Gyno Surgery Log


Hey guys, first real thread here but have been snooping for awhile, and have read every single post in all of your cycle logs. (trukker, odie, jb, brutus, etc.) You guys are fuckin nuts. I also figured given that most people don't venture to the mens health section of the forum that often, Id be better off posting this thread here. Mods feel free to move the thread if you wish.

Obviously being that gynecomastia is very present in "our world" so to speak, I figured i'd share my go round with it, and possibly help out some bros. So to begin with, I have always had gyno, my entire life. In this pic I was probably 4, check out my left tit, just my luck eh.


Life goes on and don't notice it, because hey, who the fuck knew what gyno was before they started lifting anyways. Then came high school sports, and soon enough I had the older guys shoving prohormones down my throat with the promises of, "dont worry bro, you'll be making natural gains right when you come off and no sides," I did get me a little more growth on my titties though. Still didn't bother me much though. Here's a couple high school pics for u guys, first one is me bulked up for football

and the next is when they told me my gyno would go away if i lost fat. clearly that was not true.

That brings us to a few years later, where lifting became serious, and I was not exactly liking my appearance, given that I had pecs and breasts at the same time. Went to general doc, then got a consult with a surgeon. This guy was the biggest fucking prick I've ever met. Bottom line, this guy told me I don't have gyno, even after a MAMOGRAM that I brought in to show him confirmed the condition, to which he said "I don't need to see the mamogram" WTF?? This dude (moderately overweight, probably 20% bf, doesn't even lift), told me:
1. I don't have gyno, just a little tissue
2. He has more breast tissue than I do
3. Insurance will LAUGH at me if I try to get it covered.

Don't think I've ever been this pissed off in my life. I told the guy to prove he had more tissue than me, since he was so sure, to which he smiled and said that is ridiculous. I got up, and told him to his face he's full of shit, and some other words followed, to which he quickly exited the room. Well, that didn't go so well.

Fast forward a few more weeks, got another consult with a different surgeon. This guy was the real fuckin deal. Asked me question after question, I showed him some pictures, then he asked for my comments as to the negative side affects. Remember I was trying to get this covered by insurance, so my words here were crucial, Remember if you are trying to get this covered, it can not be for COSMETIC enhancements at all, or else they will say tough luck.

I had done my research, and had my speech pretty wired. Started off by saying I couldnt sleep on my stomach because my nips rubbed up and the pain was too much. I then said it gave me severe back/posture problems, and justified it by saying I was always trying to hide it, because I got made fun of so much and it made me so depressed, so I walk with a hunch to get my shirt to cover it better, hence the back pain. Also threw in that I would get harassed at the beach or whenever i took my shirt off, to the point where i refuse to go anywhere that requires my shirt being off, because i get too depressed. KEY WORD IS "DEPRESSED" for those of you trying to get it covered by insurance. He then went onto say that he was going to send in the info to my insurance, and also wanted me to get bloodwork (hormone panel) just for confirmation that my health is in check, and that there are no underlying conditions for the gyno. Shook his hand, left his office, and that was that.

Few days later, get a call from the surgeon. Said that my surgery was approved with full coverage. Funny part was I didn't even get my bloods done yet, and he said insurance didn't need it to make their decision. Still got it done anyways though. Happiest day of my life. Scheduled the surgery for 3 weeks after that date, and began to mentally prepare. (3 weeks no gym, 6 weeks no chest):(

This brings us to YESTERDAY. Surgery day. Had to be there at 7, procedure done at 8:15 or so. Upon arrival I filled out some paperwork, got called back, slipped into my gown, spoke to a few nurses as well as my surgeon, then the anesthesiologist arrived. Put the IV in me, and it was nighty night.

Woke up in the original bed that I was carted in on, with a lot of pressure on my chest. Couldnt see it though because i had a wrap on. Spoke to them some more about the standard procedures of what I need to do and more paperwork and shit, then I was off.

Shit hit the fan when i got back to my house. As soon as the anesthesia wore off it was MAJOR pain. I'm no pussy, but this was the worst pain I've ever experienced, felt like there was 10,000 gallons of blood in my pecs. Also threw up a good amount of times. I figured that was normal, took the prescription vic I was given, and attempted to go to sleep. After an hour of no sleep because of excruciating pain, tried to sit up a bit and noticed a good amount of blood on the couch, from one of my pecs. Called the surgeon up, and he said come to my office immediately. Got there, somehow, and he checked it out. Told me i had hematomas (blood clots) on both breasts, and that it was crucial i go back in for another surgery immediately. At this point I snapped a little pic, just so i would have it for the future. Warning, its fucking gross.


Followed the doc back to the hospital, and had to go through the same shit. LUCKILY I still hadn't eaten, as I had to be fasted before the surgery. They opened me up, drained the breasts, patched me up, and that was that. Also I have two little bottles hanging from my sides connected via a tube to my breasts collecting the excess fluids that are still currently leaking out as i type this, but the majority is gone.

And that brings us to today. Experiencing minor pain, and can't move arms much or put more than a tiny bit of pressure on anything. Time will tell the healing process, but I'm pretty stoked at the moment. Will keep you all posted, and I am located in SoCal, so PM me if you'd like the name of the surgeon or further questions on the process or how I got it covered. Hope to get to know you all better, and hit the gym hard for me today guys!



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anyone know how to get the images to show up bigger? looks like you have to scroll down to the bottom and click on them to see them full size
anyone know how to get the images to show up bigger? looks like you have to scroll down to the bottom and click on them to see them full size
You click the one that says FULL IMAGE. You can also post more than on pic at a time on one post. Just gotta keep hittin UPLOAD PHOTTO. Im pretty sure you can post 5 pics per post....or at least 4 at a time. Just got to remeber to click All photos in Full Image lol. Below I left a screenshot for ya to see which one it is...Screenshot_2016-02-13-13-58-15.png
Hope all goes well with the healing. That firsr Doc was a dumbass. Makes me sick that some of these fuckers even get paid to diagnose people. They are the type of Docs that will send ya home to die cuz their not smart enough to realize what the real problem is, or their jus lazy ass fucks that wana get you in an out for the almighty $. Im going with the latter on this one!!!!smh.
Hope all goes well with the healing. That firsr Doc was a dumbass. Makes me sick that some of these fuckers even get paid to diagnose people. They are the type of Docs that will send ya home to die cuz theur not smart enough to relize waht the real problem is, or their jus lazy ass fucks that wana get you in an out for the almighty $. Im going with the latter on this one!!!!smh.

Thanks a ton bro. And yeah man, most frustrating shit of my life. Funny story, after that I looked that fucker up online, had TERRIBLE reviews. this chick said he moved her damn belly button too far to the side and wouldnt fix her up unless she paid more! unbelievable. i left him a nice little yelp review also ;)
Thank you for posting this. I'm always interested to hear people tell there story on this topic - could be me someday I don't know.
Good luck with the recovery mate. I had the surgery also. it's miserable forsure. u will be healed up in no time. Just make sure u take lots of time off, don't go back to doing physical stuff just because u think u can. don't want to get scar tissue like I did. I went to the best doc on the west coast for the surgery, risky stuff using docs that don't know what they're doing
I had the same issue. First doc I met was a complete ass. Second doctor I met tried his best to get it covered by insurance but they wouldn't cover it. I had to pay around 7k to get it done but I'm so glad I did. But my chest still looks weird to me. I still feel like it weird looking but everyone else doesn't seem to agree.
I had the same issue. First doc I met was a complete ass. Second doctor I met tried his best to get it covered by insurance but they wouldn't cover it. I had to pay around 7k to get it done but I'm so glad I did. But my chest still looks weird to me. I still feel like it weird looking but everyone else doesn't seem to agree.
Why do u think it looks weird? 7k is what I paid also. For 7k should give u top notch gyno surgery
Why do u think it looks weird? 7k is what I paid also. For 7k should give u top notch gyno surgery

It's a mental thing. I've went to other doctors to check the work after and they all said it looks good and wasn't anything more they could do. So it's mental. I've had it for so long I think it I'll just never be satisfied.
It's a mental thing. I've went to other doctors to check the work after and they all said it looks good and wasn't anything more they could do. So it's mental. I've had it for so long I think it I'll just never be satisfied.
Maybe. I've had mine puff up a little bit still. But it always goes away
2 months post OP. The guy fuckin nailed it, pretty stoked. Now to get the size back.

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Congrats man! How cool! I didn't happen to catch, how much did the whole process run you?