will flare back up. Also I should take ralox and Nolva together? and how long before libido comes back you think??
Do not take Ralox and Nolva together, just hoose one. And from what youve described this is nothing but a flare up, no big deal. Gyno in its infancy is no more serious than a cough. Too many men flip out over itchy nipples or a bit of puffiness. Simply use the proper compounds and everything will be perfectly fine. Having said that, it's more important to PREVENT gyno rather than treat it. So have bloods taken and use the results to prevent unusual increases in estrogen and youre laughing.
I RAPIDLY started developing gyno in my right nipple when tribulus and dhea were introduced. It grew pretty fast for the first week ???

2)) So a while back I did a PH cycle halo extreme 6 weeks then epi/tren 8 weeks with a DAA and Clomid and Post Cycle 3x pct for 4 weeks then I stayed on the D aspartic acid for bout a month before adding in 50mg of dhea and 2g of TS95/80 steroidal tribulus,
But this time when I figured my hormones would be back to optimal natural levels

2) I RAPIDLY started developing gyno in my right nipple when tribulus and dhea were introduced. It grew pretty fast for the first week before I could get my hands on Letrozole 2.5mg ED so I've been taking that for the last almost 2 months and added in ralox 60mg ED 3 weeks ago its reduced SIGNIFICANTLY I'd say its 80% reversed and it was

3) larger than a quarter.

4) I'm going to taper down and start nolva for 2 months but I was wondering why the hell did dhea and tribulus give me gyno

1) I "figure" labs were not performed to ensure HTPA recovery was achieved?

2) What other changes were noted exclusive of the "rt nipple"

3) Was this change a new development or something noticed bc of ultra-vigilance on your behalf

4) DHEA can be metabolized into E-2 but pre and intra and post cycle labs would be required to better define the WHY portion of your question

5) FIRST and FOREMOST you NEED LABS to know where things stand at this point
SECOND you NEED a baseline sonogram to define the extent of your GCM
THIRD a SERM should be started at least one week BEFORE your next cycle.
FOURTH dump all the unproven and probably worthless supplements such as Tribulus, Aspartic Acid, DHEA etc.
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True labs were not done before during or after but I was dumb and I figured it's just PH it can't mess with my hormones that much, but clearly I was wrong and payed the price.2. Other changes besides gyno in right nipple was extremely moody and irritable and low libido low energy bad sleep. 3. It started happening very fast and I noticed as soon as it did because I was always checking my nipples to make sure nothing was appearing. 4. I take dhea not for bodybuilding but because my cortisol is high because I live a stressful life with anxiety etc so would I never be able to take dhea without my gyno coming back unless I used a serm always or a weak ai. And it lowers my cortisol and helps me feel more energetic etc. I've never gotten blood work for my testosterone but I assume I am a low test man as Im not super hairy or anything and am a ectomorph where it's very hard to put on size and strength.
I suspect you have low testosterone
hence why you were taking test boosters

but I think you may have LOW ESTROGEN from low T
many people think low E can't cause gyno
but it does at low T means low DHT a potent natural anti estrogen

First get tested for total T and estradiol